Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Is anyone out there ? ? ?

You know, I enjoy this blog thing for the sake of the blog. I know I ramble and at times may never actually get to a point. But is there anyone out there reading my crazy ramblings?

Today, I am thankful for the workout I was able to put in last night. Plant Fitness is my gym, and it was busy last night. My entire body hurts today, but in a good way, and in about 2 hours I will be enjoying a massage and a crack up from my chiropractor. I am blessed and I am thankful. I have a touch of a headache, it may be that blood is actually getting to places in my brain it has not been in a long time. I know this information will be hard to understand, but here is the quick story . . .

I left High School in 1984 weighing 145 lbs. That was a while ago. I went to college and gained some weight and muscle and weighed 165 lbs. When I got married in 1988 I think I weighed somewhere around 175 lbs. or 180 lbs. For what ever reason, I began to gain weight over the next 21 years and topped off at 332.7 lbs. the last day of 2009. I was kicked out of my Wii Fitness Gym for being over weight. I do not know why I did not wake up until today. I did try to lose weight along the way, one time getting as low as 245 lbs. What a wonderful feeling. Now almost 100 lbs beyond my last low weight, I am ready to change me, and the way I live, think, and eat. I have been going to the Gym ever other day and working out. I now have to begin to focus on the amount and kinds of food I take in as well. I have a 2 year goal to be near 200 lbs. I am going to take this trip slow, and allow my body to work together with my mind and heart to move from Obese back to normal. It has been so long since I have been a healthy weight, I wonder what it will be like. I am keeping my eye on the big prize as well as chunking the task into little bite size bits. Here you go . . . one little goal was to be let back into the Wii Fit Gym, I was able to do a body test the other day. I was right at the limit of 330, but it let me play. I have the goal of fitting back into my wedding band. I have not attempted it yet, but I look forward to that being a soon to be reality story. Then it is back on with my college ring. I decided in stead of me resizing my rings, I would try to re-size me. I thought that would be a better option. Also, my daughter Nikki wrote me a note asking me to lose weight, she was afraid that I would not live to be able to walk her down the Isle, that may still be an issue. I have been battling this issue for the past 20 years. I also want to be 270 lbs by this May. I have some wedding to do this summer, and I would like have a better package to present. The task is a huge one, but I need to step up to the plate while I can still step up. My over all goal is to lose 115 lbs. I believe this will take me 2 years. I have much work in my future, but discipline will not be pleasant while I am going through it, but the benefits will out way the investment. I believe this, and will begin to act and behave upon my beliefs. Thank you for your time. Have a great day. Peace


Miss Ginger said...

I commend you for facing reality and doing what it takes to make yourself healthy for your children and your wife. It can be difficult to put yourself first, but that is what you need to do in order to be there for those who love you. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

chaging yourself is wonderful and looks good. keep your effors and I'm 2nd.

Tree said...

thanks for the encouragement . . . I have been moving for the past month, and it has been a blessing
already lost 12 lbs and gained more living in life . . .