Monday, January 14, 2008

Sad News :( :( :( - Natural Resource Depleting . . .

I know this may not affect many people who are in the world. But the world is going to change in the near future. Read this link and then continue to read the blog. . .

Can you believe it. They are running out of HELIUM!!! Stop the shortage. What will make our balloons float?? Yes, I do like latex helium balloons. They are bright, colorful, and they bring cheer. Not to mention again that they float. Do you like helium balloons? I told my wife, I know this is odd, but I asked her to have folks bring or send latex balloons to my funeral instead of flowers. Now, do not get me wrong. I love flowers! They look and smell very nice. But, I like balloons, and I just do not want people being sad at my funeral. I do not know many people who are sad when they receive or give a balloon. I told you I would be real on this blog, and this is real. Well, I hope they find a new source of helium in our world. What will this world be like without real latex helium balloons?? Have a wonderful day. . . Peace


Samantha said...

that is a tragedy if I've ever heard one. Well, that and global warming. And the cat lab. and knitter stereotypes......Maybe the last two aren't such tragedies.

Marin said...

LOL I love you Tim! Not cool about helium, but I'll bet you if they ran out they'd find another gas to use that's also lighter than air. ...Nitrogen balloons would be a bad idea...