Friday, December 5, 2008

Some musings on Ed Young and a sex challenge . . .

Pow, there you go, I am charged up without full information. What a wonderful way to respond. I did not and have not heard Ed Young and his wife talk about their sex challenge to the married couples in their chruch called Fellowship Church in Texas - their main campus is called the Grapevine. . . He did a sermon series called Leaving Lust Vegas . I guess in this series he challenges his married couples to have sex for seven days straight. Wow, what a novel Idea that married couple would have sex. Sorry to my non married friends. It is such a novel Idea that the chuch may actually have an opinion on issues that real men and women in the world face every day. Who ever thought that a lack of sex in marriage was something to be sought or something to be "more spiritual"?? I know this may be the oddest post to date. But it has lit a fire in my soul as well, to see the church baulk at such a notion that it has an opinion on something that God created Good, and it is best served up in the context of Marriage. The church has a powerful voice on sex outside of marriage, "DO NOT DO IT > > >" Is that the only thing the bible has to say about sex. Don't do it, or you will . . . you fill in the blank. Why as the body of Christ do we not speak to both sides of the issue? on this and many other issues? Sorry. I have to hear what this guy said. I read a great book called Sex God by Rob Bell, and he hits many of the issues square on the head.
I guess I better listen to Ed Young and see what he has to say since I have now spoken. I am a FAT man, and no I am not talking about my weight, though I am larger than I long to be . . . but I like eating. I FEEL, then ACT, and then THINK many times, this may not be the best way, but it the way I am built. It is the way I operate. It is the way I learn grow and move through this world. Everyone operates some way, they are AFT, or TFA, or FTA, or ATF and other are just F, or A, or T or some other combination. I at least know who I am and I am secure in that fact. Thank you for taking the time to read this post today . . .


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