Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life is Strange sometimes . . .

Is it me, or is it odd how our lives weave a pattern through this world? We move and change as the days come and go. Is there such thing as a Constant in life?? Friend and acquaintances come and go as we enter or leave seasons of our lives. Wow, I sound kinda philosophical. I am 42 years old, or young and I have engaged life on several fronts, maybe not all pleasant, but all good to their respective degrees. I began this world as a child, that did not ask to be brought into this world. My little pond landed me in Detroit in 1966. My parents loved me and worked through life together to make our home awesome. I went to school made friends had fun worked hard and all the stuff that goes along with that. I dated and enjoyed the company of the opposite sex. I attended two colleges. I met my wife. I worked several "JOBS". I have enjoyed the joy and the pressure of having Children (3). I have been a pastor with the desire to point people away from "Bad Religion" and to a wonderful loving "Sweet Jesus". I have struggled as a hypocrite - desiring to be a better person than I know I actually am. I am a love of people exactly where they are hoping to encourage them to explore life and hope as they move on this continuum. I do not see life as a single trip that has a definite beginning and a definite ending. I see life as a continuation into something different. Something beyond death. I see life from a Bibliocentric viewpoint. I see God as a lover of His Creation and the payer of the ultimate price to redeem or buy back His love - Man - lost in the garden. I can not explain it all, nor will I ever in this realm be able to explain it all. I have placed my Faith in what Jesus has done that I could not do for myself. I long to live the way that Jesus lived in my life. Wow, writing . . . I long to be out of debt. I thought slavery was abolished long ago in America. I have made myself slave to others. I do not like this place where I am at in regard to finances. I have been set free by Jesus to love and enjoy life, but often I find myself entangled into the passions of this world. I long for the rest that Jesus talks about in the Gospels. I am looking forward to our fall study at Orchard Grove called REST. I need it. I do not know when this thing called life will end for me, but I do know that I want to finish well. I love my wife, my family, my kids, my friends, I am blessed beyond belief. Thank you. Peace

Friday, September 12, 2008

Anomaly . . .

Anomaly - I life an anomaly? Is our existence just a series of odd circumstances? Or is it merely our attempt to understand our existence that brings about the Anomalies. I am going to read a book called 13 Things That Don't Make Sense: The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our Time . I saw it at the book store a few weeks ago. This is where I plunged into this idea of an anomaly. Well. I miss blogging, I miss you. Peace

Friday, September 5, 2008

Just thoughts . . .

Today marks the end of the first week of school. I must say, I have enjoyed being back to school, but I am tired today. I need to get to bed sooner. I need more sleep. It has been fun riding with my daughter to work / school each morning. I am so thankful for my job.

I am beginning to get involved in my church Orchard Grove. I am a greeter at one of the doors of our church at this time. I am meeting with one of the folks that lead our pastoral care ministry in order to work with them. I am excited about this as well. I have to go to work now. I will chat with you all soon. Peace