Friday, May 30, 2008

Today . . . Dad has Open Heart Surgery . . .

It is amazing how fast life can be put into a new perspective. We are all very busy people, with possibly to many things too accomplish in one day. I was at work yesterday tending to all the things that are usually on my to do list. My Dad had a procedure that day with his heart doctor, and we prayed and thought it was going to be routine. At about 10:45 am my mom called to inform me that Dad was going to be admitted for a triple bypass. My mom sounded kinda shaky, so I told her I would come to the hospital and be with her and dad. I made arrangements at work, and left for the hospital. Perspective. My day was spun upside down, now mind you I guess my Dad's world was the one that has been impacted the most. However, all the things I thought I was going to accomplish, suddenly became less important. I sat with my dad and mom for several hours, meet some of Dad's surgery team. I am thankful I was able to be there with them yesterday. My dad has peace about this operation, though he did not want to do it. The doctor said this is the only way to get blood to his heart. The suddenness of this thing is most amazing. My dad did not have a heart attack, which is a blessing.

I ask that you keep my family in your prayers today, and in the coming days. I ask that you pray for the doctors, and my dad as he is the one that will go through the operation. Thank you for lending an ear. Know that I am thinking about you all. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

"Would you like stamps with your order?"


I trust you all are well. Who are you all. I think I only have one or two readers. But that is OK. One day, I may have more readers and that will be OK as well. I am blessed to have any readers. I want you to know I am praying for you as you journey through this life.

Wisdom - What a goal to seek after. I was challenged this weekend to embrace DISCIPLINE. NO, not the type that requires whips and chains. But Discipline, as in correction and as in restriction. To live within the bounds of self discipline, and external correction. When you hear the word Discipline, what do you think of first?? I am not very disciplined when it comes to eating and exercising. To know me is to understand this truth. I do long to embrace self-discipline in this area, but I have not at this point done so. But I do have a goal of 270 lbs, by the end of the summer. That is a big goal, but one that should be attainable. Day by day, moment by moment my decisions will add or subtract weight from my body.

Here is a story about corrective type discipline. I was asked by my boss at Busch's to sell stamps as part of my job. So I added the "would you like stamps with your order today?" to my series of questions. Here is my line when you enter my check out lane - "Greetings, were you able to find everything you were looking for today?, Would You like paper or plastic as a bag today?, Would you like a book of stamps with your order today?, Will that be credit or debit?, would you like cash back today? Thank you, your change is $$$$$, have a wonderful day." It is like verbal tennis. I kinda like it, but it does get long and tiring, especially when 40 people say no to ever 1 person who says yes to the stamp thing. Also, we make exactly $0.00 when we sell a book of stamps. Then my boss man decided to implement a contest to see who could sell the most stamps. Wow, now game on right, nah, I just got a worst attitude. Shame on me. A few of the ladies I worked with were selling stamps like crazy, I am talking like 60 - 70 books a day, and then there was me all of like 7 or 8 books a day. One of my managers came by and in her way informed me that I was lacking in stamps sales, and did my attitude improve, no. I told her I would continue to do like I always do, MY BEST. But my attitude was now in the dumps. I did not want to be anybodies stamp HOE. Well, I am getting to it. My boss mans wife came through my friends line one day, and he asked her if she wanted any stamps. When she said no, I told her that I thought we sold stamps to everyone in Novi at that point, with the internal attitude that this was a stupid thing to continue to ask folks. OK, OK now we are at a new day. I am working away, asking folks if they want stamps, and being continually rejected. Then one lady came up and was tired of hearing us ask her if she needed stamps. So I told her that I agreed with her, and that I did not see the sense in it. So I asked her to write a comment card and place it in the comment box. I then decided to write her thought on a note card and give it to my manager. She took my note to the Boss man. So like 5 mins later, my manager comes to let me know that the boss man wants to see me in his office. I thought to myself, here we go- lots of fun for me now. When I got into his office, he had the note on his desk, and he asked me why I thought it was ridiculous to ask people if they wanted stamps. I asked him why he assumed that those were my thoughts. Then he shard with me what his wife told him about our brief conversation. So I told that I did have a bad attitude about asking and asking over and over again. My boss man explained to me why he wanted us to sell stamps. It was a learning experience. I may not know the reason why someone wants me to do a certain thing, but I should be willing to do my best regardless of knowing the why behind the request. So, Would you like stamps with your order today??

I will write more again soon. What are you doing with discipline? Peace

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

I am not perfect???

Can you believe, I am not perfect. I know it seems odd. I received my first write up yesterday at Busch's. I know I am not perfect, but I would like to think I am. I will say this, I try my best at all I do. So this is the deal. I was over in my till by $10.82. Busch's allows a shortage or overage of $10.00, any thing above is a written reprimand. I can not remember when I may have shorted a customer by over ten bucks. Well, we are all learning. Have a wonderful day of self education today. Peace

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Cut my lawn for the first time this year . . .

Wow, can you believe I finally had a day off when it did not rain. I am so thankful that I was able to cut my lawn yesterday. It looks so nice. The grass was 10 inches tall in some spots. I love my lawn when it is cut fresh. I also love seeing the immediate result of my work . To relax after working so hard is refreshing. What work do you do that bring you a sense of accomplishment and joy? Do you consider this work fun, or just hard and dull? Cutting the grass for me is hard, but not dull, and I do enjoy the alone time. Believe it or not, cutting my grass is a great time for me to think and meditate, while I am being productive. I know, it may be odd, but it works for me.

Well, I have taken the challenge that my pastor has thrown out to our church. Read the book of Proverbs during our study called - "Life for Dummies - How to live SMARTER not HARDER."
The book of Proverbs is a great book in that is provides principles for life. I am in need of Wisdom on many fronts in my life. Right now the area I seek wisdom for is being a better parent. I have the task of leading my kids towards maturity. That is an awesome responsibility. I love my three kids with all my heart, and I hope to give them the tools necessary to live a prudent life in this crazy world. Wisdom is among one of the greatest gifts I could possible pass on to my children. Where are you on this wisdom thing?? I am a simple man trusting and follow God. Again, my premise for life is that The bible is God's revealed word to man, and can be trusted. I know that this may not be your position, and I respect you for that, but I challenge you to read Proverbs with me. Who in this world does not need wise counsel and principles for good judgement? I need all the encouragement that I can receive. It is good to be here today. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Thursday, May 15, 2008

I am here . . .

Today . . . I am amazed where God has me in life. I love students, especially High School students. They are so filled with energy and passion. Often times this energy and passion are not properly channeled. No, that is not so, they are passionate to the point of action. Wow, I need their passion. They are opening the door of an independent life, and their decisions are weighty. How do we learn. I will have to quote my friend froomla "Failing is most of how I learn things." Sometimes we all learn the Hardway . I also learn the most from the struggles I have had in life. We can also learn from the mistakes of others. We can gain wisdom from those around us.

So what has caused this thoughts in my life. Today, I have been able to connect with two students, that I love a lot, that are struggling in life. I am praying for them. I just want to hug them up and make it all better in their life, but that is not possible. I do want them to know that the battle is worth it, and that life will not always be so difficult. This transition is necessary for all people. Some people go through this transition with little problem. Others go through this transition as if it was a full ten round fight. I am reminded of the butterfly. I am under the impression that it is important for the butterfly to struggle out of it cocoon in order to strengthen their wings so they will be able to fly.

What are the greatest influences on our lives during this transition? What do you think? What makes being a kid moving through life to adulthood so difficult? I am thinking about you today. Peace

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

In a quest for Wisdom . . .

In the book of Proverbs we are told that wisdom is like a woman.

Proverbs 1:20 - 22

Wisdom calls aloud in the street, she raises her voice in the public squares; at the head of the noisy streets she cries out, in the gateways of the city she makes her speech: "How long will you simple ones love your simple ways? How long will mockers delight in mockery and fools hate knowledge?

It is amazing to know that wisdom is only a request or an answer away.

James 1:5

If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.

This is also wonderful. To ask God for wisdom, and seek His counsel for understanding is tremendous. Have you ever lacked the ability to make a clear choice between two things. Ask god for Wisdom. Seek wisdom as a person, as someone to know. I know it seems weird, but Proverbs tells us to Seek Wisdom with all we have. Here you go . . .

Wisdom is supreme; therefore get wisdom. Though it cost all you have, get understanding.

I want to know more about this book of Proverbs, this book of wisdom. I am seeking wisdom today. I encourage you to see Wisdom as well. I am just a simple man looking for understanding. My simple definition of wisdom is the ability to discern between what is right and wrong, or between what is good or bad, or better yet what is best. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Thursday, May 8, 2008

To have influence and to be influenced . . .

Each and every day I have the opportunity to contact people. I love people, and I look forward to the people I will meet in each day. I am moved by the power we have on one another. It is amazing. I am thankful to be a part of the Educational Community. I love learning in the context of community. I learn best as I engage others out loud though banter. This blog is an opportunity for me to learn, or continue learning. I am so grateful for the place I am at this time. I have never been in a better place that I can recall in my entire life. I love to read what people are thinking, and I love to think as I write myself. To pour out my thoughts. It is a blessing. This thing may not be making much sense. I am all over the place, and my thoughts are running wide open. This is the deal. I am no Island. I am a man that needs others to be complete. I would like to think that I have the ability to influence others that I come in contact with. At least that is my hope. I hope to cause others to think more deeply. I know that I think deeper because of your influence on my life. Thank you for speaking truth into my life. I appreciate the movement of thought and encouragement. This by far has to be the craziest blog I have written to this point. Sorry for the scateredness of this one. Have a great day. Peace

Sunday, May 4, 2008

2008 Michigan International Women's Show

So, Yes, I attended the 2008 Michigan International Women's Show on Saturday. I was suppose to be a work, but I was not allowed to work that day, because of an eye illness. So, I went to see my kids preform parts of their play - Kokonut Kapers with the Novi Community Theaters. We also walked around the entire venue. It was a blast. The coolest person I meet was from a place called . Check it out. I like kind words, even though I am at times guilty of using not so kind words.

I want to get back to deeper blogs, but until then this blog will do. I hope you are all well. I am still working at Busch's. I love the High School. I am ready for summer. We are going to have folks with us this summer, so it will prove to be busy and interesting. Have a wonderful day. Peace