Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Mona Lisa is sick . . .

Well, I had to make a quick stop by the hospital today. Ya, Mona Lisa is sick. I think it is the heater core. I dropped the car off at a A1 Radiator on Old Novi Rd. and it should be done by tomorrow. This car has been a blessing already. I have learned to trust in God as I drive this wonderful car.

I start at Busch's in Novi tomorrow. Tomorrow is the Grand Opening. I am part of the first day team. I am excited and nervous all at the same time. The great thing is that I will work enough this weekend to pay for Mona Lisa's office visit. What a wonderful provision.

Today was also a mile stone in my life as well. I rode a bus. Can you believe that. I know it sounds funny, but a few years ago I would not have gotten on a bus for a million dollars. I do not know what it was, some sort of anxiety. But today, I faced my challenge, and actually enjoyed the field trip. We went to Olga's, did not car for that as much. Then we went to Meijer to do some shopping. It was wonderful to be with the students from my class.

So what is new with you? I am praying for you all. If you read my blogs, please leave a comment. I will also pray for you. Have a wonderful day. Peace.

Perceptional Reasoning . . .

I was in a meeting the other day, and several things came up. Perceptional Reasoning. What is that all about any how. Can a person be summed up into categories? Are we essentially a measurement on a test of some sort? Who are we as people? It is all what we do to make money? Does that give us our value? How about I.Q. - does that determine who we are as humans? Is it our ability to interact with other humans? I have heard that we are all unique. How do we account for these uniqueness? Are we destined to be placed into a category established by who knows?
You are beautiful. Just as you are. A living, growing, interacting human. You were created by a loving God. I believe this fully. I know that life is difficult and for many it has be down right Hell. I know that you man not believe that there is a God or a reason to look to him for any reason because of the hand that life has dealt you. I do not know all story's, this is true. I do know that God is love. He is the essence of love. His desire is for us to find in Him rest and hope. I do not know where you are presently. I know that I am learning that it is OK to Be me. It is OK to love me as I am, as God loves me - Fully. That does not mean I am perfect. I am not perfect, and there is no human on earth that is perfect, and that is OK. I am Me. I am a good Me, actually I am the only me alive on earth. I am the only me that will ever be. So are you. You are YOU. You are the only you, and the best you that there will ever be. Now does that mean we do not need to learn and grow and change and become and develop?? No, we must continue to strive to grow and learn and influence and love and encourage and exist. I know this thing has taken a slight philosophical twist. I know that I am created by a loving God. I know he has allowed the experience in my life both good and bad to mold me and teach me. I know God desires my attention and attentiveness. As I seek to follow him, I do not want to follow a "religion" set up by men, in order to impress men. I want to walk with God as some of the people of the Old testament did. I want to learn from God and embrace the truth of his love. I agree that this is more than just philosophy. It is a quest to understand life. A desire to know me and to be the best me that I can be. Thank you for taking the time to read my brain dump. I am thinking about you today. Have a wonderful day. Know that You are beautiful just as you are and that God Loves you completely now as you are faults and all. God is good like that. Peace

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today . . .

I am in seminar right now. Things are going well. I only worked half the day yesterday. I had a meeting at the middle school during the morning. It was nice to sleep in till 8 am. I know does not sound like sleeping in, but it was still nice. I was up late last night talking with a friend and being an ear for them. Life. It is amazing the twists and turns it takes along the way. The phrase - never a dull moment - applies fully. When life is good, it is good, I mean really good. How do we develop an attitude that all of life is good. The high points and the low points. Is it possible? Are there parts of life that are to be endured, and the only positive is the lessons that are learned? How about the great depression?? I know that was not a fun time to live through for many people. But was life not good then? Is the absence of good, only connected to the means you have at the time? Mainly Money?? I do not believe that things make me happy, but I am happy when I get things, does that make sense?? I do not want anything, actually I want to get rid of some things. By things I mean physical possessions. I do want things that are not measured by money. I want the peace that comes from being free of financial debt. I want the joy that comes by having great friendships. I want peace in my soul. I want things that are measured by the heart. Does that make sense? I know when the end of life comes, the stuff I had will not matter, but the relationships will be the most valuable. I want the stuff that matters most.

What is it about the power of a hug? See the emotion in that photo. Just two friends embracing. It is an acceptance. A communication without words. It is powerful. Some days we all just need a hug. Even if you are not one who likes to be touched, a hug is nice. Interesting blog I found about hugs . . . and in that blog they had a link to . Wow, learn something new every day. A hug is also a sign of trust. Did you know that. I love to hug. It is nice. But as the blogger indicated, hugs from strangers can at times be creepy. I can see that. It was nice, before work this morning, as both my wife and I were tired and not ready to face the day. We just spent a moment to embrace. A Hug. It was a blessing.

I have to get to class now. Have a wonderful today. Enjoy life,hug a friend. Peace.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Do you ever feel this way????

Why I . . .

Why I blog. I love to blog. I went crazy the other day with the blogs. I am thankful to my friend Froomla. I would not be blogging if it was not for her influence in my life. I like to blog. I like to pour out thoughts onto a page. I still Journal with my pen and paper. I also learn by writing my thoughts. I learn by processing the information I take in and apply to a page. I also learn as I speak. I like dialog. I also like the aspect of blogging for people to provide feedback. I love the thought that someone else may possible be encouraged to think deeply as a result of my thoughts. I have been moved by others thoughts. I have enjoyed the blogs I have noted in my blog. Why do you Blog?? Do my blogs cause you to think? Well, Have fun. Peace.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

It is well with my soul . .

I asked many questions in my last post. About happiness and feelings of being well or fine with life. I love my family. Being with my family has provided a lot of great experiences. I also love being alone at times. Love thinking and meditating. I have really enjoyed my times driving to work as a time to pray and think about the greatness of God and his provisions in life. I only have the moments I embrace. I am not promised tomorrow. I was reading a post my friend put on their blog about STUFF. I have never been able to find happiness through stuff. It is fleeting. Stuff does not bring a satisfaction that lasts. It is nice to have stuff, though sometimes our stuff may choke out our ability to really enjoy life. I do not know about stuff some days. There is something about Contentment that I seek more than stuff.

Paul tells Timothy these words in 1 Timothy 6:6-11 (The Message)

"A devout life does bring wealth, but it's the rich simplicity of being yourself before God. Since we entered the world penniless and will leave it penniless, if we have bread on the table and shoes on our feet, that's enough.
But if it's only money these leaders are after, they'll self-destruct in no time. Lust for money brings trouble and nothing but trouble. Going down that path, some lose their footing in the faith completely and live to regret it bitterly ever after.
But you, Timothy, man of God: Run for your life from all this. Pursue a righteous life—a life of wonder, faith, love, steadiness, courtesy. Run hard and fast in the faith. Seize the eternal life, the life you were called to, the life you so fervently embraced in the presence of so many witnesses."

I have a great need to learn contentment. God is teaching me to enjoy Him and His provision in my life.

I have a great appreciation for Horatio G. Spafford words penned after he experienced great loss and tragedy . . .

"When peace, like a river, attendeth my way, When sorrows like sea billows roll; Whatever my lot, Thou has taught me to say, It is well, it is well, with my soul.

It is well, with my soul, It is well, with my soul, It is well, it is well, with my soul.

Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come, Let this blest assurance control, That Christ has regarded my helpless estate, And hath shed His own blood for my soul.
My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious thought! My sin, not in part but the whole, Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more,Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live: If Jordan above me shall roll, No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.

But, Lord, ‘tis for Thee, for Thy coming we wait, The sky, not the grave, is our goal; Oh trump of the angel! Oh voice of the Lord! Blessèd hope, blessèd rest of my soul!

And Lord, haste the day when my faith shall be sight, The clouds be rolled back as a scroll; The trump shall resound, and the Lord shall descend, Even so, it is well with my soul."

I seek to know the life of contentment. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What makes you . . .

Hi, I just had a crazy thought. What is it that makes you laugh? Or makes you happy? What do you find joy, I mean real joy in? What is it that causes you to think, really think that life is good? Have you ever had one of those moments when you felt like everything was good? What was that like, and what was the event? I am going to think about this as well, and I will get back to you. But if you will leave me a post telling me what you think. OK, Bye, have a great day.

I just want to blog . . .

What is it about a job that drives us to find our adequacy or our sense of worth. I am worth more than what I do as work. Work is a means to acquire the tools that are necessary to do business in our world, namely money. Why do I do the work I do?? That is a good question. I love my job for several reasons. I love people. My job gives me the opportunity to be with people in an educational setting. Sometimes the people I am around are happy to be in this setting, other times they are forced to be in the setting. I like to be in this setting with people because there is life, energy, hope and excitement. There is something about learning that I enjoy personally, but greater than the learning, I enjoy watching others learn and grow as well. I have been in education the greater part of my life. I am not the primary teacher, and with my job I do not earn the wage that the primary teacher would earn. So most of the time, I have had another part time job to provide the necessary means to live. I love to help people. I enjoy the opportunities my job gives me to love and help people where they are. I really do enjoy my job as a student helper. I see the good in people, when other only see bad. I am thankful for this opportunity to encourage them. I talk straight to them, and share with them the truth about life as I know it. I have had the opportunity to deal with kids who can not walk, or talk or interact - all the way, to kids that were so bright but were angry with the world, so they found themselves tangled in a web of self destruction. I have been with wonderful kids who contemplate what the future will be like and work hard and ask great questions, to kid who on the surface do not seem to care, but I can sense a desire in them to do better, or at least to be heard. By the way, did I say: "I love people". I am an Exhorter by nature. God designed me to be someone who loves to come alongside of others and encourage them in life. I also love to show mercy. It is the way that God has structured me. I also love to teach and learn together with other people. I love my job. I am learning to love the opportunities I am given in my new job as a cashier. I am meeting people in a brief exchange while they try to move to their next moment as quickly as possible. It is my hope and prayer that in some small way I can brighten their day during this quick financial exchange. Well, I have come, I have blogged and I must depart for the moment. Have a wonderful day. Thanks for reading. I am praying for your today. Peace

PS. I do struggle internally with my job and my identity. But I do love my job.

The Story Goes ON . . .

Hey. It is good to see ya. I am doing well. I trust that you are the same. I am sitting here early to school. I started my cashier training last week. Both days went well. I learned a lot about the grocery business. I was very nervous. I also fought with the issues of inadequacy, by having to work as a cashier. Was I wrong with the feelings. I met a man who is a realtor, who is working as a cashier, because the markets are so bad. Needless to say, that was a blessing. I also worked four days on my own so far. I actually have to work tonight for a few hours. I can not wait until they open up our store. The store is located only a few blocks from my house. It will be nice to be close to home. I enjoy the work that I am doing. With that in mind, this job has encouraged me to seek new opportunities in the ministry. I really miss the church environment. I know I am at Busch's market to learn something I would not be able to learn apart from this experience. I also know that my family and I are learning to trust and lean on God during thins time as well. It has been amazing to learn to trust God. Our money says "In God We Trust" - but I actually wonder if the money is not the god we trust in. I need to be reminded that it is not the money that I should trust, but God, the creator of everything. God, the Sustainer. He is the only one worthy of our trust. I am reminded of a statement Jesus said: Matthew 6:24 "You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both." (The Message) Well, I better get going to my class. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Just a note . . .

I want to do right by the photos that I use in my blog. Many of the photos I use, I find on the net. I may start placing a link for credit on the bottom of my blogs. Well, have a wonderful day.

Photo found at:

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Walking in a new world . . .

Life is about change?? Is it not? Or, Wait, life is about choices?? Or something like that. Life is about what?? What is life about really?? I do not want to be know for the thing I did as a Job. I do not want to be known as the guy who did this or that. I want to be known as Me. The guy that lived life to the fullest, honestly followed Jesus, loved people in his world, was there to help at times of need - someone who helped others through this thing called life. I want to have a positive impact on the world in which I walk. I care about the people I come in contact with. I enjoy helping people in life. Now, how do you translate that into something where you can make a living. I do not want to be rich, mind you - Actually, I am rich beyond belief - when compared to the worlds population. I do long for freedom from the debt I have created in my life. I pray often for wisdom to handle finances well, and make good decisions. I am a blessed man, and I rejoice in that blessing today, knowing that things could change at any moment. Now if things changed, would I be any less blessed? No, I do not believe so. I still am blessed. What does it mean to be blessed?? That is one for you to spend some time with and ponder. Are you blessed?? What does that mean for you?? Is blessing only the absence of troubles, or the abundance of things?? I challenge you to think it through.

OK - On to the blog. I am starting a new job as a cashier at Busch's Market - actually I work in guest services. I am the final link in your experience as a guest at Busch's. I hope that you have enjoyed the entire experience, and it is my hope to fill your final moments with joy as well. So yesterday, I had my first day of cashier training. It is a little overwhelming. All the information that you have to take in during a 4 hour session. The training went well. I learned many things about the job, and that knowledge has tempered some of my anxiety. I wrote about the fear of the unknown in another blog.

Brain burp . . . I remember a man named Tony Compolo spoke about something, here you go look at the link. It is what I want in this life. Look at the entire link and tell me what you think.

So, What did you think?? I want to have testimonies. I want to impact my world. I want my wife to know that I love her and that it is my job to server with a love that is active and alive - and there in Bring Glory to God. I want my children to know that I love them, and that I place them above myself - lead them and teach them what is important in this world. I want my family to know that I am here to love them sacrificially. I want to help those in my world to find and follow Jesus. Not so I can be a "somebody" or a "something", but because it is the right thing to do. It is the only thing to do. I wish I could tell you that I am there already. I am not. I am working to be there. Each day, I embrace the opportunity to live out my desire.

Again, on with the Blog . . . wait this is the blog. OK, on with this blog. I have my second day of cashier training today in Saline. Today, I get to help real customers with their shopping experience. I know folks will be gracious, and I hope to learn a lot today and bring a little encouragement into their day. I hope you all are well. I am excited about today and the coming days. Have fun. Peace.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Sad News :( :( :( - Natural Resource Depleting . . .

I know this may not affect many people who are in the world. But the world is going to change in the near future. Read this link and then continue to read the blog. . .

Can you believe it. They are running out of HELIUM!!! Stop the shortage. What will make our balloons float?? Yes, I do like latex helium balloons. They are bright, colorful, and they bring cheer. Not to mention again that they float. Do you like helium balloons? I told my wife, I know this is odd, but I asked her to have folks bring or send latex balloons to my funeral instead of flowers. Now, do not get me wrong. I love flowers! They look and smell very nice. But, I like balloons, and I just do not want people being sad at my funeral. I do not know many people who are sad when they receive or give a balloon. I told you I would be real on this blog, and this is real. Well, I hope they find a new source of helium in our world. What will this world be like without real latex helium balloons?? Have a wonderful day. . . Peace

Saturday, January 12, 2008

Tie Dye . . .

This week in Graphic arts class we had our bi-annual tie dye event. Many students made shirts. I also had the joy of making a few. Here is one for my Sister-in-Laws nephew : Also, With Sam's help I was able to make one for my Dad, a Harley Davidson Guy:and one for my Mom, A Red Hat Society Lady: This project was really fun. The students seemed to enjoy themselves, and there is much more color in the world now. Thanks Sam for all your wonderful help. You are one amazing young lady. Have fun today, and I will post again later. Peace

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

I love funny Photos . . .

I want all to know that many of the Photos on my blog are from the net. I love to take photos, but I also like to look at photos from others. I was looking for a funny photo for a blog today and check out this one. Found it on Google search. What do you think about it? What is happening? Just a little game of water balloon toss. Is this an example of over reacting? What are we not seeing? Is this a real time photo? Do you think this photo was fixed up in photo shop? Have you ever played water balloon toss games? Do you find this photo funny or disturbing? I like it. I think it is a real photo. A moment captured in time, and now on the net for all to admire. I do not believe it is fixed up by any program. Have you ever seen a photo of yourself looking less than pleasing? Do you think it is funny? I have a few photos of myself that I think are funny, but I do not want to share them with anyone. Why do I like to use photos in my blog? I love photos, because they appeal to our sense of sight. When we engage more senses, we can capture the heart in a wider fashion. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. And in many respects it is worth that or more. I want to be a person who is able to impact an audience with a message. For what ever reason, the guy in the red looks scared out of his mind. Have you ever been scared by what life was throwing at you? At times I must admit, the pit of my stomach is filled with knots. How about the person who is catching? Are they going to get wet? Have you ever had to catch something you knew would leave you in a mess? How about the guy in the grey, what is he thinking? Life has a way of being messy at times. It is not always easy. I like what one of my students says, "no worries". I am need of that reminder often. Life is challenging, and at times I allow myself too much freedom to worry. What has worry got me, nothing - But a sore stomach, a head ache, and internal tension. I do not know what will happen in the next few moments, but I do know that if I worry, I will be worse for the ware. What does the Creator of this thing called life want me to do with worry?

Philippians 4:6-7 "Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life." (the message)

Now that is an encouragement. Who has ever accomplished anything by worrying? Have you been better or worse as a result of the energy used by worry. I say worse, by my own life experiences. No one benefits from worrying! God has given us a way to displace our worry with a call out to Him in praise and petition. God knows where you are today. Even if you do not know whether He is there or not. He knows you, and desires for you to place your trust in Him, and know Him. I challenge you to take your worry, and place them into prayers. I will do the same, as I face the challenges before me in the coming days. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Sitting between a sports genius and a smart kid . . .

I am in graphic arts class. I am sitting with the sports guru for out high school. Well, it is all good. I am having a good day so far. It is nice to be in class with students today. Can you believe it is January, and it is like 65 degrees out side. We are having some odd weather. It is suppose to snow some time on Thursday. It is so wet outside right now, it is not funny. I am looking forward to being home today, hanging out with my family. I am in the mood for some grilled hot dogs and veggies. I am just rambling right now, sorry if there is no point to this blog. Maybe I am just brain burping on the page. I am kinda tired. But I am not tired. I had a good day so far, and lunch was awesome. Let me tell you about it. My wife is a great cook, she made some butt kicking beef stew. It was so good, my mouth is still watering. What am I going to do tonight. I would not mind going home and just sleeping the day away. I need to do the check book. I need to look at the bills. I do have to go by the UPS store. The pen I blogged about last week or so came in and it was broken. I was so bummed out. I called and made plans to return it to the company for another pen. I am getting a Caran d' Ache 849 Origional . . . in the place of the other one. I can not wait till it comes in. I love pens, and having taken the year off of buying pens, I will be glad to get this one. So what is new with you today? What is on your mind and heart. What are you thinking about? How is the weather where you are? How is your soul? How are those you love? What do you want to do today? I mean what do you really want to do today? Life is good, even when it is bad. Have a wonderful day. Keep looking up, the sun is out there somewhere. Have a great day.

The Power of the Fear of the Unknown . . .

I survived and it was not too bad. I had fun at the orientation. It was four hours long, but it went by fast. I will do my cashier training next Tuesday and Wednesday. So, I am excited and nervous all at the same time. I think it was the entire not knowing thing. The new experience, fear thing going on. Plus, I want to do good. The entire unknown factor. Thank for your encouragement. I will do my best, and have fun. I hope to post again soon. Have a great day.

Monday, January 7, 2008

A New Job for me . . .

Today, I start a new Job at Busch's Market. It is only a part time job to make some extra money. I am a little nervous about this, but not too bad. I know I will do a good job. I know it will not be too difficult to help folks out with their groceries. I do not know exactly why I am nervous.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Just finished . . .

I just finished a book by Sue Miller called Lost in the Forest. I liked the character development in this book. The story kept my interest. I was perplexed by some thing that happened to one of the characters in the book, but it all made sense in the end. It is a true to life sort of story. I also like a girl named Jennifer Haigh. Below are the covers of both of her books. She is due another book in June of 2008. I know I will buy it and read it as well. Have a great day. Off to find a new book.

2008 . . . A New Century for ME ? ? ?

Wow, It is odd to be writing in 2008. It just does not seem real to me. I was born in 1966. So long ago. I remember when I was in High School thinking 1984 the year I graduated would never come. And now, those days and many more have come and gone. It happens so fast. I am thankful for the great days that I have experienced in my life. At times I wish I would have payed more attention to the simple joys of the day, but they are gone. I can only take each moment and embrace it fully, as one would try to squeeze the last drop of juice out of an orange. I try to capture each moment of the day and enjoy it to its fullest. If I live to be 80, then folks would say I am beyond the peak and starting down the back side of the mountain. If I live to be 100, then I am still a few days away from the top. But I am actually living at times like I may not make it to 60. There is the motivation to embrace HEALTH.

Enough of that deep pondering of the soul for the moment. What of the title you may say. I will shed some light on that for you. I have been without a car since I turned in my 06 - G6. You talk about a nice car, and quick. It was a lease. Well, I turned the car in on a Friday, and I rode my bike home from the Dealer. It was a nice bike ride. Then, I borrowed my brothers motorcycle, it is a Honda CBR 1100. A very fast "crotch rocket" as they are called. Then, Because of the fast approaching cold weather, a friend, offers me the use of her car during the time I am without a car. It happens to be a 1987 Porsche 944 turbo. Another fast ride. I drove it until late December when God provided my own car. I was praying and searching for a car, a cheep car. Since I left the church in August, my income decreased, so I was not able to lease again, or line up another car payment. I had to find something I could just pay for. I was searching on Craigslist and praying to find a car. I found a car for $800, so I wrote the unnamed person on Craigslist and let them know where I was in life (broke) and how I needed a car, and what would be the bottom line they would take for the car, I closed my letter, moved by the Spirit, with "Following Jesus" not knowing the person who would receive my email. A few hours later, I received an email back that said, they would take $700 bottom line for the car, and to call and set up a meeting. When I called, I found out that the family were missionaries, and were now working in a large church in the Northville area. What a blessing it was for me to contact these folks. I believe this was a move of God to provide for my need at this time, and meet their desire to sell a car. I drove the car, and made arrangements to buy the car, when I went to trade the paper work, they allowed me to buy the car for $650. What a blessing. Now on to the title, I am driving a silver, 4 door, 1989 Buick Century. So, it is 2008, and it is a new Century for me. . . You get it? Well, have a wonderful day. Thanks for letting me share a story of God's awesome provision in my life. We named the car "Mona Lisa".

Friday, January 4, 2008

Happy New Year . . .

I wish you all a Happy New Year. I am excited to be here today. I am thankful for breath and clean water. I am thankful for washers and dryers. I am thankful for the car I am allowed to drive each morning. I am thankful for a home, and a job I enjoy. I am thankful for friends and family. I am thankful for my Wife and Children, all three. I am thankful for the challenges that we are currently facing, knowing they are teaching me things I would not learn otherwise. What are you thankful for this new year?? What is on your mind and heart?? Tell me your story in the comments section. Have a wonderful day - PEACE.