Conformity - is that the goal? Do we all come out the same if we go through the same system? You know, "all men are created equal" or something like that. But does that mean we are all the same. How about individuals. We are each unique and wonderful and add a flair of color to our world that no other person adds. Someone said to me the other day that they were a rule follower, and that I was opposite of them. I love this person, she is a blessing and a joy to be around. However, her comment about us being different and her being a rule follower got me to thinking. I am talking like 2 hour of my day. If you are not a rule keeper, does that make you a rule breaker? I do not like to think of myself as a rule breaker. I do not know, it just does not fit into how I see myself. Inside I want to fit in and go with the flow, however I am kinda a rule bender if you will. Is it possible to be a rule bender, without breaking the rule? I do not know. OK, you know when you go to the mall, and you use the escalators - the rule is no strollers on escalators, well, I would just hold the stroller onto the escalator and go up. My wife would want to go and find the elevator, but I would say, hey are the escalator police around, then lets go . . . I know lame example, but it is what I could think of. How do you see yourself? are you a rule keeper? are you a rule breaker? or do you find yourself with me kinda a rule bender? Peace