Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Only 100 days to go . . .

First day of Autumn . . . and only 100 days left in the Year 2009 . . . Wow, is it only me, or has this year been busy?

So, I am under this great impression that I will not know everything in my lifetime. I know that my come as a shock to you. On the surface you may say, hey stupid, how did you not know this fact of life? Well, lets just say that I can get all up in my little bubble of life and not think outside that bubble until all of a sudden that bubble pops and there I am with an epiphany - You mean life is not all about me . . . I know better, I know that I am just one tiny piece of this puzzle called life, but sometimes, just sometimes - I actually loose sight of the truth and think that the world does actually revolve around me. I hate it when this happens, but love it just the same. Usually when I find myself in this situation, I know I am going to learn something good, something I need to know . . . Well, I have much to learn, and only a short time left to learn it.

Well, these are my thought for today. . . Peace

Friday, September 18, 2009

I linked my flickr to my blog . . .

Today, I decided to link my flickr to my blog . . . I know, big deal. I am slow to how all this stuff works. I love flickr, you may already know that, and I also think helium balloons are great, but you already know that . . . I love my wife and kids . . . I am tired of being OBESE, however, I still lay around after work . . . What do you not know? that is a good question . . . What is there to know? I love working at the school. I love colors, I love sun rise and sun set especially near water or above the horizon . . . I love writing and thinking and reading . . . I love laughing . . . I love life (most days) I love hugs, greetings and friends . . . I love massage . . . I love a steady soft rain . . . (not for 40 days and night though) I do not know . . . What do you want to know? I am 43 years old, been married for 21 years, can you believe that . . . 21 years that is cool . . . I enjoy waking up each morning . . . and i have to go, see you soon . . . Peace

Monday, September 14, 2009

First one there gets the . . .

What a wonderful weekend . . . I love Michigan . . . the weather has been wonderful these past few days. So, I have a story in which, to quote our President, "I acted stupidly". Here you go, and I will cast my lot to a testosterone surge . . . I was going to get gas after church and dropping the boys off at home. I was traveling west on 10 mile road near Novi Road. I was stopped at the light, so I took the right lane to get the jump at the light and move to the front before the road became one lane, you know got to be first ! ! ! Well, the light changed and I gave it the usual burst of speed juice. The lady in the left lane also gave it some gas, so now we were off and running. I wanted to be first, because you know how important being first can be in the grand scheme of things . . . so i gave Mona Lisa a little more juice - and the lady next to me also pushed it down, so now we are going kinda fast, and I thought to my self - Okay, I am with you here, so I pushed the pedal down, she flipped me a bird, and i gave her a way because she was behind me . . . I know, you can see where this is going . . .I look up once I am in front of my nemesis, and who did I see? You guessed it, one of Novi's Finest coming toward me in the other lane. I knew I was caught, so I pulled over even before he could turn his car around . . . he asked me when he came to the window, "are you in a hurry today sir"? I just told him it was stupid and I was sorry . . . He said he clocked me doing 72 in a 45 and the other driver was doing 68 . . . He took my info back to his car and came back with that paper you really do not want on a Sunday drive . . . he told me had I let her go in front of me he would have issued her the citation . . . Well, I have a new motto, "There is no need to speed" I am not sure how much this baby will cost me - - - it is already many miles over the posted speed limit . . . I must tell you that I received mercy from the officer because he wrote my ticket for only 5 miles over the speed limit . . . over time I know that saved me more money than I will ever know . . . so remember - - - THERE IS NO NEED TO SPEED . . . and the first one there doesn't always receive the prize . . . Peace

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Days gone by and still I think of you . . .

It has been a little over six months since my job at Busch's . . . I still look on that 15 months with fondness . . . I thought this photo was funny and I have never shared it to this date that I know. Having a second job on top of a first job and a family just takes a lot of energy out of you. No matter what you chose to do with your life as far as work goes, there will be parts that give you energy and parts that take energy away. The money is not energy enough to keep you going on any job for any length of time . . . Money is not the greatest motivator though at times it can become the worst of all slave masters . . . That may actually be another blog . . . However, it is nice to have money in this life . . . at least it is nice to be able to get stuff, but really many times the stuff we really want and need can not be acquired by money . . . Okay, I know this might be bad, but was it what Michael Jackson wanted? more money? or a good nights sleep? I know bad use of MJ and his life. I do not know if I am or not but at times I wonder if I am not ADD or ADHD or something, just look at my blog style. Maybe it is just my style . . . I can not stay on one topic or thought for more than a line or two . . . Well, I must say, I am happy to be back at school. I am blessed where I am at in life, and i want to encourage you where you are as well . . . Have a wonderful day. Peace

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School . . .

We are back to school today officially here in Michigan and the Halls are alive with the sound of students . . . Where are you at today? Where are your kids?? Did you get the opportunity to listen to Obama's speech to schools today? I was able to listen to him encourage our students to do their best and not to drop out. What did you think about His speech or not think of it?? I know I have not blogged much, and that is a true statement. I also want to say, I love the structure of the school year. It seems like I am able to get more done when I have structure. I have rambeled enough for the moment. Read Psalm 121 and enjoy your day . . . Peace

Psalm 121

A Pilgrim Song

I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains. He won't let you stumble, your Guardian God won't fall asleep. Not on your life! Israel's Guardian will never doze or sleep. God's your Guardian, right at your side to protect you— Shielding you from sunstroke, sheltering you from moonstroke. God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.