Wednesday, December 19, 2012

It is all Froomla's fault . . .

I am currently in a French class with one of my students. I have the joy to sit next to Froomla's brother during this class. Froomla is a friend and a teacher in my life. The fact that you are now reading this blog is because Froomla taught me. The blogging lead to a Flickr account, because one of my loves is photography. I met a wonderful friend on Flickr known as Bethretro. My friend Bethretro introduced me to a postcard exchange group known as Postcrossing. Now I have two awesome pen pals. One in The Neatherlands and the other in China. Yes, my world has opened up because a young ninth grade student taught me something new. I am blessed. I am thankful. Peace!

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Originally uploaded by twistyshrimp

well, what can I say . . . balloons are way cool and I really liked this photo so I thought I would share it here. enjoy

Today my life changed . . .

Well it has happened. Today my son Josh is out driving on his own for the first time. I am proud of him and thankful that he has earned the right to drive by meeting the requirements for the state of Michigan. Today is a big day for him and for me his father. Soon my son will finish school and move on to college and on with life. It will all happen faster than I care to acknowledge. But it will happen and it will be good. My kids have grown up faster than I ever imagined they would. I am a thankful dad and man. Peace

Monday, October 29, 2012

Living with assumed thankfulness . . .

Learning in life is a wonderful joy. I am blessed by being in the world - Parent - and now being taught about teenagers. When my kids were first born I did everything for them. I worked and lived to care for every need they had. I even cleaned their nasty dirty diapers. I did all these things never once needing the "thank you". However, now, I desire appreciation. I want an acknowledgement of thanks. When I do not feel as if I am appreciated for going out of my way to make my teenagers lives better, I feel angry. I am frustrated by this disrespect. Wait one moment here, when I was feeding, caring and cleaning this child, I assumed they were thankful and that was good enough. Now, today, I desire a word to express thanks or I see this absence as disrespect. Today, I need to embrace assumed thankfulness on the part of my teenage children at time and allow them to continue to grow. I do believe my kids are thankful. It is time for me to get over some stupid stuff that I struggle with and let my kids continue to grow. I am a blessed and thankful parent. I must allow KINDNESS rule! Peace!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Days like this . . .

I woke up tired today. I decided to get on the scale. I look at the sky and it is wet and dark looking. I feel the emotional clouds push in and I feel inside my soul a weather change. Today has been one of those days.

Today I begin . . .

Swing by for a visit. I begin a new 365 project. I am using the statement "things in my world" as the springboard for this project. I may ask to take your photo if you are in my world in the coming year. Have an amazing day.

Things in my world.

I am interested in making another 365 photo project to chronicle things one may find in my world. Here is a little photo from my world. Peace

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Prompt for today!

Why would you continue to pursue something even though it may be unattainable?

I continue to chase hard after my dream though the reality of attainment seems to always be out of grasp. My dream began when I was young. I set my sights on a fixed point somewhere in my future. My dream had a point in time beginning that moved on into fulfillment. I made it to the point in time. However, I have still not been able to grasp and take hold of that which I so desperately desire. My unfailing commitment has left me a sad and lonely man at times along this journey called life. The dream however is still as strong inside me as the day I first dreamed the dream!

Friday, October 19, 2012

English Constructed Response . . .

Choosing either the Nurse OR Friar Lawrence, explain his or her role and whether or not the character is acting responsibly in helping Romeo and Juliet make their relationship work.

On a simple morning, the Nurse, in her complete lack of responsibility, set into motion the dominos that would spell the demise for these two young lovers. The nurse alone at the beginning of this twisted story could have spoken wisdom to her young weaned suckling, Juliet. However, caught in the game of love, she acted out foolishly like a young girl, herself no longer. Placed closer to Juliet than any other human, she could have yelled warning, but continued down this simpletons path. Entertaining Juliet's fascination with this Romeo only fanned the flames to make her passion burn hotter. To make matters worse, the nurse in both Acts II and III becomes the messenger between them both. At a time when her primary job was to shelter and protect, the Nurse, for some unnamed reason began to expose and neglect. The Nurse, by not standing strong, became entangled in this web of hidden love. It was the Nurse, in the Dance Hall, with her words and actions that allowed this infatuation to burn out of control. The simple words from a trusted Nurse would have set this story on a completely different course instead of its current curse.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Amazement in today . . .

I am here in English class listening to Romeo and Juliet. The story is interesting and moving all at the same time. Today, we heard the anger of Juliet's father. I do not like my own anger and rage. Anger in rage does not build up - it destroys. The destruction affects everyone in many different ways. The greatest devastation though I find in my own soul. I loathe my own anger and rage. I long for the day when anger no longer rules places in my heart. I long for the freedom that is found in forgiveness.
I am thankful for the moment that is now! I do so enjoy my life and my work. I am blessed with a wonderful wife and three lovely children. I am able to live in a nice house, and we share our space also with a little dog. What a amazing story.
I must tell the truth here today, life is difficult. Many times more difficult than it needs to be. Why do we as humans make some things so much more complicated than they have to be? It seems we chose the most difficult road to get through some of life's challenges. I will also say that this blog may only be my life story. I am not saying that this tells your life story.
When I was a young man I was a dreamer. I longed to love and be loves. I was a hopeless romantic. I am now 46 years old and time has caused my light and hope to dim. I am sad by this realization. I still long for many things, however, it seems that each day takes me one step farther from my dream. How do you explain this loss? How does one deal with something that could be and should be realized during said lifetime? I am at a loss! I am stumped by this reality. However, even in this, I am thankful. I am blessed. I do in no way take my lot in life for granite. I am grateful to God my creator for the way he has made me and where he has placed me. I am a happy man. I am a blessed man. I am a thankful man. I am also a deep man. I am a man of few sorrows. However, the sorrow that I carry is deep and to the core of my being. I do no allow my sorrow to determine who I am and at the same time it dominates the very fiber of my being. I carry about in my body a curable sorrow that is not being cured.
Having said all the mess above I want you to know that I am built to be an exhorter. The spiritual gift of exhortation is:
to come along side of someone with words of encouragement, comfort, consolation, and counsel to help them be all God wants them to be.
I at the same time want to be all God wants me to be. At times I am most encouraged in life and as a person when I am able to love and walk with others through the challenges of life. I do have HOPE! I do believe that one day my sorrow will be turned into JOY. I want all to know that I choose happiness even in the midst of my sorrow. It is, at times, a quite strange combination.
I am praying for you today. If your eyes find this blog I may never know. I pray that you will know Jesus. He is amazing! Peace

Friday, October 12, 2012

Love Hurts . . .

This weekend is homecoming here at Novi High School. Today was green and white day as these are our school colors. Also the cheer leaders sold roses. What a lovely flower. Have you ever felt the petal? What an amazingly smooth feeling. The scent is also captivating. However lovely and refreshing this flower is, it also has a stem full of sharp thorns. What would love be in a pain free environment? Do you believe it is possible to be human and be acting in love and not be hurt along the way? I have loved and been hurt along the way. I have also love another and have hurt them along the way and for that hurt I am truly sorry. It has never been my intention to hurt another person. If I have hurt you in any way, please let me know and allow me to make things right as much as humanly possible. Now back to some of my thoughts. As humans we are by nature going to be selfish and self centered at times and hurt others that we love. Love as well as life involves risk. Love is risky. Love is also a choice! We can choose to love. The danger within love is the strong desire to be loved. We all want to be loved and accepted by others. At times our desire to be loved has the potential to put us in dangerous situations. What I mean by this is our desire to be loved at times will keep us in potentially dangerous relationships. It is important to be able to distinguish between healthy and in healthy relationships. Today, I pray for me as well as you that we love with purity and clear intentions.
One other thought about love. We must allow ourselves to love and be loved by ourselves. Spend some time in the mirror and love the person you are. I mean now. Find a mirror, and look at that person. Yes, look at you deep into the eyes. Allow you to get to know you. Spend time and allow you to forgive yourself for anything. Remember, you are the best you you have at this moment. Love you, accept you as you are today, and work on the you that you want to become. Enjoy this moment. Peace

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Well, it happens . . .

I wonder at times why some things happen. This morning one of my students did not ride the bus. When this student is absent, it is my job to inform one of his teachers. I found this information out in an unfortunate email as a "reminder" sent to many folks including our supervisor. What made this email unfortunate is the teacher never minded to inform us in the first place. This email frustrated me, I will not lie. I was a touch hot. Justified in my own eyes or not, I hate this feeling. Well, as the days progress the student was again absent. I went to inform his teacher, following the "reminder", to which she replied she already knew. So I went on with my day. So, again today the student is not here. I was talking to some folks I work closely with about my frustration at following through and not receiving any thanks or any acknowledgment of doing right. No simple thank you for the information. This feeling of a lack of common respect is frustrating. Well, as I was sharing my frustration, I happened to see the teacher I was frustrated with come out of the room down the hallway from where I was. Now, I must tell you that I am loud and my voice carries. So. I am somewhat positive she may have heard me. I will also admit this teacher is difficult for me to talk to. Her personality to me is condescending and dismissive. I know this is my issue and I have to learn to live with these feelings in a positive way. Scripture tells me first off consider my own offensiveness or plank in the eye before I try to help or fix someone else. Also, it teaches me to forgive others their offenses as I would want forgiveness. It also teaches me to pray for those that appear to be doing me wrong. What about the teachers feelings? Maybe she is praying for me because I have done her wrong. Maybe she is praying that I would not be so self centered and see the bigger picture. I have so much to learn about walking Godly in this present age. I live my life with the false belief that I am never wrong. Now that is some of the most faulty thinking I have ever heard. I desire to live Godly today, this moment and among all men. I have so much to learn. I now stop and ask the Holy Spirit to turn my self-righteousness into God honoring holiness. Thank you for allowing me to use this blog as a confessional booth. It is my prayer that my foolishness will be an opportunity for others as well as myself to learn and grow. Peace

Friday, October 5, 2012

New Roof

Today was an interesting day. This is the very first time I have ever had a roof replaced. I am so thankful that I have someone I trust that worked on my roof. Trust, there is an important word. What is TRUST? I want to think about that word for a while. The roof is replaced. I now have to paint and ready the trim for new gutters. Peace.

Looking up . . .

I am sitting here in my back yard. Amazed at watching some confident hard working men remove my old roof. I am so thankful to be able to watch my home be re-roofed. It is odd, I lack confidence when it comes to many things about my home. Lets see, how many roofs have I done in my lifetime. NONE. Where does confidence come from exactly? I will ponder this thought today. Peace.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

An English class prompt.

What is the significance or importance of masks at the end of act one in Romeo and Juliet?
I believe masks are important at this point of the play for two obvious reasons as well as one that is more elusive. To begin, we have a Capulet party being attended by a Montague. The hatred between these two families is intense to the point of bloodshed. Masks were necessary for concealment. The masks were also necessary for containment. Romeo's mask was important to hide his downtrodden spirit by the rejection of his minds love Roselyn. The poem "We Wear the Masks" by Paul Laurence Dunbar touches the human struggle of the masks we choose at times to wear. "We wear the masks that grins and lies, It hides our cheeks and shades our eyes,-" is one such quote that points to the use of masks to hide the visible nonverbal reality of the lives we live. We all at times have chosen the mask we wear. To live open, raw, even naked if you will is just to intense for mere humans to endure. What mask are you wearing? When do you allow yourself to hang the mask and be real, raw, naked? Enjoy these thoughts. Peace

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

On the road to Hell . . .

On the road to Hell . . .
Originally uploaded by SoullooN

Where is the road you are on taking you? My son and I had the joy of driving around Michigan. We were on our way to Hell . . . It is not a highway and there were not many people going there but we had a fun day. Took some photos and had some snacks. Then we got the heck out of Hell. It is my prayer that you will hear Jesus in your lifetime. Enjoy your day and cosider the road you are on. Peace.

To answer a question.

A friend asked what are my hobbies. I have several hobbies.
First, I love life. I am so thankful to be me. I am blessed by the life I am able to live. This does not mean that there are not difficult parts of life. I have my share of frustrations, challenges, and setbacks. Overall however I choose to focus on the truth that I am blessed and thankful for life.
Second, I love to write. I enjoy journaling. I have an amazing leather journal and great pens that I use. I love to pen my thoughts my hopes my fears my hurts my dreams my reality my everything. I also enjoy writing to others. I am able to send postcards through a site called postcrossing. I am built by God the Creator or everything that is to be an encourager and edifier. I love speaking hope into another persons life. It gives me joy and breath to be able to love people in this way. I am blessed and I am thankful.
Third, I love photography. I am on Flickr - look me up if you get a chance. My name on there is SoullooN. I was able to take part in a project called 365. I took a photo every day for an entire year. It was awesome. I want to do another one soon.
Fourth, I love balloons. They are wonderful and bring color and cheer. One of my most favorite quotes is from that amazing philosopher Winnie the Pooh - "No one can be uncheered with a balloon". If you are sad today, stop by the store and buy you some balloons and allow yourself the simple joy of play for a moment.
Fifth, I enjoy Geocaching. It is a fun worldwide game of hide and seek using GPS units and clues. Look it up on google and learn. I have fun each time I am able to play. Look me up my name is Reltots17.
Sixth, I love riding my beach bike Bella. I need to ride more often than I am currently. I believed that I have posted a blog about Bella in the past. If I have not I will get right to writing one.
Seventh, I love pens. I love my family. I love my work. I love connecting with people. I love figuring out solutions to problems. I love Jesus. I love the bible. I love my church. I love life!
Well, there you go! I hope I have been able to answer the question of what are my hobbies. See you around.

Physical Fitness

Today I am in a class that teaches fitness. I am weak in the area of fitness. I tend to be an undisciplined man and it is taking its toll upon my life. The time is now for me to take small steps to improve me. I am the only one who can make me a better me. I begin today to become a better me. Peace

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Just a minute now . . .

Do you believe in love at first sight?
I believe in love at first sight. Love is so much more than just a warm fuzzy feeling that you get deep inside your soul. Love is a decision that is wrapped in a commitment. To love one must understand the object or person loved. I love the BMW M6. This car captures my wildest imagination and cries out to me from a far. I dream of owning and being owned by this movement machine. Currently this love affair remains illusive due to my lack of adequate funding. Now onto more pressing personal matters of the heart. I was captured by the beauty of a young maiden some 24 years ago. Smitten if you will by Cupid's arrow. In love I was and today more in love than I thought humanly possible. Yes, I do believe in love at first sight. I only hope you will know of love in such a way as I have. Enjoy this moment and keep your eyes open. Today may be your love smitten day. Peace

(a writing prompt from English 9)

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Today was my . . .

Yes, friends, Today was my 15th first day of school as a paraprofessional with the Novi Community School District.  I enjoy my job.  As most first days go, anytime it is a true first day, things are crazy.  New students looking for oddly placed classes.  Meeting new teachers, and new classes along with some wonderful new freshmen.  Wow, today went by fast, and tomorrow is sure to be a little of the same.  I am so blessed to be ME . . .
(note: I wrote this on September 4, 2012)

you are selling what?

I am trying to sell one of my pens . . . and learning how to go about it has been fun . . . enjoy this little blog

.This is a friend

Originally uploaded by beth retro

I have enjoyed knowing Beth Retro for the past few years. She is a blessing and her art is wonderful and her words are inspiring. Peace

Thursday, August 16, 2012

I do love Color . . .

Originally uploaded by Ou Jin

No way . . . this is one cool photo I found on Flickr . . . Enjoy the moment that is now . . . that is TODAY!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

One Little Post Office . . .

So, I have wanted to visit the smallest Post office in Michigan for some time now.  I love Postcrossing . . . . a worldwide Postcard Exchange program on the net.  So, back to the story . . . This Post Office is located in Elm Hall, Michigan.  It is located outside of Alma, Michigan about 10 miles.  We drove up on Sunday after church, and came back that evening.  I really wanted to stay the night in Alma and go to the Post Office on Monday during open hours.  The hours here at this location are from 11 am till 2 pm, Monday through Friday.  Nice . . .  15 hours a week.  Awesome!
While we were here in Elm Hall we also found this little church here . . .
The church is a little weathered, but it was cool to find and see.  There is only one street light in this town and it is located over the main intersection in the town.  No signal lights, only one street light.  We also had the joy of running by CMU and checking out the campus.  Then we stopped by Alma College in Alma.  We also saw the wind farm near Ithaca, Michigan.  Then we drove Grand River Ave. east through East Lansing, the home of MSU . . . we had a fun time.  A day trip of 290 miles round trip.  Such fun. 

Thursday, July 12, 2012


Originally uploaded by Craig Taylor-Broad

I think this photo ROCKS . . . I am not sure, but Rocks may be my new favorite word of the moment. Peace

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Oh what a night . . .

Last night was not a kind night for this middle aged man. I tossed and turned in my bed the entire night. My sleep was restless and I woke up exhausted. Not the way I like to begin my day.
Today is ADAY. Go to and check it out. It is a cool photo filled day that is happening worldwide. I am taking random photos throughout my day. What is most important to me? Family is very important. My connection with humans. My desire to know God and follow his path in this life are important. I enjoy photograph and great pens. I enjoy writing and journaling. I think balloons are wonderful and brighten up any day. I am having fun today! Peace

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Being silly

I love my life!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Shallow Thoughts . . .

My mind is a whirl wind today. I am not sure what has created this mental dust bowl, I only know it is here. Just as the world experiences weather patterns that vary from day to day. I experience similar things inside my heart and soul.
Things currently on my mind:
My daughter is graduating from high school in less than a month. This reality does not even seem to be in the realm of possibility, but here we are only moments away from another major life event. My head has been all over the map with this event.
My debt has been on my mind. I must learn to live within my means. When I was young and foolish, I chose immediate gratification instead of wait earn and the buy. I have made my own bed and it is difficult finding rest in this mess. Yes, I must admit, we still have a major student loan debt that continues to grow. I must do something different. I have tools and knowledge but lack motivation and discipline. That is just lame. And I am ready for a change. I will say this to all who will listen. Do not choose the way of debt. It only leads to slavery.
I desire to be Godly in this age. I want to walk with God each day and make the truth of the Gospel real in my world. I begin in my own house. I have not always been a good example before my wife and children. For this at times I feel pain and remorse. I must find myself before the throne of God resting in His grace, mercy and forgiveness. I am blessed by God and I am thankful.
Well, there you go, a few raw thoughts on this rainy day!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Time to Smile

What can you smile about today? What things automatically bring a smile to you? Peace

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Must add air.

Today. Wow it is nice to be here. Today is Tuesday and I slept well yesterday. I found this photo on Flickr. Balloons are colorful and add a little joy with smiles to life.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Amazing life.

Saturday was an awesome fun day. Peace

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


First post from iPod. What is new with you all today?

Friday, March 30, 2012

Love and other spring type things . . .

Do you love YOU? It may sound odd to think of a question like this . . . but I am learning that is important to love yourself. I know maybe it should be a simple thing. . . for some reason it has been a struggle for me in my life. I like many aspects of myself, and at times I love myself . . . but I also become very negative on me and harsh almost. The bible teaches me to love my neighbor as I love myself. That presupposed that I am loving myself properly. I came across this site that lists 17 ways to love yourself . Am I alone in my struggle to love and accept me as me. I am not talking about not growing and becoming better . . . but what I am talking about is a general contentment and comfort in who I am. I guess some of my struggle comes in letting myself be human, not as an excuse for foolishness, but as a reality to embrace. I am not going to do everything perfectly . . . I am going to fail, and in these failings I must learn and grow and forgive myself and allow myself to be OK. I have spent many days in my life trying to find someone to love and accept me in order to feel OK with me. Really, I have needed to love me, in order to love others better and more fully. I turned 46 years old just a few days ago . . . and I am ready to live the balance of my days in love with me . . . I am worthy of love and I am worthy of self forgiveness. I am ready to bloom like a flower . . . I am ready to take courage and step out and become a better me . . . I am blessed and thankful. I hope you are well. if you read this and find any encouragement send me a message . . . Peace

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Birthdays are awesome . . .

Well, you can see by the title that I have a birthday coming . . . O, I am so selfish . . . Me, Me, Me . . . Okay well maybe not all that selfish, but I will turn 46 years old if I make it to March 13th. Yes the number continues to grow . . . A friend from Postcrossing sent me the above card. I love balloons. They are the absolute best. They make me smile in so many ways.

Now on to the birthday thing. I am beginning to realize as each year passes just how fast a year travels. What are some of your favorite things about Birthdays? What do you do to celebrate each new year of your life? Well, I will go for now. Peace

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

In this Moment . . .

This past two months have been one crazy ride. I have felt so many things, learned so many things, struggled with so many things, changed so many things, and I am still in this internal storm. It began some time during the winter break. What "It" is, is still not fully known. Things I do know. Each day is a new adventure. Each moment is to be fully embraced and enjoyed for what it is. I am at a crossroad in my life I believe. I am going to be 46 years young in just a few days . . . My first child is going to graduate this year and somehow she is now 18 years old. Where did those years go? My Son is now 15 and learning to be independant . . . it seems like he was just a little guy a couple days ago. And my youngest son is now 13, a teenager with more energy that I know what to do with. Many days I feel totally inadequate to be a parent of three teenagers . . . but guess what, each day is a new day full of work, joy, challenge, and learning. I have been married 23 + years, and I do not know how that happened eather. What was I doing all the time during those years? I know I was there, and I was busy, and I was blessed and I am thankful . . . but those years seem to have passed so fast, or at least faster than I care to admit or acknowledge . . . I do not know which. Then there is all the stuff happening inside of me . . . some may call it midlife crisis . . . I am choosing to call it Man O Pause . . . or something of the soart. I am also challenged by the fact that as things go, I am over half way through with this life. That has been an amazing thought to try to process. I remember being a kid, and I remember a few days in college . . . I remember getting married . . . . I remember being at each of my childerns births. I remember so many things, I just do not know how we got here so fast . . . I know the sun came up and the sun set on each day. I remember I slept and woke each day. But, wow . . . I will be celebrating a birthday in just a few days from now, and I want to learn to embrace each remaining day fully and enjoy the rest of this life. This is a crazy post, but it is where I am at this moment. . . .
I am a blessed and Thankful man. I Love Jesus, and Know he has a plan for me in the balance of my life.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Today . . .

I am so thankful to be here for a moment. I am so thankful for these past days, even though they have been dark and pressing. They have been causing me to grow and deal with things I have allowed to take up too much space in my life and heart. Forgiveness is wonderful, and I am so thankful for the joy that comes from resting in forgiveness. I am so blessed in my life, and thankful for my family. Life is a journey, and each step of the way is a learning moment. I am thankful for Brightmoor Christian Church . The teaching has caused my heart deal with sin and find my way toward obedient submission to Jesus. This has been freeing. As I continue to learn and grow and Obey . . . I will enjoy the fruit of the spirit . . . . all the things that everyone looks for in life . . . . the fruit of the Spirit is love, and we all want love, to be loved, to be in love and to love . . . . joy oh yes, we want joy that moves inside of our being, peace and we all long for PEACE and spend a lot of time trying to find it, forbearance or being patient, we may not admit it, but we do want to be patient . . . , kindness who wants to be a grouch really, many times we choose unkindness because we are angry that someone was unkind to us, goodness things that are good are wonderful and we like goodness for goodness sake, faithfulness we want things to be right and the way they should be, gentleness with others and with ourselves . . . . we should be a little kinder and gentler and self-control what can I say about self control, that ability to be in control when most times we feel just on the the edge of any control . Against such things there is no law. Maybe this makes no sense at all, but I do long to enjoy the Fruit of the Spirit in my life. As I walk with Jesus, and allow his Spirit to teach and lead me in the ways that are right, as I choose right living over sin, I will grow. I want to grow, and be more like Jesus to the world in which I live, beginning with my family. I have a wonderful family, and I am responsible to love them with a sacrificial way. I am here today, and I choose today to walk in the way that is Right. Peace

Thursday, January 5, 2012

On Today the Fifth Day of the New Year . . .

Yes, I do have a free moment. I am thankful to be here. Life is wonderful for me and I am growing in this new year. My daughter is a senior in high school and she is now 18. I find this fact difficult to fully grasp at times. Life has been moving way too fast, and it seems like I have blinked somewhere along the way. I have two children in High School, and soon to have Three Teenagers in my Home. Pray for me that I will be the Dad, and Husband that my family needs me to be. I am praying for a friend who has an interview at a large church in the area today. It is my Hope that this opportunity will open up for him. Well, this is some of my thoughts for the moment. Peace

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!
Originally uploaded by x-Heavenly-x

I am so blessed and thankful for this new year of 2012 and I am thankful for you. Yes, you . . . you all make my life more enjoyable. Peace