Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I get all up . . .

I do not know why this is, but I get all up in the energy and emotions at times about things I can not control . . . it is crazy, and to kick the cow on the way out, things I can control and are my responsibility, i some how allow myself the freedom of not dealing with that issue. Odd, I know, and perplexing at times. It is the old splinter, log in the eye story from the Gospels . . . Why is it that we can see someone else's fault and want to point them out the first moment we can, and we are so long suffering with our own foolishness . . . This is a bummer as I think about the things in my day. Look at it this way, I would like to think that that I am other minded, but all you have to do is drive with me for about five minutes to find out that I do think the world revolves around me. I hate being so selfish, but I am just so dang good at it . . . Have you ever been here? What do you do to combat this feeling? I need a little input . . . peace


Samantha said...

Here's a picture by the person I told you about today.

Tree said...

thanks for the link . . . cool . . .

Tree said...

no problem, it is just where I live . . . Sam, i like her hair, how long do you think it will take?