Yesterday at church my pastor said this statement and it makes a lot of sense. I have so much to learn . . . if you get a chance listen to "Just Give Up" . I will blog more. Fitness, the word for 2009. Peace
Monday, December 29, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve and 20+ inches of snow . . .
today is Christmas eve, for some on this globe it is already Christmas day. I have had a wonderful time these past few days. To start we had a snow day on last Friday. It began to snow some time in the morning. It kept snowing until there was over 10 inches. Josh and I shoveled so much snow that day. I am proud of him. He has his first job, OK besides my Dad's lawn. He is shoveling snow for a lady in our neighborhood. I helped him on the first day. We shoveled a total of three times that day. We were soar, but we had accomplished something good. So much fun and learning in snow removal. Powerful.
We spent Saturday with my family at my parents house. It was a great time of celebration and fun. Everyone is off on vacation for Christmas, so we did our family gathering then. All the kids, and grand kids and parents, and everyone. My cousin Dave and his family came as well. What a blessing.
Church was awesome, and the Christmas program was great that evening. We also gather with friends and family for dinner at our house after. Fellowship is so wonderful.
I enjoyed a day of work around the house on Monday. Then went to work at the Busch's for a few hours. After that I drove Mona Lisa down the road trying to charge the battery, but the car died on me and I had to push her the rest of the way home. Not too far, about a half a mile. It was not too bad, though it was very cold. I think it is the alternator. I am not quite sure. I am using my dads car for a few days. That will be good.
I worked yesterday for 8 hours at the Busch's. Very busy working that day, senior day, and there was also another snow storm. People in Michigan get crazy with snow. What is up with that, we get snow here. Crazy man, just crazy. Then I went with my dad for dinner at El Padio. What a nice place to eat here in the Novi area.
OK, this is a lame blog, but it is OK. Peace
OK, this is a lame blog, but it is OK. Peace
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What will it take ? ? ?
Last night I had the joy of working at the Busch's. When I went to work there was no snow. Some time in the first hour, it began to snow hard. Just in time for the evening rush hour. People were on edge at the store, and I understand they were in a hurry to get home. It seems when we get under stress, we tend to move quickly thinking that will help us out. What I heard from the folks in line was - many people in a hurry ended up in the ditch off the road. Or perhaps, the hurriers ended up making it home not realizing the trouble they caused running other off the road into a ditch. Isn't this just like real life. We get into some sort of storm - we get under stress and possible in a hurry by a deadline. We begin to make sour choices on the spot in the moment. Then all of a sudden, we find ourselves in a ditch. Or possible we run some around us into a ditch. Think about it. It happens to us. Okay, I can not speak for you. I know it has happened to me all too often. Just this week, i have found myself in the ditch or ditch causing mode. My kids and wonderful wife are the ones I most often ditch. When I am alone in the quiet of my own heart, this brings me great sadness. I must slow down, speak kindly and softly, and remember to move forward with caution. This is another area of FITNESS I am working on - The Relational Fitness. It is time to begin for me the resolution to be the best me. Have a wonderful day, and slow down, take a breath and be thankful. Peace
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Today's her birthday . . .
Fifteen years old, and in high school - time flies. I am so proud of Nikki. She is a diligent worker, with a heart for people, especially children. I have had the privilege and the responsibility to be her dad for fifteen years. I am an incredibly blessed man . . . I can not express the love and admiration I have for my daughter in this short space. Wow, what else can I say.
I am doing good on my walking goal, just finished two miles today. I am at 32.5 of the 45 miles needed or desired before the end of the year. I did not know where to start on this weight thing, so I started by walking. The benefits of Walking have already proven to be numerous. It is easy and fun to do, and I accomplish a goal I set for myself. Walking has helped with the pain I was having in my feet from standing at Busch's as a cashier. Sleep has improved and the activity of dreams has returned, you've got to love the return of blood flow to the brain. Overall, I am a more pleasant person to be around. Again, with the goal of FITNESS for the year of 2009 at the forefront of my mind, it is pleasant to begin the journey on the backside of 2008. There is no time like the present to start a goal, you do not have to wait until January 1, 2009 to begin. I long for the discipline of daily decisions. It has to be done today for me, not just dreamt about. I love to dream and contemplate, but now is the time for me to act, especially on this weight thing.
I thank you, my friends, for your encouragement along the way. I love this thing called blog. I love to chat, express, think, contemplate and grow. I have had fun here. I wish you a wonderful Christmas. May you know the reason for the season. Peace
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I am not alone . . .
Sometimes in life you get that all alone feeling. Like you are the only one that is struggling with some issue. This year has been an interesting year to say the least. I know I am where I should be, but I do not know if I like exactly where I am. I choose to leave a church as their part time youth pastor in August of 2007. I enjoyed the rest that the absence of that job created. I will not say I was burnt out, but I was smoldering. 8.5 years of excellent love and ministry in addition to a full time job as a Paraprofessional left me a bit exhausted. The freedom of living with out a second job was short lived when the bills indicated that we were not making enough money, not to mention the fact that everything in the world was costing more. The two played out into the need for me to find additional work. Enter the opportunity at Busch's . I have been a cashier there for the past 11 months. I pray for a raise in the near future. It has been a good, hard working job. The pay is about one third of what I made at the church, but still sure it was the decision I had to make. My wife also had the opportunity to pick up some tutoring that allowed us to enjoy the summer. Then it was back to the grind. We had to borrow money to make the bills, and all. We still owe money to people. We tried to continue to live like we had the old job, but were soon thrust into a situation in these past few months where the decisions have been between bills and food, and if you do not keep up with bills, then things start getting shut off. Well, I do not know how we have made it fully, but we have not died yet. I long for the day when some of the debt will be eliminated and I will know freedom financially. The toll of this struggle has put tension between my wife and I and lets just say that things can only get better. I love her completely and fully, but it has been hard on the old relationship. I am more on edge with my kids because of many issues: weight, debt, marriage, work . . . It has all been pressing in all at once. I am glad to know that even when I am alone and feel that I am the only one under these pressures, and I must admit, my pressures are lite. I do not want to be whining for nothing. I have two jobs, a house and a car, family and I am just blessed beyond belief. But at times I allow the things of life to press me in and make me feel like a looser. Like I am not where I should be, or who I should be or what I should be. I am me. I am the best me I know how to be, that is not to say that I do not want to learn and grow and become an better best me. I am always wanting to learn. Fitness it the word, and it is a multi-front attack on the things that are pressing me. One thing that I want to build on is my relationship with my kids. I have been so busy, that they have often taken a second seat to all that is going on in life. I feel regret for that, and it is motivating me to relational fitness with my children. They are growing up so fast it is not funny. Pray for me as I try to be a better me. I know that sounds funny. I am praying for you. I want to know you through this thing called blog. Send me a not or make a comment if any of this makes sense to you or you are encouraged or discouraged. Thank you for allowing me to have this place to share. Peace
(art found at: )
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
How did it happen . . .
Today . . . I have a few moments to reflect on life. I am tired today, too much Busch's over the course of the past few days. I long for a job, one job that pays enough to pay the bills, wait, I long for the day that the bills will be less, and I can continue to do a job I love, that is better. Is it a money issue, or a control of the money issue? If I could tell you one thing, from all the things I have learned in life besides your need of Jesus as you savior, It would be, do not create DEBT. That is right. Do you want to be a slave to someone else, then go ahead and create debt. Debt is an anchor that holds you back from your dreams. How did I get into debt? Little by little, a thing here, a trip there, a meal over there. I did have fun, and it happened over time, but now, I am in a pit that will be hard to climb out of. I am not in despair, but I am pressed. If I could sway you in any way - deny yourself until you have the cash, do not run on credit, it will lead you into the slavery of debt. I will be debt free, it will be a long haul, but it will be worth it. I am at the very beginning of the road out of this pit, but it will be wonderful.
Did I tell you that FITNESS is my word for the year, 2009. I know, this is a little early, but I want to be FIT. ON multiple levels, Emotionally, Physically, financially, relationally, spiritually. I believe, Spiritual fitness is incorporated into all areas of fitness. All is spiritual. Every aspect of my life is a spiritual issue.
Also, I want to say, my post on the challenge to married couples may have made some of my readers blush, sorry. I am married, and I think it was an amazing challenge. I also hoped to garner some comments from another post I had done. Also, by the very fact that you are reading this post, two someones took the challenge at some point in their lives, and here you are. I know it may be something you do not want to think about, but it is where we all began. I love you all. Peace
Did I tell you that FITNESS is my word for the year, 2009. I know, this is a little early, but I want to be FIT. ON multiple levels, Emotionally, Physically, financially, relationally, spiritually. I believe, Spiritual fitness is incorporated into all areas of fitness. All is spiritual. Every aspect of my life is a spiritual issue.
Also, I want to say, my post on the challenge to married couples may have made some of my readers blush, sorry. I am married, and I think it was an amazing challenge. I also hoped to garner some comments from another post I had done. Also, by the very fact that you are reading this post, two someones took the challenge at some point in their lives, and here you are. I know it may be something you do not want to think about, but it is where we all began. I love you all. Peace
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Greates things in life . . .
Great . . . Awesome . . . How can a price tag be placed on experiences with family and friends? It is impossible. All this stems from a wonderful evening of conversation, love and eating. Last night we spent time with family, nothing short. God, thank you for our family. You are a wonderful Father. I love to be with people. It is amazing how we grow and are encouraged when we are together with one another. Peace
Friday, December 5, 2008
Some musings on Ed Young and a sex challenge . . .
Pow, there you go, I am charged up without full information. What a wonderful way to respond. I did not and have not heard Ed Young and his wife talk about their sex challenge to the married couples in their chruch called Fellowship Church in Texas - their main campus is called the Grapevine. . . He did a sermon series called Leaving Lust Vegas . I guess in this series he challenges his married couples to have sex for seven days straight. Wow, what a novel Idea that married couple would have sex. Sorry to my non married friends. It is such a novel Idea that the chuch may actually have an opinion on issues that real men and women in the world face every day. Who ever thought that a lack of sex in marriage was something to be sought or something to be "more spiritual"?? I know this may be the oddest post to date. But it has lit a fire in my soul as well, to see the church baulk at such a notion that it has an opinion on something that God created Good, and it is best served up in the context of Marriage. The church has a powerful voice on sex outside of marriage, "DO NOT DO IT > > >" Is that the only thing the bible has to say about sex. Don't do it, or you will . . . you fill in the blank. Why as the body of Christ do we not speak to both sides of the issue? on this and many other issues? Sorry. I have to hear what this guy said. I read a great book called Sex God by Rob Bell, and he hits many of the issues square on the head.
I guess I better listen to Ed Young and see what he has to say since I have now spoken. I am a FAT man, and no I am not talking about my weight, though I am larger than I long to be . . . but I like eating. I FEEL, then ACT, and then THINK many times, this may not be the best way, but it the way I am built. It is the way I operate. It is the way I learn grow and move through this world. Everyone operates some way, they are AFT, or TFA, or FTA, or ATF and other are just F, or A, or T or some other combination. I at least know who I am and I am secure in that fact. Thank you for taking the time to read this post today . . .
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Stuck in my head . . .
Have you ever got a song stuck in your head?? Well this morning I had Rockstar stuck in my head. I just do not know why. It is so opposite of who I am and who I think I want to be. Now there is a thought. Will I ever be who I think I want to be? What is happening with that thought? What happens if I never become someone, am I still someone? What is it about being Someone that is so great? I am me. Yes, you heard it right. I am the best me there is, and without going into it for my friends sake . . . I will only say that "I AM A WINNER". I began life as a Winner, and there is no reason to see myself as anything but a winner. I am blessed and excited about today and the days to come. I hope you are as well. Peace
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Live, Laugh, Love . . .
A popular saying, but one that needs to be repeated in life. I am alive today, and happily so. I am at school this morning, a little on the tired side. Students if full swing on this brisk December morning. Christmas is a few days away. Powerful thoughts stream through my mind and heart about the goodness of Grace. Here are some verses that have been coursing through my head . . .
"Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me—watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." Matthew 11:28-30
What do you think about that? I want to learn the unforced rhythms of grace. Why is it that I feel so often like I have to force my crazy self to obey and trust. I long for the freeing feeling of knowing the unforced-ness of walking with God. God is so good.
(Top Photo found at: )
(Bottom Photo found at: )
Sunday, November 30, 2008
5,068 and all smiles . . .
There we have it. I am done, and submitted. I hit the powerful number of 5,068 out of 50,000. That is a wonderful 10.1%. I am so happy for that number I am also excited by the things I learned about me and how or what I think. I am so thankful that Sam encouraged me to Nano. I challenge anyone who enjoys writing, to give it a try next year. I am already looking forward to next year. I also will continue my Nano from this year as a way of expressing my heart of thanksgiving. Peace
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Stuff . . .
There was no school today, and I was able to get a few things accomplished off my huge list of things to do before I die . . . Well, I hate clutter around my house, especially my room, computer, garage, and desk. But boy o boy, clutter just seems to happen like you know what. Why is it that i can not let this little paper with cool words go, or that thing I thought I had to have, now collecting dust somewhere. Are we all, kinda little pack rats? Hanging on to stuff? Is it just me? What is it about stuff. Take this Friday for instance, why is it that people will give up sleep to get more stuff they do not need at low low prices, just to take it back the day after Christmas? Why are we so obsessed with stuff. What is it that we actually need? Do we have needs? OK, we all have needs, but can our needs actually be met by the stuff we surround ourselves with? I have way to much stuff, and sometimes not the things I really need in life. What is it that you really need? Yes, comment me. I want to know what it is you need. Not want, or desire, but need. I would love to learn in the dialog. OK, that is enough on this. I will write more later. That is enough on stuff. Peace
Monday, November 24, 2008
Reset personal NaNoWriMo goal . . .
Today I set a new personal goal for NaNoWriMo. I know the challenge is set for 50,000 words in a month. I am at 4900 words currently. I will set my personal goal at 10,000 words. I have had fun with nano, and I thank Sam for challenging me. I will tell you this, I wrote 4900 more words than I would have attempted had I not tried my had this year. I have enjoyed the times I have had to write. I consider my attempt a success this year, and there is next year to attempt again. Things are awesome.
How are you doing today? No I mean really. I thrive on the personal connection. I love to pour my thoughts out and share my heart. However, my greatest joy in life comes in the interaction with others. This weekend, I had the joy of walking at the Mall here in my hometown. I saw a few of my students who have graduated. It was joyful to interact with them. I love life on life interaction. I also love the opportunity to speak encouragement and hope into peoples lives. Now on to a challenge I face. I am so good at speaking life, grace and hope into others lives, but when it comes to my children sometimes I can be hard. I want to live with more grace towards my kids and my wife. This is an area that is challenging me to be a better dad, husband, and man. I love my wife and kids more than any other humans in this world, so I should be able to tap my love and life giving speech to them. Pray for me as I become the man I long to be in this and other areas of my life.
On to another daily goal - Little by little is my mantra. I am overweight, or as I like to term it - I am un - fit. So I am focusing on FITNESS. . . Fitness in weight, finances, family. You know it. I want to be Fit in all of my life. OK, here we are. I set a goal of walking 45 miles by the end of the year. This week, I was able to walk 10.7 miles. My children, wife and Dad have helped me this week, and I thank them for their assistance. Now on to this week, I have 7 days to walk, steady, little by little each day. I was not able to meet my goal of 50,000 word in NaNo because, I did not do little by little each day.
I found a great frame for my photo from Beth Retro at flickr. Thank you Beth for the wonderful photo. Keep sharing your talent with us. I love your ability to find great color and emotion in photo form. Have a wonderful day.
Well, I have to get going and reach my new personal goal in NaNo. Peace
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Eight Days . . .
I just do not understand my absence from the blog seine. It is just plumb crazy. I love to blog, I have time at times to blog, and I have not blogged for 8 days. OK enough, I will get on with it. I am tired of being a big guy. I know everyone loves the big guy, but I would love to be a little littler. So, here you go. I have challenged myself to walk 45 miles by the end of the year. I know that does not seem like much, but it starts with a step. So, I have started logging my steps, and I have asked my dad and daughter to walk with me. I am so excited, and believe it or not feel better after three days. Pray that I will continue on the journey that I have begun. I am still only on 3800 words on NaNoWriMo, but have no fear, I have some time carved out on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of this week. Write is what I want to do, and write I will do. The wife is away this weekend, and I will write. I am so blessed. How are you? I love reading your blogs, that is the truth. I find joy in your journey. I am encouraged in my own Journey. Wow, thanksgiving, giving thanks, what else could I do? Well, I have to go and get Ben. Peace
(photo found on flickr - sorry I do not have the link)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Back to writing . . .
I can not believe how long it has been . . . Too long if you will. Sam, I must say - Thank you for leading me down this new way. This way of blogging. I have had the opportunity to connect with new people from around the world. I am so blessed. I am thankful for the nearness of the world on the net. I know our world is crazy and amazingly evil at times, but it is wonderful to connect with beautiful people. Why is it that we allow the "media" to dictate and direct our views of the world. Think with me about the evening news - it is bad, upon bad with a little bit of bad tossed in, it is evil upon evil, with a touch of something good that is happening, and so on and so on. It is not a wonder that we need something to calm our fears as a people. There is much more love, much more good, much more beauty in our world. I know, I am a realist, there is much evil and much wrong and much injustice, and we must do what or all we can to right the wrongs. The very heart of God calls for man to live justly with all those in the world. God is a God of the oppressed. His heart is for them. Read the Book. It is fat with truth on Justice. Though we may not see his heart, or ask where is he. He is there. Wow, from writing, to philosophy to theology so fast. It is all one. They all fit together. They are not separate. Everything is spiritual. Everything is deep. OK, maybe my choice of tea may not be deep, but it is in some way.
I ordered a print from Beth Retro. I look forward to putting it is a nice frame. The colors are wonderful. Take a look at it, it is on my blog. Thank you again. I also want to say, Beth, I love your blog, and your writing. It is full of energy and hope. I love the way you pull color into your photos as well. I am thankful that I found your flickr. Have a wonderful day.
Well, I am at like 3000 + words on NaNoWriMo, I have a lot to do to get to the goal, but the exercise is stretching me as a person. I am blessed. Thank you again Sam for the encouragement, and you - Keep writing, do not give up, but do not give up sleep either. Peace
Yesterday, my heart broke with a friend in her loss of her dad. It was heavy. She is all that her dad had. She has much in her life, and is a wonderful, beautiful young lady with much energy and passion. As I hugged her and shared a moment of love and encouagement, my heart broke with hers. Pray for my friend in these days of loss.
Friends, I am thankful for this time, and your time. Have a blessed and wonderful day. Peace
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Just stuff for you about me . . .
OK, I was finally able to track down an "I Voted" sticker. I am so thankful. I love the I voted stickers, they usually end up in my Day timer or my Journal.
Here is a great article on a wonderful position I will have in regard to Obama.
I am telling you, it is my desire to see our country do well. I will pray for Obama as our president and the other leaders that take our country in this new direction. I am first and foremost a follower of Jesus, yes with all my warts and bumps. I have been blessed by my life here in America and for that I am truly thankful.
I feel like crap from a crazy cold thing. I do not know what to do. But I will continue to take some medication and rest a lot. I actually have the entire weekend off, I am so excited. You know on think about being sick that really bugs me - my wife will not kiss me. I know that is sad, but it does bug me, I like her kisses. Ha ha.
Nano is a lot of fun, but I have to find myself at the computer for a few more minutes. I am at 2880 words, and that is only in two sittings. My theme is things I am thankful for, and it is pouring out of me like water. I can not wait to continue writing.
The photo I am using for my background is from a new friend Beth Retro at flickr, here is her link, found it one day and asked her permission to use it. I am thankful that she said yes.
Well, that is it for today, I think, I may post again, who knows. Peace
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Today . . .
Two blogs in one day. Maybe I came across way to strong on Obama. From the first speech I heard him speak, I told my family, this guy will run for President one day. He is a great communicator. In many ways there has not been another man run for office like him sense Kennedy. He is charismatic, and powerful, and he motivates people to action. My major challenges with Obama are his associations, those he has followed during his years off the radar (Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Louis Farrakhan, Tony Rezko, Nadhami Auchi and others). An old saying is "birds of a feather flock together". Is that true here in this case? Who is the real Obama? What are his true intentions? Will he be a man of Honor? What is his definition of "Change"? I have so many questions, but no worries. It is all good in Gods Kingdom and it will remain all good in my heart. I will commit to pray for him, and support him as the leader that God has chosen for our country. I will have more thoughts along the way. Peace
God is in control and Obama is our President . . .
Greetings, thank you for reading my blogs . . . I like the process by which America selects their president. I know that the nation has spoken and for once the perfect democratic set up is in place. A democratic President, a democratic house and senate. Though I may not agree with the position of the democratic party, I will pray for their wisdom as they lead our country. There is not doubt that our country was ready for "Change", and it appears that change has come. There is a new hope within America, and that is exciting. Peace
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Yes, yes I did vote . . .
Hey now, I did have the great privilege to vote today. I was number 555 at my precinct. That is really good compared to all the other times I voted. I did have to make a call to the City Clerks office to complain. Yes me, complain. You want to know why, I'll tell you why, actually I will insert a photo here to let you know why . . .
Yes, you guessed it. My polling place ran out of the coveted "I Voted" Stickers. Can you believe that. I love the sticker. I vote for the sticker, no actually, I do keep them in my journal with a notation of the day I voted. Also, I was not able to take advantage of all the free stuff that was being passed out today, not that I would have, but I didn't have the sticker.
I know that God is in control and whatever happens in regard to the elections, I have no need to worry, but wholly rest upon HIM. It is an amazing thing to think that my future is not in the hand of any politician. Now do not get me wrong, things in this land of ours could get crazy, and people could be in dire need. I am not saying that I would not have sadness if our country was thrown into some sort of chaos. What I am saying is my mind is at rest in God and his truth, and my soul is at peace, while my body may waste away. I know this is odd, but death is not the enemy. This may be an odd post to you, but I invite you to seek Jesus, and find the peace that he give freely. Have a blessed day. Also I am at 1877 words in nanowrimo. That is good for a newbie. Peace
Friday, October 31, 2008
Nanowrimo . . . I take the challenge
Well, here we go. I do not know how my idea will fit into the Novel Idea, I will have to create a fictional character, that will be me. I am going to write on a challenge that I never followed through on, which is to write about 1000 things I am thankful for. So here we go. And yes, Sam, you can say you talked me into taking the challenge. You know for only knowing you for a year, you have encouraged me to try some new things. Thank you for your encouragement. I look forward to the next month. Peace
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Less than a week, and no worries . . .
That is right, the American political election is only days away, and there is no reason to worry. It is not about what political party is in control. Is there actually any political party that is ever in control. Civilizations come and go, just look at history. Are we left without hope in this world. Will America be here forever, just like the Greeks and the Romans? We are in this time, right now. America has been an ongoing experiment. We have learned something new each step of the way.
What does it mean to embrace Change? I believe we must change or die. We must be ever growing and expanding or we cease to exist. However, there are many sides to change. There are changes for the better, and then there are changes for the sake of change, not taking into account the consequences of that change. I believe we as individuals must count the cost of the change before we embrace the "Change". Change will come, but are we ready for that change, time will tell.
There is no need to worry, why? Because God is in control. I know you may not buy the entire God thing, then I encourage you to go ahead an worry, and enjoy your panic and ulcers. The Bible tells me to rest in God. To seek him. Look at the lords Prayer. I mean really look at it. What kind of World would we have if we followed Jesus example in real life. Peace
OK, now on to the worries part. We are a society that is driven by fear, or worry, or at least that is what is portrayed on the national news media. There is no need to fret or worry, regardless of what political wind blows through next weeks elections. What causes you to fear? I will have to think about the things that cause me fear as well.
Monday, October 27, 2008
On my mind . . .
Many things are on my mind at this time, but the Election is at the forefront of many thoughts. I have not struggled internally with my choice as it comes to the vote as I have with this election. In some ways, I know I only have one voice out of maybe 180,000,000 people who are registered to vote in America. I wish I could say that McCain/Palin are the ones, but I am not strong on them. I do however feel that Obama/Biden are not the ones for America. So, what are my options. I could write myself in as a candidate. I could also vote for Chuck Baldwin form the Constitution Party, of Bob Barr from the Libertarian Party, or Cynthia McKinney from the Green party, or for Ralph Nader of the Independent Party. However, I feel a vote for anyone other than McCain would be a vote for Obama. Do not get me wrong, I think Obama is a smart individual, who is well educated. I like the fact that he seems to be a strong family man as well. I can understand why many people are drawn to his Charisma. I like Obama as an individual, I just do not feel his plan is the best for America. I still do not know who he is really. His associates have said more about who he really is than what I have seen of him. You know, birds of a feather flock together. I am in much prayer for myself, and our country. Peace
Friday, October 24, 2008
Who is Barak Obama ? ? ?
Here is an interesting article by Cal Thomas I am challenged to think about who we will have in the house and the idology that will prevail. I am looking forward to the election. It is my prayer that people get out of their houses and go vote. Peace
PrO-bama ? ? ?
I stumbled across this link . It was a worthy read. In an earlier post I talked about the pro -abortion stance of Obama. In this article the author, Frank Shaffer, son of philosopher Francis Shaffer, writes about Obama's desire to raise the value of all life. I agree with Frank that there is a need to raise the overall value of Life in America. Just look at all the killing that is going on daily. I also agree that we are not only consumers in this world. However, I do not agree with the socialist views of spreading the wealth. We do need to recreate a culture of Life that is good, but we can not do it while we are in the closet destroying life, even in a partial birth abortion setting.
I am challenged to think outside the box . . . Peace
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
What matters most ? ? ?
OK, maybe it is just me, but today I am deeply introspective. What matters? actually What matters Most? I love life, and I love my life. But I feel lost many times. Lost in the way of life if you will. Am I doing what I am suppose to be doing? Am I being who I am suppose to be? I just want to be. Is it possible that "to be" is a goal? So what matters most?
Family. Love. Peace. Love. God. Me on the inside. They all matter immensely.
Support . . .
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Innocent . . .
Why I will not vote for Obama . . .I know it may seem simple, and there may be some arguments against other elected politicians. Here it goes, in Proverbs 6:16-19 says . . . "Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion: eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family. " (the Message) The line that causes me the greatest trouble with Obama and our country is our unwillingness to see life for what it is - Valuable to God. We want to save trees, whales, frogs and flies, but when we here of a woman and a man who willingly have sex without the commitment of marriage and the natural result of "LIFE" occurs we say it is the "very Personal choice of the woman". My heart is anguished when a woman is violated and wronged by a man (rape and incest). But look with me at what the verse says - God hates hands that murder the innocent. What did the child ever do? Would you not say that the unborn child is "innocent" ? I also do not want to condemn any woman who has made the "choice" - God is willing to forgive the repentant heart fully. However, as a country we continue down a road that supports the shedding of innocent blood. It is time that we look at this thing for what it is - Murder, nothing short . . . This is one reason I will not be able to support Obama in just a few days. I am not saying that McCain will be the answer. I am just saying he will not go so far as Obama is willing to go in shedding the blood of the innocent . . . Peace
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Today is wedding day . . .
Wow, it is already October 18th. In just a few hours I will be conducting a wedding for a couple of students who were in my youth group. I am very excited to be a part of their special day. I have the entire wedding all planned, at least the part that is my responsibility. Marriage, what do you think about it? It is the most wonderful and at time the most challenging thing I have ever been a part of in my life. Look, whenever you put two different people into one box on some street and they begin to live together, it is going to be quite interesting. Is it possible to actually know someone before you get married to them - by married I mean committed and possessed by the other partner. That sounds a little strange, I know, but there is something that happens when two people get married that is never able to be replicated in any other fashion before marriage. I do not know how to fully explain it, but it is real. I am excited about today, and I pray for this young couple as they start off this journey of their life. Got to go to a soccer game. Peace
Thursday, October 9, 2008
What do you think . . .
You know, I believe religion has given Jesus a bad name. Religion, the way I see it, seeks to chang a person on the outside, and Jesus seeks to transform a person from the inside out. It is sad that many religions say they support and want to point people to the Savior of the world tends to alienate those who need to hear the Truth of the Gospel. The gospel is good news. Jesus is the way for man to come to God and gain a right relationship with the Creator. It is all good. The bad news is that many people are blinded by religion or their frustration with religion to see the Goodness of Gods gift of Jesus. God does care what you believe, he does care what you do, to put it on the bottom line, God cares about you, warts and all. Not only does he care about you. He loves you regardless of weather you love him back. The bible in Romans 5 tells us this truth. I do not know where you are. I want you to know the truth, The truth is - God loves you. The bible is his letter to you. It is for you to learn the best possible way to live. I encourage you to read Proverbs and to read James. I am thinking about you all today. Peace
Monday, October 6, 2008
Just ordinary . . .
I am just a simple man. I am ordinary. What is so special about being ordinary? I often wonder will I ever be extraordinary, or as one person put it "top drawer". I love the people that are top drawer don't get me wrong. But why do we place so much emphasis on the top drawer. I see myself as another drawer. Lets say there is an entire chest of drawers. I am like the third or fourth drawer. I am just average. I am OK with average. I have no problem with who I am. OK, well maybe I have not made full peace with being average. I am a deep person, with many thoughts and concerns. I see value in being the best average person I can be. I want to be extraordinarily average. Would that make me something different? I do not know how to resolve these thoughts in my head. I know "welcome to my head" . I am 42 years old. I am in a tight place in life, but I am at peace. I am thankful to be learning and growing even in this new place. Married 20 years, kids, house, dog, cars. I just do not know. What am I? Who am I? Am I who I am suppose to be? Why am I? I know, too many questions. I am not in a mode of pity or "oh me", I am just - I do not know - not lost but not sure. Does that make sense? The possibility of Peace in the midst of, I just do not know. I long to belong. I long to know why I am me. It is odd. Well, how do you end this type of thing? I love me, I love life, I love God and am thankful that He loves me. I am loved by others. I am blessed. Wow, who knew this is in me? Peace
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Connection . . .
You know it is amazing. Really, I mean it. The connection that humans have. The power of words and thoughts that are shared between us. They can build us and make us able to take on the challenges that lie ahead. I am thankful for all my connections to folks around this world and in my world. I love you all. Thank you. Peace
Pressed is good . . .
Life has a way of teaching us things we may not want to learn. I am in one of those times. To be disciplined is a great thing, but the life of non discipline has proven to place me where I am presently. To move from here to there, there will have to be a plan in place, and it will have to be followed. I heard yesterday that "Failing to plan, is planning to fail" . I do not want to continue in the way that I have been. W. L. Bateman said "If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got." I have got to embrace discipline in my life. Peace (Photo from )
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Life is Strange sometimes . . .
Is it me, or is it odd how our lives weave a pattern through this world? We move and change as the days come and go. Is there such thing as a Constant in life?? Friend and acquaintances come and go as we enter or leave seasons of our lives. Wow, I sound kinda philosophical. I am 42 years old, or young and I have engaged life on several fronts, maybe not all pleasant, but all good to their respective degrees. I began this world as a child, that did not ask to be brought into this world. My little pond landed me in Detroit in 1966. My parents loved me and worked through life together to make our home awesome. I went to school made friends had fun worked hard and all the stuff that goes along with that. I dated and enjoyed the company of the opposite sex. I attended two colleges. I met my wife. I worked several "JOBS". I have enjoyed the joy and the pressure of having Children (3). I have been a pastor with the desire to point people away from "Bad Religion" and to a wonderful loving "Sweet Jesus". I have struggled as a hypocrite - desiring to be a better person than I know I actually am. I am a love of people exactly where they are hoping to encourage them to explore life and hope as they move on this continuum. I do not see life as a single trip that has a definite beginning and a definite ending. I see life as a continuation into something different. Something beyond death. I see life from a Bibliocentric viewpoint. I see God as a lover of His Creation and the payer of the ultimate price to redeem or buy back His love - Man - lost in the garden. I can not explain it all, nor will I ever in this realm be able to explain it all. I have placed my Faith in what Jesus has done that I could not do for myself. I long to live the way that Jesus lived in my life. Wow, writing . . . I long to be out of debt. I thought slavery was abolished long ago in America. I have made myself slave to others. I do not like this place where I am at in regard to finances. I have been set free by Jesus to love and enjoy life, but often I find myself entangled into the passions of this world. I long for the rest that Jesus talks about in the Gospels. I am looking forward to our fall study at Orchard Grove called REST. I need it. I do not know when this thing called life will end for me, but I do know that I want to finish well. I love my wife, my family, my kids, my friends, I am blessed beyond belief. Thank you. Peace
(art found at: )
Friday, September 12, 2008
Anomaly . . .
Anomaly - I life an anomaly? Is our existence just a series of odd circumstances? Or is it merely our attempt to understand our existence that brings about the Anomalies. I am going to read a book called 13 Things That Don't Make Sense: The Most Baffling Scientific Mysteries of Our Time . I saw it at the book store a few weeks ago. This is where I plunged into this idea of an anomaly. Well. I miss blogging, I miss you. Peace
Friday, September 5, 2008
Just thoughts . . .
Today marks the end of the first week of school. I must say, I have enjoyed being back to school, but I am tired today. I need to get to bed sooner. I need more sleep. It has been fun riding with my daughter to work / school each morning. I am so thankful for my job.
I am beginning to get involved in my church Orchard Grove. I am a greeter at one of the doors of our church at this time. I am meeting with one of the folks that lead our pastoral care ministry in order to work with them. I am excited about this as well. I have to go to work now. I will chat with you all soon. Peace
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back to School, Back to Work, Back to Fun . . .
Today is the First Day back to school for Teachers and support staff. I am sitting in my office back early from lunch ready for our first meeting as a High School staff. I am so glad to be back to school. I really enjoy my work. The other day while working at Busch's, I was talking with the folks in my line about the value of enjoying the work you do. I do not know how it all plays out in the real world for others, but I will spend the greatest part of my life sleeping, the the second greatest bulk of my time working, then it reduces from there. If you do not love, or at least enjoy your job, what is the sense. I am not saying love every single aspect of the work, but for Pete's sake take more than just a pay check away from the experience. So what about you? What do you love, or do you think you will love doing?
O, let me tell you, I did not go into what I enjoy about my job. I work with students at a High School. I am a compassionate lover of people and I especially love to help people learn and grow and become better people. I love to walk with the hope that often resides within the youth. I see the potential energy that is bound up within their souls. It gives me life to engage them in thoughts and dreams. I am built for this type of work. I love the kids that are struggling all the way to the kids that have a clue just what is going on. I am so blessed.
I look forward to seeing you all back at school. I hope to blog more this year than I did in the summer. Peace
Thursday, August 21, 2008
School . . .
I am back at School. I can not believe that I did not blog more this summer. It thought I would have spent some time sharing my thoughts. Well, School will begin in a few days. I am so excited. I will be the parent of a High School student for the first time this year. I do not think I am old enough for this, but here we are. I look forward to blogging this year. What are your plans for this school year? Peace
Monday, August 4, 2008
There is no thing like home . . .
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Photos with words . . .
Good Morning from Lake Guntersville, AL. Things are great. The water as you can see is crystal clear. It appears like it is going to be a wonderful day. I am going to add some other photos here of our trip so far. I miss home, but I am having fun learning and growing each day. Look at Proverbs 13, it is a wonderful chapter of wisdom.
We are on our way to the Tennessee River 600.
Here is the Sunset in Knoxville from the 11th floor of the Marriott downtown.
Here are the boys at the send off from Knoxville.
Curt and Lucas on the send off of day one from Knoxville.
Josh being silly with Curt's Summer Wheat.
An alagator we found and lost again.
The Boys having fun in the water.
Curt and Lucas coming in for lunch and gas.
Well that is all that I have time for today. I love you all. Peace
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