Saturday, June 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by huskiebear

Do you ever feel this way??

Friday, June 26, 2009

Done with Text Books . . .

Worked this week, extra, bar coding text books at the High School. 26 hours of work that will be spent with my boys on a trip to TN this summer. What a blessing. OK weighing in also on Michael Jackson, I am sad. Death happens and it sucks. That is my thoughts on that. So, for me summer starts today. Monalisa got new struts, you should see her now . . . I look forward to this summer and the opportunities that lay ahead. Peace

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The things we want . . .

Why is it the things that we do not have and yet want - creates some of our greatest struggles? Now, the thing does not have to be a physical tangible thing . . . It could be an Idea, or a desire as well. Here you go - the modern advertisement industry is out to make us completely miserable with what we currently have. Yes, take the cell phone industry. Today's new model is tomorrows ghetto trash (no disrespect to the ghetto). Or at least that is what I am told when I pull my phone out and use it. Guess what it still works good, however I can not connect to the net, and no I do not have the ability to have an app for that. But I do have the nations largest network standing with me. What happens when there is a goal you want to attain, lets say, a weight goal that continues to allude you. Why is it that this thing becomes the one thing that you focus on during the day. I tell you sometimes we can allow the things we do not have, become the main focus of our lives and then we loose sight of all the wonderful things that are around us. Look - when we spend our time focus on what we are lacking, it is taking up all the time we could be using in enjoyment of what we do have. I know this is full, and maybe even confusing. But I know it has happened to me along this road called life. I am such a blessed man, I must find joy in my blessing and not focus on what I feel is lacking . . . Wow, Peace

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am here today . . .

Today - I love today. actually, I love every today. today is the last full today of this school year. Four Years of today's with the students I have been working with - I am sad. I may never see some of these students again in my lifetime. That is the nature of my Job. Walking and talking with kids for moments in their lives. I must say that my life has been impacted by my relationships with students over these past 11 years. I can not tell you all the students I have met in the course of these years. Wow, it is amazing. Look at this, I am blogging because of one student. I think of students who have looked me up on facebook just to say HI. I think of all the students I was able to reconnect with in a moment at the line of Busch's Market. Sometimes in my life when I have a quiet moment I may feel like I am not having much of an impact on my world, but I know my world is being impacted by those around me. I am blessed. Peace

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Get your JUMP on!!!!

Get your JUMP on!!!! day 195
Originally uploaded by CLearly Novice

I love this photo I found. I love the color and the balloons . . . Have a wonderful day . . . Peace

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rule Breaker ? ? ?

Conformity - is that the goal? Do we all come out the same if we go through the same system? You know, "all men are created equal" or something like that. But does that mean we are all the same. How about individuals. We are each unique and wonderful and add a flair of color to our world that no other person adds. Someone said to me the other day that they were a rule follower, and that I was opposite of them. I love this person, she is a blessing and a joy to be around. However, her comment about us being different and her being a rule follower got me to thinking. I am talking like 2 hour of my day. If you are not a rule keeper, does that make you a rule breaker? I do not like to think of myself as a rule breaker. I do not know, it just does not fit into how I see myself. Inside I want to fit in and go with the flow, however I am kinda a rule bender if you will. Is it possible to be a rule bender, without breaking the rule? I do not know. OK, you know when you go to the mall, and you use the escalators - the rule is no strollers on escalators, well, I would just hold the stroller onto the escalator and go up. My wife would want to go and find the elevator, but I would say, hey are the escalator police around, then lets go . . . I know lame example, but it is what I could think of. How do you see yourself? are you a rule keeper? are you a rule breaker? or do you find yourself with me kinda a rule bender? Peace