Hey. It is good to see ya. I am doing well. I trust that you are the same. I am sitting here early to school. I started my cashier training last week. Both days went well. I learned a lot about the grocery business. I was very nervous. I also fought with the issues of inadequacy, by having to work as a cashier. Was I wrong with the feelings. I met a man who is a realtor, who is working as a cashier, because the markets are so bad. Needless to say, that was a blessing. I also worked four days on my own so far. I actually have to work tonight for a few hours. I can not wait until they open up our store. The store is located only a few blocks from my house. It will be nice to be close to home. I enjoy the work that I am doing. With that in mind, this job has encouraged me to seek new opportunities in the ministry. I really miss the church environment. I know I am at Busch's market to learn something I would not be able to learn apart from this experience. I also know that my family and I are learning to trust and lean on God during thins time as well. It has been amazing to learn to trust God. Our money says "In God We Trust" - but I actually wonder if the money is not the god we trust in. I need to be reminded that it is not the money that I should trust, but God, the creator of everything. God, the Sustainer. He is the only one worthy of our trust. I am reminded of a statement Jesus said: Matthew 6:24 "You can't worship two gods at once. Loving one god, you'll end up hating the other. Adoration of one feeds contempt for the other. You can't worship God and Money both." (The Message) Well, I better get going to my class. Have a wonderful day. Peace
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