Tuesday, April 12, 2011

stop sitting so much . . .

Just read and interesting article about sitting too much.  In this article they had this quote:
"But if you stop thinking about exercise as an activity, and instead think of it as a lifestyle, it’s easier to make healthy choices throughout the day. In other words: Stop trying to be fit, and start trying to live fit."  The article is found Here.  I have had this very same thought about many subjects in my life.  Why try to be or do something . . . why not do it . . . do you try to eat?  no you just eat . . . do you try to run . . . trying to run is not running, it is something else, running is running . . . I also told one of my students to stop trying to be a follower of Jesus, and just do follow Jesus.  I have to be reminded of this each and every day . . . I want to be a follower of Jesus . . . what dose that mean?  it means that I follow Jesus . . . it is not an activity, it is a lifestyle.  The same with I want to lose weight and be more healthy . . . it is about me being and about me living the lifestyle . . . Life is not a destination, it is the journey . . . Life is the Journey . . . Peace

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