Friday, December 16, 2011


Originally uploaded by dav_mann

Christmas balloons . . .nice

Friday, October 14, 2011

Just a minute here . . .

Yes, I am able to blog . . . nice . . . It has been some time since my last blog. I really miss the time I once had around the Internet and online. My work has taken me away from access to a computer . . . . so I have not been online lately . . . I have enjoyed looking at your blogs though, and I am thankful . . . Well, this is the blog as it stands . . . the days have been full and obstacles have been many . . . but I am learning. . . .

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rail run . . .

Rail run . . .
Originally uploaded by SoullooN

I love this photo and I wanted to share it with you . . .

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Going Back to School . . . BABY . . .

I am so thankful to be back to school. I love being with the students and having a schedule. I do enjoy the summer do not get me wrong. But I work well when my life has directed order. I get up at 5:55 am,nice run of the number five wouldn't you say. Take a shower, clean up mighty fine. Then I grab some breakfast, and move all my stuff to the car. Then I drive to work and begin my day at 7 am. I work my day, enjoy my students and face the challenges of the day together. Then I am done at 2 pm. Then I have the balance of the day to do my to do stuff. I fit in time at the GYM several days. I help keep up the house and fix things. I am good at fixing things, though at times I may break them and then they cost even more to fix, but I believe I am still ahead by fixing many of the things myself.

Here is the deal. I have to learn to go to bed sooner, and eat less in the evening. I need me some gooder sleep. That is the word, you read it GOODER . . . that is when you allow wisdom to take you from the relaxing state to the sleeping state. Turn off the TV, and go to bed man. I do have trouble just giving up on the day. So one of my goals to improve my life is to be in bed by 11 pm what ever the cost . . . and at that it only give me 7 hours sleep - if I go to sleep quickly . . . it would be so much better if I went to bed at 10 pm. So there you go . . . I got a gooder and a better all in the same goal. Nice Tim, real nice . . .

I am thankful to be back to work.


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I am 45 . . .

Up late last night working off my wife's iPad . . . it would not let me write my blog . . . I do not know that I like the iPad much, but I can check my email and it is lite . . . On to the thought . . . I am 45, and my blog goes unread . . . but I still write. Today, this very morning I had the joy of writing a postcard through Postcrossing that passed away just this month . . . It is odd and exciting that the Daughter seeing the joy and love her mom had for postcrossing is keeping her account alive for a while. What happens when folks die. They live on in our memory, and in our thoughts but they no longer carry on in the daily routine that we know as life. Their mail goes unanswered . . . the food in their fridge goes bad . . . the bed remains unused, the television is not turned on . . . the phone stops ringing . . . the car remains parked . . . Others, loved ones hopefully enter somewhere and begin to uncover the woven matrix that was life for the person. With wonder they sort through stuff that has been kept and stored in the space they once called home . . . It is not my intention to make this blog morbid, but to embrace reality. I was also watching hoarders last night on the TV and it got me wondering about the stuff I keep and why I keep it . . . and what the heck folks will say once they go through it when I am no longer living in this realm. I ask myself . . . what is important to me. What is necessary . . . what is valuable in my life. Where does my energy need to be focused. I want to be a good man, I want to be a good me, I want to be a good Dad, I want to be a good husband, I want to be a good teacher, I want to be a good lover of others, and many times I just want to be left alone. Seems odd that all these i wants are all in the same me. I have a well visit today with my doctor, I am ready to be told that I am well. I can not eat until after the appointment at 3 pm so I am sitting here drinking my clear water . . . there is a nice thing. I have water, and folks in Africa are walking 8 or 9 days to get water and dieing on the way . . . and I just step over to my fridge and grab ice cold water anytime . . . how am I suposed to process that? My mind is a spin and I look forward for school to begin . . . I want my life back on that routine . . . at least until the end . . .

Friday, July 15, 2011

July 15, 2011

Today is Friday . . . July 15, 2011. My son turned 15 yesterday, and Harry Potter had its opening for the final show . . . I am excited that my kids were able to go to the midnight showing last night . . . it sounds like they had a wonderful evening. I am blessed that my family is able to enjoy life . . . I am amazed at the time I live in . . . I know I am blessed and I am thankful. Many in our world do not have my life, and I know they feel blessed and thankful with the life they have . . .

Just the other day I was reading an article about a lady whose husband cut her nose and ears off because she ran away from his abuse . . . and in the article I was moved to tears to believe that such a thing could happend . . . and she still has a positive outlook on life . . . here is the link if you are interested . . .

What is holding me back?? I just do not know . . . I can not blow past this 300 lb wall . . . it is time for me to move . . . track, walk, go to the gym and blow past this wall . . . I am a thin man traped in my large body . . . I want out of this space that I have trapped myself in . . . it is crazy at times, but it is what is my life for this moment . . .

What is your largest learning issue at this momen? I am learning on several fronts . . .

how to be a good DAD and parent to my children . . .

How to be a loving, kind Husband to my wonderful wife of 23 years

how to be a thin me . . . to be the slim I am created to be . . . hahaha but really tears stream down my face at times

I also have a new friend in my life

A Canon DSLR Rebel XTi . . .

I am on the grow when it comes to photoing . . . I am blessed and thankful for this new friend . . . get ready to enjoy some new photos in the coming days and you are invited to stop by my flickr at:

know you are loved and prayed for today . . .


Friday, July 1, 2011

Night time binge eating . . .

No purging from this guy . . . but eating at night when I am not hungry for food . . . but hungry for other things . . . well lets just say not counting these points . . . and that this past few days or weeks, I have returned to my old foolish life robbing ways . . . Wake up me . . . GET UP me . . . return to the new road that leads to health and life . . . Wow . . . I am hard on me at times . . . but I am telling you . . . why do we return to old ways that take us places we do not want to go . . . why do we default to the foolish so easily . . . Back on the wagon today . . . Looking for love in all the wrong places has grown my waist line and not lead me to my hearts greatest desire . . . so you know where I am at in my mind, heart and soul currently . . . Boy o boy . . . Hershey's Chocolate does taste so good, and puts my mind in a spin . . . but it does not fill the need or answer the call . . . One step at a time Sweet Jesus . . . you know when I taste and see that the Lord is good . . . it fills my love need and does not bulge my waist line . . . Need me some more Jesus, and less Lays . . . Can I get an Amen up in this house . . .  Someone picking up what I am laying down . . . Come up out of the slavery of Egypt and enter into the Promise land . . . Get on up . . .

Friday, June 24, 2011

Knee surgery and other things . . .

So yes, I did have my knee surgery on Thursday. So far the recovery has been ok . . . I am ready to get some PT by next week. It is hard to be stuck not doing anything or something like that . . . When I got home from surgery I had 4 plugs that were not working. So with the help of my neighbor we found the problem. My tester called the problem ground and hot wire reversed. S I had to figure that out and it ment that I had a nuteral wire that had come undone in my electrical string. So found the problem repaved some recipticals and made sure the wires were tight and retested and all was good.
Then that night Ben and I watched some tv and then well stayed up till 6:30 am and then slept till 8 am. I am not sleeping well. I do not know what is up . . . Maybe the meds are keeping me up or something . . . I am tired, and I am ready for some sleep come now . . . Well, it will be all good, on to the rest of the movie . . . Rudy

Monday, June 6, 2011

Change is all around . . .

So as this year at Novi High School winds down . . . the seniors have left the building and the class of 2011 has now graduated . . . Just today the future freshmen came to the HS for their visit . . . It is nice to see all the new students . . . Among them is my son.  This is such a blessing, but at the same time a reminder that my life story is changing chapters.  I will miss several of the students that have now moved on . . . I anticipate the things I will learn as the new students come into our community . . .It is my prayer and hope that in my humble job I will have to opportunity to influence some students to seek truth and walk in wisdom as they move through these halls.  More to come as the days move forward . . . I want to take my blog from babbling to something of substance . . . Thinking, dreaming, contemplating . . .

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Get Your SKIP ON . . .

Greetings my friends . . . I cam upon this great site about Skipping . . . why did we ever stop being a child in our wonderment of life . . . Who robbed us or what robbed us of this joy?  So I encourage you to stop by the I Skip website and let me know what you think . . .

All Smiles . . .

Seniors last day at Novi High School is tomorrow . . . and on senior skip day last week I ordered a super large pizza for Benito's for us . . . This is a happy friend enjoying a slice . . . Being a paraprofessional brings many students into my life, or me into their lives what ever way you want to view it . . . I always find these last few days difficult . . . I know and understand fully the process that each of us goes through in this journey called life in school, especially High School.  High School this past 13 years has been a very transit place . . . it is wonderful to watch kids grow up, learn and then move on . . . but at the same time . . . I will miss these students.  So as a note to all the seniors I have known . . . I say . . . bye, enjoy and keep in touch . . . peace

Thursday, May 26, 2011


Originally uploaded by Azchael

This is how I feel today . . . my heart is heavy to its soul. Yes it does happen . . . life has a way of moving in at times and pressing. This thing is huge and beyond me . . . I work hard to try to make it better . . . but it is still the same . . . Grief over lost desire and hope flood my mind like my creek was full beyond its banks just yesterday after the hard rain . . . I want to move toward happiness and fulness again . . . I am blessed . . . I know that I am, and I am thankful . . . this is the odd part. I am stuck if you will, or lost, or at a loss . . . I just do not know what I am exactly . . . well there you have it . . . Blueness in my soul . . . God is still good and my trust is in Him - and yes, my heart is gray . . . Peace

Monday, May 23, 2011

Something new . . .

So, I started this project after reading another friend on Flickr infomation. I have sent out five postcards so far and I am waiting to see when they receive them. I am excited. If you are intersted look Here

Postcards Exchange

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Originally uploaded by baaasti

what an amazing photo found on flickr . . . and yes, it is sad to loose your helium balloon . . .

Saturday, May 14, 2011

rainbow balloons

rainbow balloons crooked house blog
Originally uploaded by The Estate of Things

I love ballooons, I love color, this photo is awesome . . .

Friday, May 6, 2011

Something New . . .

I am so thankful for Bethretro .  She joined Postcrossing and said she loved it . . . I also love to write and receive written word from folks . . . The idea behind this site is to link folks together via mail . . . it is kinda like a one time pen pal thing . . . I am going to write my first post card to a lady in Lithuania . . . this should prove to be fun and interesting . . . once I send my first card, then my name is given to someone to send me a card . . . I am so excited about this new opportunity to be encouraged.  Well, I will post some stuff here about this new experience.  Peace

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"i don't have an easter shirt"

Last Thursday I had the joy of meeting a 4 year old girl while at the doctors office with Nikki.  She came in with her mom and she was wearing a Hello Kitty shirt . . .  if you do not know, I love Hello Kitty . . . she is the best cat I know . . .  I began to talk with her about her shirt, when all of a sudden, she told me "I don't have an Easter shirt".  "no way", I said, "i do not have an Easter shirt either, what are we going to do now?"
I had to find out what exactly an Easter shirt was, so I asked . . . she told me it has to have "EASTER SHIRT" printed on the back of the shirt . . . now come on, do you have an Easter shirt?  Where do you go to get said Easter shirt.  It is always refreshing to chat with a 4 year old to realise what is really important in this world.  Have a great day.  Peace

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

rushing waters . . .

my mind at time is like water flowing in a river . . . when life rains hard, the water rises and rushes by, when things are dry, the water flows like a slow trickle . . . most days though the water is just doing as it does normally . . . moving through at a lazy pace . . . it seems as though my emotions also play a role in the rushing of the waters in my mind and heart . . . when I am up, things are hoping . . . when I am down, things are dragging.   when i am angry, do not get near, you may be swept under, when I am dry, it is no fun to try to swim . . . a lot of thought all to say . . . i do not like to be an angry man . . . i am so patient with those i do not know and so easily frustrated by those closest to me.  why? it just does not make sense.  i love my life, i love my family, i love my kids . . . but many times in the course of a week, i am short, course and angry over little things . . . where does this come from?  i do not fully understand me and my own actions at times.  i like the me that is so likable, and i want to become a better likable me . . . i want to have a positive influence on my wife and kids . . . life is already full of burdens, i do not want to become another burden on them.  i want o encourage them, love them and lead them as a good man would.  i pray for peace and patience with my family . . . peace

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

stop sitting so much . . .

Just read and interesting article about sitting too much.  In this article they had this quote:
"But if you stop thinking about exercise as an activity, and instead think of it as a lifestyle, it’s easier to make healthy choices throughout the day. In other words: Stop trying to be fit, and start trying to live fit."  The article is found Here.  I have had this very same thought about many subjects in my life.  Why try to be or do something . . . why not do it . . . do you try to eat?  no you just eat . . . do you try to run . . . trying to run is not running, it is something else, running is running . . . I also told one of my students to stop trying to be a follower of Jesus, and just do follow Jesus.  I have to be reminded of this each and every day . . . I want to be a follower of Jesus . . . what dose that mean?  it means that I follow Jesus . . . it is not an activity, it is a lifestyle.  The same with I want to lose weight and be more healthy . . . it is about me being and about me living the lifestyle . . . Life is not a destination, it is the journey . . . Life is the Journey . . . Peace

I have decided . . .

At least for now I have decided that my camera of choice is the Canon T2i.  I saw it at Costco the other day with my wife, and I thought . . . there it is a camera I would really like to have.  Currently and for the past few years I have used Olympus point and shoot cameras.  They have done me well.  However, since I left my film camera in the case, I have not had the joy of using and SLR.  I miss the features of the SLR and look forward to using a DSLR.  Now on to the money stacking . . . I hope to be able to find a two lens bundle with the body and an extra battery with a great memory card for around $1,000.  All this dreaming while I am also trying to lose debt . . . why does money or the lack of it have to get in the way of so many things.  I often ponder what it would be like to have enough money for all the things I want to do.   I would say to never have to worry about money, but even people that have money spend much of their time worried about there money.  Or maybe a desire to have more money.  I also struggle as a man with the desire to be simple, and to live simple.  Is it OK to be a simple man and have a thousand dollar camera?  Taking photos is a hobby,  I currently do not make money with any of my photos, but I want to put this money into something that I enjoy doing.  I think that is okay, and I believe my wife would agree.  I have thought of selling some of my pens in order to generate some of this money . . . but I am having separation anxiety.  I see it though as not so much as taking a thousand away from my family, but transferring the money I already have invested into something else I desire.  Does any of this make sense.  I know it is trivial, but it is on my mind.
Life is going well for me these past few weeks.  I am thankful that the heavyness of the winter months is moving out as the newness of the spring brings sun and warmth.  I am thankful for today and for this moment.  I trust you are well.  I miss chatting with whoever reads.  Thank you for your time.  Have a great day.  Peace

Thursday, March 31, 2011

among my dendrites . . .

Falling in love with a new website . . .  My favorite Author Jennifer Haigh has a story called Broken Star on this site . . . You all may have know about it for years, but I enjoy short stories . . . Jennifer has a new book coming out in May, I can not wait . . . It is called Faith . . .

I am such a blessed man, and I am thankful for life.  Who knows what tomorrow holds, but I do know that It is well with my soul.  I have been living in some dark days this past few months . . . my heart has been heavy, and now the light has again come in and illuminated my soul.  I do not know weather it was the weather, or was it life, or maybe a little of both . . . Life has a way of pushing in on us at times, and I guess this past few months were part of that time for me . . .

I love to blog, and I want to blog more, but this is it for today . . . peace

Friday, March 25, 2011

Leaking . . .

Just some thoughts from my mind . . . I have been working with Weight Watchers this past two weeks with some success, and for this I must admit I am thankful and ready to continue to enjoy life and learn to live a little leaner . . .  sort of like 100+ lbs leaner . . . Also learning about money from Dave Ramsey . . . and learning to live in more freedom, I am tired of being a slave.  A slave to food makes me fat, a slave to debt makes me stressed . . . which also makes me eat and makes me fat . . . Working on me to be the best me I can be each and every day . . . my mantra is to be the Tortoise . . . one step at a time, weighing my decisions as I move day by day . . .

So I blog because of you and for that I am thankful . . . I have meet some wonderful folks on here and I want to thank you for being a great teacher and a friend . . . so here is what I took from a recent conversation . . . Things I should know and do . . . "express yourself" . . . was the first suggestion, i take that to mean let folks and the world know what I think, believe and ponder . . . I do like to do this, and to do this with others is such a wonderful thing.  I am created as a people person, I live to love and encourage folks as they walk this thing called life.  You also shared with me to "try new things", I am ready, and willing to try new things . . . I am always look for things that interest me in the world I live in as well as outside my world.  If anyone has any suggestions send them my way . . . I like new things . . .  and then you said . . . "do not be afraid to break out of your box" . . . The comfort zone is so, well comfortable at times . . . we can get stuck in our own way of doing things, a box if you will.  I do not know how to break out, but I will begin to see this as an opportunity to learn and grow.
I have enjoyed this week.  It has been a busy, and good week.  Busy with work, life, and doctors.  Will know something about the knee this coming Monday.  I hope it is a great word . . . well, I will come back some time and post more, but for now enjoy your day.  Peace

(photo: top - my 45th b-day cake, middle - friend from freshman year)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Breathe -

This is a blog post that I put together on another blog page . . . I decided to close that other blog page and only have one blog page . . . so then here it is . . .

First post . . . what is in the name . I wanted to use enjoy the moment, however it has been taken. So off I went to find a new word . . . I found Occupy. I believe it is a good word for what I hope to accomplish. My goal by this blog is to encourage you the reader as I the writer am being encouraged to live fully in each moment. I came across this Post about living in the moment. It is encouraging. I share it here with you today. Have a wonderful day and listen to this song after you read the post. Peace

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

for a moment . . .

Sitting here for a moment thinking.  I am so thankful for things currently . . . I know that things change and life changes, and our place in life is up and down . . . but for the moment it is nice to enjoy things . . . This past few months has been difficult, blame it on the winter blues, I do not know.  Say it is a middle aged thing . . . just turned 45 a few days ago . . . There is something about living in and enjoying the moment that is so wonderful, not always easy though.  
Been learning about money life at FPU  . . . I am so tired of being a slave to others financially.  This class has been good for my wife and I.  We have been married 22+ years and money has had a way of coming in hard and going out to others way too quickly.  Well, we are taking the steps now, baby steps, to get our financial house in order.  This is a great family goal.  And the class has given us HOPE . . . Hope is sometimes the power that drives us to action . . .  I am so thankful for this class.
Spent my Birthday weekend with my wife at the Amway Grand Hotel in Grand Rapids, Michigan.  That was wonderful.  I will have to share that with you in another blog.  Have a great day.  Peace

(photo above is Diana and I before we got married in 1987)

Saturday, March 5, 2011

When the snow melts . . .

Yes, it is a truth here near my home . . . the snow is melting.  I am so ready for spring to spring and the winter to move back to its home.  I have the joy of living near two creeks.  They are full to the rim and ready to spill over like a cup that can no longer contain its liquid.  I am ready to embrace warmer weather and outdoor movement again.  I am ready to see my neighbors who have been hibernating this winter away much like myself.  I am ready to hear the birds, see the new growth and enjoy the warmth.  What is your favorite season?  I love the spring with all the newness of it, and I love the fall with the explosion of color . . . they are both my favorite seasons.  Well that is all I have to say about that today . . . Peace

Friday, March 4, 2011

a philosophy . . .

62 / 365
Originally uploaded by Eli Na

i love this wonderful shot, and the wisdom of the Pooh . . .
What do you think?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

don't have a terrible day

don't have a terrible day
Originally uploaded by run2standstill

Loved this photo found here on flickr. I have been sick for several days. I am tired of not feeling well, and ready to return to normal life. Yes, I have been home, trying to feel better. I am beginning to feel better today. I am going to a meeting tonight. And I will be a work for the balance of the week, come on body, get better . . .

Monday, February 28, 2011

Fire balloon

Fire balloon
Originally uploaded by Minugia

it is no secret that I love balloons, they are great. I also enjoy flickr. this is a wonderful photo. just wanted to share it with you all . . . have fun . . . Peace

Friday, February 25, 2011

my mind now . . .

Okay, so I have not posted in some time . . . for that I feel kinda bad, I love to post, I love to think, I love to write, I love to contemplate, I love to ruminate, I love to capitulate, I love to resonate, I love so many things that involve thought and interaction with self as well as with others, and when I do not do what I love, I kinda feel bad about it, because I love it so much . . .
So here is the deal, again with much self improvement going on . . . So money has been a problem in my life much of my life,  not that I do not have enough, or that I want something out there that I can not have . . . but controlling the money I have, and using it or making it do what I want it to do . . . it comes down to self discipline . . . and decisions.  I do not like to tell me no . . . but often no is the best thing to say.  I am not a spend-o-halic or nothing . . . just not disciplined.  Diana and I are learning as we take this Financial Peace University class taught by Dave Ramsey.  He is not perfect, nor am I, but he does have some great ideas on how to make money behave . . .
I want to read more this year, and for that to happen, I must hit the off button on the remote, and pick up the book.  I have books, I have the chair, I have the light, and I really do have the time . . . again back to the idea of discipline, or self discipline.  Now mind you I love to read, and I enjoy the experience in my head as the characters are developed in my mind . . . it is so enjoyable, but I let the TV rule me at times . . . "boo on that", I say.  To the book I go and off on the trial I trod . . .
Big boy is not what I want my legacy to be, nor do I want the up charge for the larger box at the end of the story . . . nor do I want to hasten the end of said story . . .  I am working out again at the gym which is wonderful . . . now back to that self discipline thing,  Eat Less, move more . . . is a motto I must repeat . . .
Well there you go, Tim in a moment for the moment . . . I miss blogging, and I will return and share with you the story that is me . . . peace

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Balloon Day!

Balloon Day!
Originally uploaded by Amanda *Bake It Pretty*

i need me a balloon day . . . these are great balloons, and the smile is awesome.

Monday, February 21, 2011

red balloon

red balloon
Originally uploaded by connie till

Here is another flickr find that is great . . . did you ever see the movie called the red balloon?

Vintage / Retro

Vintage / Retro
Originally uploaded by Kelly J. Petersen (Photography)

Balloons are wonderful, and this is a great photo with real old world quality . . . peace

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Turned upside down . . .

FLIP . . . did not see this one coming . . . but here I am all out of sorts.  Having the most incredible odd feelings ever in my life about my life.  To say that I kinda do not like where I am currently, may prove to be an understatement.  However with this being said . . . I believe I am here, now, in this place for a reason.  I am hear to learn something about me, about life, and about God.  I just know it.  I did not choose to be here, but I am here.  Some of the greatest things I have ever learned about me and life, I learned in these type of circumstances.  I just pray that I have faith, and trust . . . to be able to learn and grow through even this day, place, feeling, what ever the heck it really is, or really where I am.