Wednesday, November 5, 2008

God is in control and Obama is our President . . .

Greetings, thank you for reading my blogs . . . I like the process by which America selects their president. I know that the nation has spoken and for once the perfect democratic set up is in place. A democratic President, a democratic house and senate. Though I may not agree with the position of the democratic party, I will pray for their wisdom as they lead our country. There is not doubt that our country was ready for "Change", and it appears that change has come. There is a new hope within America, and that is exciting. Peace


Anonymous said...

I was wondering how you would feel about this. I guess no matter who wins, someone is disappointed. I agree that change is important to us right now, but what is even more important is for us Americans to feel like we can make a difference, and this election let us feel that.

Tree said...

I am happy that Obama is our Presidant. I agree with you that we are in need of a change. The past few years have been less than steller for us as a country. I rest in the fact that it is God who raises and lowers leaders, weather I agree with them or not. We have been blessed as a country, and it is my prayer that Obama will be a man of intregerity and lead our entire country equally. I will be praying for him and the other leaders as I have during these past presidents. Thanks for your words.

Samantha said...

Happy 100th post!!!

Tree said...

Thanks Sam, you are great. Peace
nano is coming along I am at 2880 words so far, but I have only had two times at the computer for about 1 or so hours. Peace