Monday, November 24, 2008

Reset personal NaNoWriMo goal . . .

Today I set a new personal goal for NaNoWriMo. I know the challenge is set for 50,000 words in a month. I am at 4900 words currently. I will set my personal goal at 10,000 words. I have had fun with nano, and I thank Sam for challenging me. I will tell you this, I wrote 4900 more words than I would have attempted had I not tried my had this year. I have enjoyed the times I have had to write. I consider my attempt a success this year, and there is next year to attempt again. Things are awesome.

How are you doing today? No I mean really. I thrive on the personal connection. I love to pour my thoughts out and share my heart. However, my greatest joy in life comes in the interaction with others. This weekend, I had the joy of walking at the Mall here in my hometown. I saw a few of my students who have graduated. It was joyful to interact with them. I love life on life interaction. I also love the opportunity to speak encouragement and hope into peoples lives. Now on to a challenge I face. I am so good at speaking life, grace and hope into others lives, but when it comes to my children sometimes I can be hard. I want to live with more grace towards my kids and my wife. This is an area that is challenging me to be a better dad, husband, and man. I love my wife and kids more than any other humans in this world, so I should be able to tap my love and life giving speech to them. Pray for me as I become the man I long to be in this and other areas of my life.

On to another daily goal - Little by little is my mantra. I am overweight, or as I like to term it - I am un - fit. So I am focusing on FITNESS. . . Fitness in weight, finances, family. You know it. I want to be Fit in all of my life. OK, here we are. I set a goal of walking 45 miles by the end of the year. This week, I was able to walk 10.7 miles. My children, wife and Dad have helped me this week, and I thank them for their assistance. Now on to this week, I have 7 days to walk, steady, little by little each day. I was not able to meet my goal of 50,000 word in NaNo because, I did not do little by little each day.

I found a great frame for my photo from Beth Retro at flickr. Thank you Beth for the wonderful photo. Keep sharing your talent with us. I love your ability to find great color and emotion in photo form. Have a wonderful day.

Well, I have to get going and reach my new personal goal in NaNo. Peace


chloe marie said...

I am proud of you for reaching YOUR own goals instead of anyone's else- i know if you persevere you will succeed!

Tree said...

Thanks Chloe, do not give up girl, you are awesome . . .

weightlossblogger82 said...

most of the fat in body is in colon , you can try colon cleaner to reduce your fat .