Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I have Arrived . . .

Can you believe it, I am blogging at the library. It is nuts. I can not believe how much I have enjoyed blogging. Thank you my fourth block friend. Well, today was the 317th day of the year. I know, "So What". Well let me fill you in. I am a hopeless romantic. I mean really, a big guy like me loving - love, what is up with that picture. Well, when I was dating my wife we developed a code number that stood for "I love You". Her favorite number is 3, go figure that is how many kids we have. My favorite number is 17. I put those two numbers together, as the gentleman that I am, Ladies first, placing her 3 before my17 making up "317". On every card, letter and other mail I would include "317". I meet my wife in College in the fall of 1986. We dated that school year. I asked her dad for her hand in marriage in the Summer of 1987. Her dad got sick and passed away that fall. She stayed home to be with her dad in his final days. I was at college in Virginia, and she was in Florida. We were engaged to be married in July 1988. It was a long year to say the least. I love to hug and kiss, and that is kinda hard even with AT&T. Well, on with the story. Last year I figured out that once a year, my planner showed the day that the 317th day of the year would be for that year. Well, I decided that this day would be our love holiday. It is nice to have your own holiday. This year I decided to fill her office at the middle school with 50 or more 16" balloons that were colored with smiley faces, and clear with X's, O's and hearts. I also sent out an all middle school email pledging my love for my wife, and requested that all the teacher wish her a great 317th day of the year. Well, I am still learning. My wife was not as excited as I would have been. She does not like to be put up in front of folks and all that sort of stuff. For those of you who know me, I have not meet a stranger, and if it is fun, I do not mind being the center of attention. Even in Graphic Arts class. Ha ha. I think the teacher needs a hug, but he may not think that. Well, enough on that subject. So, I was talking to a friend about my sad heart at my failed attempt to love my wife out loud. They were telling me to keep in mind that I may have liked that sort of thing, but I needed to learn what my wife would like to receive as a gift. I can see her point. I must learn, I am on a quest to know how to gift for my wife so she will enjoy the gift. I know that sounds odd. I thought so as well, but it makes sense. I do love my wife, we have been together for over 20 years and married over 19. I still have so much to learn. I know, this is getting long and boring. I will go. This ends my first blog from the Library.


Anonymous said...

I think that is great, and take it from an often frustrated wife, she will always remember it.

Samantha said...

Mr. Graphic Arts Tech teacher totally needs a hug, but he doesn't think so.