I trust you all are well. Who are you all. I think I only have one or two readers. But that is OK. One day, I may have more readers and that will be OK as well. I am blessed to have any readers. I want you to know I am praying for you as you journey through this life.
Wisdom - What a goal to seek after. I was challenged this weekend to embrace
DISCIPLINE. NO, not the type that requires whips and chains. But Discipline, as in correction and as in restriction. To live within the bounds of self discipline, and external correction. When you hear the word Discipline, what do you think of first?? I am not very disciplined when it comes to eating and exercising. To know me is to understand this truth. I do long to embrace self-discipline in this area, but I have not at this point done so. But I do have a goal of 270 lbs, by the end of the summer. That is a big goal, but one that should be attainable. Day by day, moment by moment my decisions will add or subtract weight from my body.
Here is a story about corrective type discipline. I was asked by my boss at Busch's to sell stamps as part of my job. So I added the "would you like stamps with your order today?" to my series of questions. Here is my line when you enter my check out lane - "Greetings, were you able to find everything you were looking for today?, Would You like paper or plastic as a bag today?, Would you like a book of stamps with your order today?, Will that be credit or debit?, would you like cash back today? Thank you, your change is $$$$$, have a wonderful day." It is like verbal tennis. I kinda like it, but it does get long and tiring, especially when 40 people say no to ever 1 person who says yes to the stamp thing. Also, we make exactly $0.00 when we sell a book of stamps. Then my boss man decided to implement a contest to see who could sell the most stamps. Wow, now game on right, nah, I just got a worst attitude. Shame on me. A few of the ladies I worked with were selling stamps like crazy, I am talking like 60 - 70 books a day, and then there was me all of like 7 or 8 books a day. One of my managers came by and in her way informed me that I was lacking in stamps sales, and did my attitude improve, no. I told her I would continue to do like I always do, MY BEST. But my attitude was now in the dumps. I did not want to be anybodies stamp HOE. Well, I am getting to it. My boss mans wife came through my friends line one day, and he asked her if she wanted any stamps. When she said no, I told her that I thought we sold stamps to everyone in Novi at that point, with the internal attitude that this was a stupid thing to continue to ask folks. OK, OK now we are at a new day. I am working away, asking folks if they want stamps, and being continually rejected. Then one lady came up and was tired of hearing us ask her if she needed stamps. So I told her that I agreed with her, and that I did not see the sense in it. So I asked her to write a comment card and place it in the comment box. I then decided to write her thought on a note card and give it to my manager. She took my note to the Boss man. So like 5 mins later, my manager comes to let me know that the boss man wants to see me in his office. I thought to myself, here we go- lots of fun for me now. When I got into his office, he had the note on his desk, and he asked me why I thought it was ridiculous to ask people if they wanted stamps. I asked him why he assumed that those were my thoughts. Then he shard with me what his wife told him about our brief conversation. So I told that I did have a bad attitude about asking and asking over and over again. My boss man explained to me why he wanted us to sell stamps. It was a learning experience. I may not know the reason why someone wants me to do a certain thing, but I should be willing to do my best regardless of knowing the why behind the request. So, Would you like stamps with your order today??
I will write more again soon. What are you doing with discipline? Peace