Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog number 200 . . .

What does it mean to be true? To be true to yourself and those around you? When I sit and ponder, I begin to realise just how self centered I am as a person. I want to be others minded, but even in my other mindedness, I am always protecting my fragile self. What would it be like to live life in reckless abandon for others absent of self indulgence? Is this type of thing even remotely possible? As a human will I always struggle with this feeling of internal division? It seems as though I am all about me . . . though I know this is not always the truth, but even in that statement - I know it is really true. I do what I like to do, when I like to do it and if I do not want to do something then I do not do it. OK, there are times I may not want to do work, but I do go on and do the work that needs done, but even then, I have made a decision to do what needs done. So in some odd way, I control my world even in my work.

What does it mean to be exceptional? "Top Drawer" as one wise fellow put it? What happens if you are not above average? What is average? I consider myself to be an average, ordinary man. I do not stand out in a crowd, unless I want to stand out. However, I am not outstanding in the eyes of men or the world. I am just a regular Joe living my life day to day. Paying bills and taxes. Raising kids to the best of my ability and keeping one said dog alive . . . Mind you now, I am the only me there ever will be - so I am exceptional. I am original . . . the true authentic Tim. I love to learn, and grow and become, though many time it seems I remain the same all the time. Maybe it is that I desire to change, learn and grow, then never get up off my butt and embrace the things I have thought about. Can I be the best me and be average? Is that OK? Will I accomplish the things I need to as a man if I continue to be me? Like this, I want to be a good dad. I mean a dad that my kids can love and follow. However, there are some things I have taught my kids by my actions that I wish they would not have learned, but they have. This is a hard thing for this dad to see in my kids. The bad things they have learned from me. Here is a song I like it is called, Watching You by Rodney Atkins. I know my kids have picked up some of the good things that I do like about me as well. It seems all I can see is my faults in living color right in front of me. Wow, where did all that come from?

Onto bigger things. I want to be the Biggest Loser. I really do. I must change my behavior and embrace a new paradigm in order to get out of this box. What more needs to be said? It is all me. I love you all. Thank you for reading my blog along the way. Peace

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Originally uploaded by Picture post.

Greetings my Friends,
Today I received premission to use this photo as my new background. I have enjoyed the one that it is replacing. I must say that I do enjoy Flickr. Check out Picture Post. on flickr when you get a chance. Thank you P. P. for premission . . . Have a wonderful day. Peace

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Originally uploaded by Maria Hammon

however it is really only Wednesday, but I loved the quote with this photo . . .

"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Bible has much to say about the loss of life that anger brings, and I must confess to you that I have so much to learn in this area of anger . . . or frustration management . . . The Bible says in James to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry . . . It also says in Proverbs that a soft answer turns away wrath . . . I am learning and still have a long way to go . . . Enjoy the photo and the thoughts . . . Peace

Sunday, October 4, 2009

from flickr . . .

Originally uploaded by YULIA♥ M

I like this quote and photo . . . “The things which the child loves remain in the domain of the heart until old age. The most beautiful thing in life is that our souls remaining over the places where we once enjoyed ourselves”

Kahlil Gibran

I will always remain a child at heart and in life . . .

A new camera . . .

Greetings, I have been sad for several days, my old camera Olympus SP-350 died while on vacation with my family this summer. The actual date of death was August 31, 2009. I love taking photos. Here is the final two photos that I captured with my old friend . . .

Ben and I were hanging out at a McDonalds on I-40 outside of Memphis, TN, waiting for Diana, Josh and Nikki to pick us up for the start of our summer vacation . . . We had just had a fun week on the Tennessee River 600 with my dad and brother . . . We were both tired . . . but it was hear that my camera decided it was done working for me . . .

I began to use Nikki's sony camera for the balance of the vacation. Well, on October 1, 2009 I was able to buy a 12 mp olympus point and shoot camera from Office Max. I am still learning how to use this little camera, but I am thankful to be able to take photos again. Let me share with you a photo from this new camera . . .
What a blessing to again have a life capture device . . . I will enjoy using my new camera . . . I hope it lasts a little while . . . Well, that is all I have to say today. Peace