Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Get Your SKIP ON . . .

Greetings my friends . . . I cam upon this great site about Skipping . . . why did we ever stop being a child in our wonderment of life . . . Who robbed us or what robbed us of this joy?  So I encourage you to stop by the I Skip website and let me know what you think . . .

All Smiles . . .

Seniors last day at Novi High School is tomorrow . . . and on senior skip day last week I ordered a super large pizza for Benito's for us . . . This is a happy friend enjoying a slice . . . Being a paraprofessional brings many students into my life, or me into their lives what ever way you want to view it . . . I always find these last few days difficult . . . I know and understand fully the process that each of us goes through in this journey called life in school, especially High School.  High School this past 13 years has been a very transit place . . . it is wonderful to watch kids grow up, learn and then move on . . . but at the same time . . . I will miss these students.  So as a note to all the seniors I have known . . . I say . . . bye, enjoy and keep in touch . . . peace

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Originally uploaded by Azchael

This is how I feel today . . . my heart is heavy to its soul. Yes it does happen . . . life has a way of moving in at times and pressing. This thing is huge and beyond me . . . I work hard to try to make it better . . . but it is still the same . . . Grief over lost desire and hope flood my mind like my creek was full beyond its banks just yesterday after the hard rain . . . I want to move toward happiness and fulness again . . . I am blessed . . . I know that I am, and I am thankful . . . this is the odd part. I am stuck if you will, or lost, or at a loss . . . I just do not know what I am exactly . . . well there you have it . . . Blueness in my soul . . . God is still good and my trust is in Him - and yes, my heart is gray . . . Peace

Monday, May 23, 2011

Something new . . .

So, I started this project after reading another friend on Flickr infomation. I have sent out five postcards so far and I am waiting to see when they receive them. I am excited. If you are intersted look Here

Postcards Exchange

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Originally uploaded by baaasti

what an amazing photo found on flickr . . . and yes, it is sad to loose your helium balloon . . .

Saturday, May 14, 2011

rainbow balloons

rainbow balloons crooked house blog
Originally uploaded by The Estate of Things

I love ballooons, I love color, this photo is awesome . . .

Friday, May 6, 2011

Something New . . .

I am so thankful for Bethretro .  She joined Postcrossing and said she loved it . . . I also love to write and receive written word from folks . . . The idea behind this site is to link folks together via mail . . . it is kinda like a one time pen pal thing . . . I am going to write my first post card to a lady in Lithuania . . . this should prove to be fun and interesting . . . once I send my first card, then my name is given to someone to send me a card . . . I am so excited about this new opportunity to be encouraged.  Well, I will post some stuff here about this new experience.  Peace