Monday, December 21, 2009

Day 14 . . .

Day 14 . . .
Originally uploaded by SoullooN

Our family dog is a true blessing and much fun most days. Today she was laying around, what a wonderful life. I took the shot with the Christmas tree in the back ground. I would not mind a dogs life apart from the food and the restroom facilities. To eat, sleep, play and all that seems like a wonderful life. O well, I will never know. Peace

Day 13 . . .

Day 13 . . .
Originally uploaded by SoullooN

I missed posting my day 13 until today. Hi, and welcome to my little slice of this world called the net . . . I enjoy this shot, i especially love the Camaro ornament, wishing one was in the garage as well as on the tree. I am enjoying break thus far, looking forward to the days of joy with family. have a blessed day. Peace

Friday, December 18, 2009

Day 12 . . .

School is out until next year. I just like the way that sounds. It is so nice to work in the school system. I am blessed to be able to work with wonderful students and colleagues. I am however also looking forward to the next two weeks including Christmas and New Years. I am adding my photo for the day . . . It is full of books and many wonderful words. I love books and I will be adding some of my thoughts and favorites in the coming days. Have a wonderful evening. Peace

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Day 11 . . .

Here I am again in the final moments of the day adding my blog and my 365 photo . . . I enjoy so much of my moments that it is hard to fill in all the blanks. It was nice to be with the students today at school. My photo today comes from Art class. It is nice. Color is nice. I like living in a world of color. Even though the coming months will be dull and grey many times here in Michigan, I will look for the joys found in the colors that I am able to see.

After School today, it was nice to come home and take a nap. Wow, what a nice thing to be able to sleep soundly for a few moments in the afternoon. I was very tired during school after lunch. I even dreamed a little, though I do not remember the dream.

Tonight I had a sub board meeting. It was quick and uneventful. I am enjoying being part of the Board. Have a wonderful evening, and a great sleep . . .

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Day 10 . . .

Today is my daughters 16th birthday. I am so proud of her, and thankful for her. She is a blessing in our lives. What a wonderful thing to watch your children learn and grow as they move up in years. I am thankful to be able to be a father and a teacher to each of my children.

Have a wonderful day . . . Peace

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Day 9 . . .

Today was a wonderful Tuesday . . . and the halls of the High School are alive with the Winter Holidays . . . you see there is no Christmas, it is now holidays. But I will not go on that soap box. It is a winter celebration. Have you ever looked into the history of the celebration of Christmas? What is it with the focus on Jesus Birth day - Christ Mass? I do not see Jesus Throwing himself a big Birthday bash, nor do I see any of the early church celebrating this as a holiday. I would like to know more about the history behind Christmas and the church.

Today I had fun working on recovering from my own foolishness of procrastination . . . I balanced my check book after a month. I had a months worth of receipts to enter into the book. Lucky me, it only took 4 hours of work. But I am now done. Procrastination sucks, and I will again make an agreement not to do it ever, ever again.

Well, I am ready to hit the hay, Read some proverbs along the way and learn. Peace

Monday, December 14, 2009

Day 8 . . .

What a wonderful day, this, the final Monday of School for the year 2009. I just can not believe how fast the year has moved. I am thankful for this moment. I will blog more later. Give me a topic, and I will try to post some thought about it. Peace

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Day 7 . . .

Today is day 7 of project 365. So far I have enjoyed the project. It is fun taking photos each day and posting them. I do want to learn to take better photos and I do want to get a new camera some day. It is fun to have a hobby in photography. The story behind toady's photo is . . . Ben, my youngest son loves Elvis and he asked me to take a photo of his Elvis ornament and post it as my photo today. So I did. I think it came out OK. Well, have a wonderful night. Peace

Day 6 . . .

Saturday . . . All day was taken up with the AT&T U-Verse guy installing the new TV, Phone, and Internet in our house. It is nice so far. But all day, it was crazy. I went to load my blog and photos for the day and all of a sudden, we had no power. I was bored and took a flashlight and began to make some crazy photos on a tripod. My son Josh helped me out and they came out kinda cool . . . I will a a couple here . . .

I liked these photos of the singing angles in the spotlights. The power outage lasted until 2 am and I had the generator running. I put all the equipment away and made it to bed around 4 pm, after a little bit of TV watching. Needless to say I did not get up for church today. I missed out on being with my Church family. I will go to bed sooner next time, power outage or not. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Friday, December 11, 2009

Day 5 . . .

Tonight I am tired and I just want to go to bed. Enjoy the moment. Thank you for reading, I will get back to myself and blogging in the next day or so. Peace

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Day 4 . . .

This is the fourth day of my project 365 . . . I am having fun so far, but I already have camera envy and I want to learn to take better photos. I am posting here, and on flickr and on a site called 365 Project. I am working on a pumpkin roll for my mom. I have to go to bed soon, but I wanted to add my photo for today . . . Peace

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day 3 . . .

Today was a fun day. School went well with the students. Then I was able to go with Nikki and get her level 1 learners license at the Secretary of State. She was excited, I am nervous. Then off to help dad with his new washer. I was able to relax at home and rest. It is nice. Ben is off to 5th grade camp for the rest of the week. I hope he is having fun. I had another photo that I thought I might use for Project 365, so I will include it on the bottom for you. The one on the top is the one I chose for today. Peace

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Day 2 . . .

We only have so many moments that make up a lifetime of activity. Think of it this way, If I live to be 70, which I hope I do, I will have lived 25,550 days not counting leap years. That makes up a total of 613,200 hours . . . or 36,792,000 minutes . . . or 2,207,520,000 seconds . . . Why is it that we measure moments by time? We are in such a hurry so often . . . It is amazing how much time and the tabulation of time impacts our lives. No matter what you believe, we live in a world that is governed by time and the its constraints. We have times to wake up, times to go to bed, time to shower, time for education, times for driving. Think of all the times you have to keep up with, even times to watch the biggest loser. Okay, we have an appointment with time, it is all the time.

I began this 365 project with the hope that it will help me find the lost me. Find the man that is trapped in this body. I know you may not believe what you read here, but I am ready to climb out and get what remains of my life back. I am blessed, and I am thankful, but I am tired of carrying this weight inside and out. I am ready to embrace the me that is hidden here somewhere in my soul. I have enjoyed walking on the treadmill for a total of 40 minutes these past two days. I am on the move to a new me. Each day, each step, each movement is one small step for a new me. I look forward to what today will bring. Peace

Monday, December 7, 2009

Day 1 . . .

I thought I would start my 365 where I begin each day and end each night. Home . . . there is no other place quite like it. Home is where I find rest and renewal. Home is where I enjoy my family. Home is so much more than just a house. Home is time shared with people close to you. Home is a gathering place where meals are enjoyed. Home is also a place where lessons are learned. I am blessed to have a home. I am thankful to have a wonderful family. I am ready to share this journey with you . . . Thank you for taking a peek into my story . . . Peace

I'll Give You All I Can...

I'll Give You All I Can...
Originally uploaded by Brandon Christopher Warren

I cam across this photo today on flickr and I thought it was wonderful. I have requested premission from Brandon to use this photo for my blog back ground for a while. I encourage you to enjoy the great photos on flickr. have a wonderful evening . . . Peace and again thank you Brandon

A date which will live in infamy . . .

Yes, today is that day. . . December 7, 2009 . . . I Hereby ask me, myself and I to declare a war upon the forces that tend to bring me down. I have continued too long in the ways of the current, it is time to step up and move toward a new Goal, a new Hope and a renewed vision of Me. I am tired of being overweight, and there is no one else who can change this thing for me. I am tired of being down on me from the inside, so a full waged war on negative self talk begins today. Now is the time for me to act! I want to again be able to fit into my wedding band, I am proud of my friend, lover and wife . . . I want the world to know that I am taken and thankfully so. I want my kids to see in me a man who is governed by love and lead by the spirit of God . . . I want them to be able to look at their life and say our dad gave his best, his all for the things he believed . . . I want to conquer my slide to lazy and procrastination . . . and begin to live consistent and stay on top of the challenges that I face. Yes the task before me is daunting, just look at me, I do not even know how I have let this come to be, but it is here, now, that I declare war. I can not, must not labor the past, it is what it is . . . I must forgive, and never forget the things I have learned there, - but press forward to the new moment which is defined by today, the now . . . I must focus upon the now, the things that must be done today in order for the tomorrows of my life to be different, lighter, fuller of life . . . I will begin a Project 365 online and flickr and post a daily photo and a note . . . I will also chart my course of activity here online as well . . . I am blessed, and I know the days will be tough, and that I must get up and get busy each moment. I am ready . . . Lets go . . . Peace

Friday, December 4, 2009

You may never know . . .

When you are moved to do something nice for someone, or to say something nice . . . Make sure you act on your internal motivation. You may never know just what an impact a kind word or a little deed will have on another . . . Let me share this little story with you . . . I have a friend and a teacher in one of my students. My friend challenged themselves to work hard above and beyond the other things pressing in on them during the month of November and took on Nanowrimo. It is a 50,000 word novel challenge that is to take place beginning on November 1 and must be finished and submitted by November 30. Well, they were able to finish the challenge. I decided to bring them a small card and a couple balloons to celebrate their accomplishment. I have told you before that I love balloons. They are colorful and bring cheer into life . . . To go on, the small token of congrats and excitement of a task completed went farther to encourage and bring joy into the monotony of daily life. I have been encouraged by their blog about this little thing as well. I share this with you again as a motivation to be kind, play nice and love those near you . . . Who really know what person needs a little encouragement, and you know what, you may benefit the most by being kind. Give it a try. Have a wonderful day.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Cool photo . . .

Originally uploaded by Ponygraph

I do not know how people are able to capture such cool photos, but this photo is so cool. Is that good overuse of cool . . . Peace

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy Friday day . . .

Wow, it was awesome . . . New Moon, and even better knowing I was one of the first to see it. I attended my first ever preview to a movie. Come to think of it, it was my first ever new release on the opening day. I must say thank you to Spillane & Reynolds for the wonderful evening . . .

On to the joy that is my job . . . my title for today comes from one of my students, so Happy Friday day to you . . . need a better reason to celebrate? It is Friday and the holidays are soon to kick off . . .

It is so nice to be out into the light again. I went through a two or three week dark slump. It was so crazy. I did not even want to do anything. I hated being in that place. I do not know what leads me there and I do not exactly know what brings me out . . . I do pray, read, rest and all that - but it still presses in.

Have a wonderful day and weekend . . . Peace

Monday, November 2, 2009

If I could, I would ask you to bring me balloons every day~

If I could, I would ask you to bring me balloons every day~
Originally uploaded by ShellyKayCullen*needs a new flickr crush~lmao

You know there are some days when you wish you did not have to wake up. Well today is one of those days. I am here at work, enjoying the day, but not really here. I want to be home in my bed with my covers pulled up to my neck. I am just tired. They say the hour change may have somehthing to do with it, it may be the soon to come winter blues. I am just blah, that is the word for the feeling . . . I am so thankful that we do not have work tomorrow. Have a wonderful day. Peace

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Blog number 200 . . .

What does it mean to be true? To be true to yourself and those around you? When I sit and ponder, I begin to realise just how self centered I am as a person. I want to be others minded, but even in my other mindedness, I am always protecting my fragile self. What would it be like to live life in reckless abandon for others absent of self indulgence? Is this type of thing even remotely possible? As a human will I always struggle with this feeling of internal division? It seems as though I am all about me . . . though I know this is not always the truth, but even in that statement - I know it is really true. I do what I like to do, when I like to do it and if I do not want to do something then I do not do it. OK, there are times I may not want to do work, but I do go on and do the work that needs done, but even then, I have made a decision to do what needs done. So in some odd way, I control my world even in my work.

What does it mean to be exceptional? "Top Drawer" as one wise fellow put it? What happens if you are not above average? What is average? I consider myself to be an average, ordinary man. I do not stand out in a crowd, unless I want to stand out. However, I am not outstanding in the eyes of men or the world. I am just a regular Joe living my life day to day. Paying bills and taxes. Raising kids to the best of my ability and keeping one said dog alive . . . Mind you now, I am the only me there ever will be - so I am exceptional. I am original . . . the true authentic Tim. I love to learn, and grow and become, though many time it seems I remain the same all the time. Maybe it is that I desire to change, learn and grow, then never get up off my butt and embrace the things I have thought about. Can I be the best me and be average? Is that OK? Will I accomplish the things I need to as a man if I continue to be me? Like this, I want to be a good dad. I mean a dad that my kids can love and follow. However, there are some things I have taught my kids by my actions that I wish they would not have learned, but they have. This is a hard thing for this dad to see in my kids. The bad things they have learned from me. Here is a song I like it is called, Watching You by Rodney Atkins. I know my kids have picked up some of the good things that I do like about me as well. It seems all I can see is my faults in living color right in front of me. Wow, where did all that come from?

Onto bigger things. I want to be the Biggest Loser. I really do. I must change my behavior and embrace a new paradigm in order to get out of this box. What more needs to be said? It is all me. I love you all. Thank you for reading my blog along the way. Peace

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Originally uploaded by Picture post.

Greetings my Friends,
Today I received premission to use this photo as my new background. I have enjoyed the one that it is replacing. I must say that I do enjoy Flickr. Check out Picture Post. on flickr when you get a chance. Thank you P. P. for premission . . . Have a wonderful day. Peace

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Originally uploaded by Maria Hammon

however it is really only Wednesday, but I loved the quote with this photo . . .

"For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Bible has much to say about the loss of life that anger brings, and I must confess to you that I have so much to learn in this area of anger . . . or frustration management . . . The Bible says in James to be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry . . . It also says in Proverbs that a soft answer turns away wrath . . . I am learning and still have a long way to go . . . Enjoy the photo and the thoughts . . . Peace

Sunday, October 4, 2009

from flickr . . .

Originally uploaded by YULIA♥ M

I like this quote and photo . . . “The things which the child loves remain in the domain of the heart until old age. The most beautiful thing in life is that our souls remaining over the places where we once enjoyed ourselves”

Kahlil Gibran

I will always remain a child at heart and in life . . .

A new camera . . .

Greetings, I have been sad for several days, my old camera Olympus SP-350 died while on vacation with my family this summer. The actual date of death was August 31, 2009. I love taking photos. Here is the final two photos that I captured with my old friend . . .

Ben and I were hanging out at a McDonalds on I-40 outside of Memphis, TN, waiting for Diana, Josh and Nikki to pick us up for the start of our summer vacation . . . We had just had a fun week on the Tennessee River 600 with my dad and brother . . . We were both tired . . . but it was hear that my camera decided it was done working for me . . .

I began to use Nikki's sony camera for the balance of the vacation. Well, on October 1, 2009 I was able to buy a 12 mp olympus point and shoot camera from Office Max. I am still learning how to use this little camera, but I am thankful to be able to take photos again. Let me share with you a photo from this new camera . . .
What a blessing to again have a life capture device . . . I will enjoy using my new camera . . . I hope it lasts a little while . . . Well, that is all I have to say today. Peace

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Only 100 days to go . . .

First day of Autumn . . . and only 100 days left in the Year 2009 . . . Wow, is it only me, or has this year been busy?

So, I am under this great impression that I will not know everything in my lifetime. I know that my come as a shock to you. On the surface you may say, hey stupid, how did you not know this fact of life? Well, lets just say that I can get all up in my little bubble of life and not think outside that bubble until all of a sudden that bubble pops and there I am with an epiphany - You mean life is not all about me . . . I know better, I know that I am just one tiny piece of this puzzle called life, but sometimes, just sometimes - I actually loose sight of the truth and think that the world does actually revolve around me. I hate it when this happens, but love it just the same. Usually when I find myself in this situation, I know I am going to learn something good, something I need to know . . . Well, I have much to learn, and only a short time left to learn it.

Well, these are my thought for today. . . Peace

Friday, September 18, 2009

I linked my flickr to my blog . . .

Today, I decided to link my flickr to my blog . . . I know, big deal. I am slow to how all this stuff works. I love flickr, you may already know that, and I also think helium balloons are great, but you already know that . . . I love my wife and kids . . . I am tired of being OBESE, however, I still lay around after work . . . What do you not know? that is a good question . . . What is there to know? I love working at the school. I love colors, I love sun rise and sun set especially near water or above the horizon . . . I love writing and thinking and reading . . . I love laughing . . . I love life (most days) I love hugs, greetings and friends . . . I love massage . . . I love a steady soft rain . . . (not for 40 days and night though) I do not know . . . What do you want to know? I am 43 years old, been married for 21 years, can you believe that . . . 21 years that is cool . . . I enjoy waking up each morning . . . and i have to go, see you soon . . . Peace

Monday, September 14, 2009

First one there gets the . . .

What a wonderful weekend . . . I love Michigan . . . the weather has been wonderful these past few days. So, I have a story in which, to quote our President, "I acted stupidly". Here you go, and I will cast my lot to a testosterone surge . . . I was going to get gas after church and dropping the boys off at home. I was traveling west on 10 mile road near Novi Road. I was stopped at the light, so I took the right lane to get the jump at the light and move to the front before the road became one lane, you know got to be first ! ! ! Well, the light changed and I gave it the usual burst of speed juice. The lady in the left lane also gave it some gas, so now we were off and running. I wanted to be first, because you know how important being first can be in the grand scheme of things . . . so i gave Mona Lisa a little more juice - and the lady next to me also pushed it down, so now we are going kinda fast, and I thought to my self - Okay, I am with you here, so I pushed the pedal down, she flipped me a bird, and i gave her a way because she was behind me . . . I know, you can see where this is going . . .I look up once I am in front of my nemesis, and who did I see? You guessed it, one of Novi's Finest coming toward me in the other lane. I knew I was caught, so I pulled over even before he could turn his car around . . . he asked me when he came to the window, "are you in a hurry today sir"? I just told him it was stupid and I was sorry . . . He said he clocked me doing 72 in a 45 and the other driver was doing 68 . . . He took my info back to his car and came back with that paper you really do not want on a Sunday drive . . . he told me had I let her go in front of me he would have issued her the citation . . . Well, I have a new motto, "There is no need to speed" I am not sure how much this baby will cost me - - - it is already many miles over the posted speed limit . . . I must tell you that I received mercy from the officer because he wrote my ticket for only 5 miles over the speed limit . . . over time I know that saved me more money than I will ever know . . . so remember - - - THERE IS NO NEED TO SPEED . . . and the first one there doesn't always receive the prize . . . Peace

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Days gone by and still I think of you . . .

It has been a little over six months since my job at Busch's . . . I still look on that 15 months with fondness . . . I thought this photo was funny and I have never shared it to this date that I know. Having a second job on top of a first job and a family just takes a lot of energy out of you. No matter what you chose to do with your life as far as work goes, there will be parts that give you energy and parts that take energy away. The money is not energy enough to keep you going on any job for any length of time . . . Money is not the greatest motivator though at times it can become the worst of all slave masters . . . That may actually be another blog . . . However, it is nice to have money in this life . . . at least it is nice to be able to get stuff, but really many times the stuff we really want and need can not be acquired by money . . . Okay, I know this might be bad, but was it what Michael Jackson wanted? more money? or a good nights sleep? I know bad use of MJ and his life. I do not know if I am or not but at times I wonder if I am not ADD or ADHD or something, just look at my blog style. Maybe it is just my style . . . I can not stay on one topic or thought for more than a line or two . . . Well, I must say, I am happy to be back at school. I am blessed where I am at in life, and i want to encourage you where you are as well . . . Have a wonderful day. Peace

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Back to School . . .

We are back to school today officially here in Michigan and the Halls are alive with the sound of students . . . Where are you at today? Where are your kids?? Did you get the opportunity to listen to Obama's speech to schools today? I was able to listen to him encourage our students to do their best and not to drop out. What did you think about His speech or not think of it?? I know I have not blogged much, and that is a true statement. I also want to say, I love the structure of the school year. It seems like I am able to get more done when I have structure. I have rambeled enough for the moment. Read Psalm 121 and enjoy your day . . . Peace

Psalm 121

A Pilgrim Song

I look up to the mountains; does my strength come from mountains? No, my strength comes from God, who made heaven, and earth, and mountains. He won't let you stumble, your Guardian God won't fall asleep. Not on your life! Israel's Guardian will never doze or sleep. God's your Guardian, right at your side to protect you— Shielding you from sunstroke, sheltering you from moonstroke. God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Moral Dominion, Romans 6:9-11. Christian Abstract Art

Moral Dominion, Romans 6:9-11. Christian Abstract Art
Originally uploaded by

I love this artist, and this phot caught my heart and mind today . . . School starts soon,and I hope to be blogging again, I miss it . . .

Sunday, August 9, 2009

It is hot here in Plant City . . .

Having fun with my family in Florida. We have been hanging out with family. It has been two years since this northern boy has been this far south. I am glad that my wife has been able to spend time with her family. We have had fun at Mark and Nancy's house. I was able to help cut the Lawn last night with a big Toro Mower. Can you believe I felt like I was swimming without ever getting in a pool. did I say it was hot. I miss my regular life at home, but it is fun to be out of town. I think I killed Marks home computer, I am not sure, but the stupid thing just up and quit, and will not allow us to reload to Windows, he said it has happened before, but I just feel all kind of bad. So here I am at the Plant City Library typing this little blog. I miss you all. I will blog again on the road. Have fun. Peace

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I am the Hootenanny . . .

We are on the Tennessee River 600 for the second year this year . . . I am running the chase truck and watching the boys, hence the Nanny thing. We are having fun. We are in Guntersville Alabama tonight, they have a computer and so here I sit with you all for a few moments. Above is a photo of my view. We are right on the lake. It is nice, the boys are swimming, and I am resting. I just finished a book called The Condition . It was a wonderful read and an excellent ending. I have enjoyed all three books by Jennifer Haigh . . . I am now onto a book called Matrimony, it is good one chapter into it. I am also reading The Love Dare book, it is hard and good all at the same time. I am looking forward to posting some of my photos from the trip soon. Well I have to go and hang with the people here. Peace to you, until we blog again.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

My current photo . . .

The photo on my front page was taken by Neill Kenmuir and shared with the world on Flickr. I have fallen in love with Flickr. It is fun to see all the wonderful photos that folks from around the world have taken. I hope you are able to spends some time on flickr along the way. Thanks for the use of the wonderful photo. Peace

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Originally uploaded by Malcolm MacGregor

How do you deal with disappointment? This is a good question.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Fourth of July . . .

Today is a day of celebration for Americans. History is what it is, the past. To celebrate is a good thing, and it is fun to hang with family and friends.

How do you spend your days? Do you look ahead to the things that are to come, the things just around the corner, the things hoped and longed for, the thing ever dreamed about? Or do you spend your time thinking about the things that have happened, and how they could have been, or should have been or might have been if only this or that thing may have happened? Maybe it is just where I am, in the middle of this thing called known life. Now mind you I am not admitting to any type of midlife mayhem. but I am saying that given all normal projections, I am somewhere near the middle of the teeter totter of life. I long to enjoy the moments. The very time that I am having right now. I spend much of my time thinking about what has been, and even more of my time about what could be. And yes even at times I may allow some great moments of now slip by looking at both ends of life. I want to be a Now Man. I am not saying cast off all know self controls and be a yes man, and embrace everything there is under the sun. What I am saying however, is to enjoy and love and embrace each moment fully. I am given today. I have now in my grasp. I can not go back and rewrite history, I am not promised tomorrow, I only have for certainty - now. I came across a great quote, it has been in my mind this week. Here you go . . .

"Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending."

Well, have a wonderful day. I love you all, send me some love. Peace

Saturday, June 27, 2009


Originally uploaded by huskiebear

Do you ever feel this way??

Friday, June 26, 2009

Done with Text Books . . .

Worked this week, extra, bar coding text books at the High School. 26 hours of work that will be spent with my boys on a trip to TN this summer. What a blessing. OK weighing in also on Michael Jackson, I am sad. Death happens and it sucks. That is my thoughts on that. So, for me summer starts today. Monalisa got new struts, you should see her now . . . I look forward to this summer and the opportunities that lay ahead. Peace

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The things we want . . .

Why is it the things that we do not have and yet want - creates some of our greatest struggles? Now, the thing does not have to be a physical tangible thing . . . It could be an Idea, or a desire as well. Here you go - the modern advertisement industry is out to make us completely miserable with what we currently have. Yes, take the cell phone industry. Today's new model is tomorrows ghetto trash (no disrespect to the ghetto). Or at least that is what I am told when I pull my phone out and use it. Guess what it still works good, however I can not connect to the net, and no I do not have the ability to have an app for that. But I do have the nations largest network standing with me. What happens when there is a goal you want to attain, lets say, a weight goal that continues to allude you. Why is it that this thing becomes the one thing that you focus on during the day. I tell you sometimes we can allow the things we do not have, become the main focus of our lives and then we loose sight of all the wonderful things that are around us. Look - when we spend our time focus on what we are lacking, it is taking up all the time we could be using in enjoyment of what we do have. I know this is full, and maybe even confusing. But I know it has happened to me along this road called life. I am such a blessed man, I must find joy in my blessing and not focus on what I feel is lacking . . . Wow, Peace

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am here today . . .

Today - I love today. actually, I love every today. today is the last full today of this school year. Four Years of today's with the students I have been working with - I am sad. I may never see some of these students again in my lifetime. That is the nature of my Job. Walking and talking with kids for moments in their lives. I must say that my life has been impacted by my relationships with students over these past 11 years. I can not tell you all the students I have met in the course of these years. Wow, it is amazing. Look at this, I am blogging because of one student. I think of students who have looked me up on facebook just to say HI. I think of all the students I was able to reconnect with in a moment at the line of Busch's Market. Sometimes in my life when I have a quiet moment I may feel like I am not having much of an impact on my world, but I know my world is being impacted by those around me. I am blessed. Peace

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Get your JUMP on!!!!

Get your JUMP on!!!! day 195
Originally uploaded by CLearly Novice

I love this photo I found. I love the color and the balloons . . . Have a wonderful day . . . Peace

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rule Breaker ? ? ?

Conformity - is that the goal? Do we all come out the same if we go through the same system? You know, "all men are created equal" or something like that. But does that mean we are all the same. How about individuals. We are each unique and wonderful and add a flair of color to our world that no other person adds. Someone said to me the other day that they were a rule follower, and that I was opposite of them. I love this person, she is a blessing and a joy to be around. However, her comment about us being different and her being a rule follower got me to thinking. I am talking like 2 hour of my day. If you are not a rule keeper, does that make you a rule breaker? I do not like to think of myself as a rule breaker. I do not know, it just does not fit into how I see myself. Inside I want to fit in and go with the flow, however I am kinda a rule bender if you will. Is it possible to be a rule bender, without breaking the rule? I do not know. OK, you know when you go to the mall, and you use the escalators - the rule is no strollers on escalators, well, I would just hold the stroller onto the escalator and go up. My wife would want to go and find the elevator, but I would say, hey are the escalator police around, then lets go . . . I know lame example, but it is what I could think of. How do you see yourself? are you a rule keeper? are you a rule breaker? or do you find yourself with me kinda a rule bender? Peace

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Today is today . . .


I welcome you here to my little blog. I am reading a wonderful book, actually two books. The first one is called The Shack. I have enjoyed this book thus far. I know many people have read this book and have enjoyed it. I have enjoyed the fact that this book has stretched me theologically. I know God is at work in my life. It is not only about knowing the truth, it is also about living out the truth in your daily life. I am also reading and leading a group through a book called The Blue Parakeet. This book is also stretching me out in many ways. I have been encouraged in my walk with God through both of these books. I have been in need of renewed encouragement these past few months. I am blessed and I want to share that blessing with you. Peace

Monday, May 18, 2009

Balloons on Sunday

Balloons on Sunday
Originally uploaded by kenzie in cursive

I found this photo on flickr. I love the colors. They are bright and happy. I trust you are having a great day today. Peace

Thursday, May 7, 2009

We All Need A Reason to..

We All Need A Reason to..
Originally uploaded by stacymagallon

I love this balloon photo. I am only at Busch's two more days. I will be sad to leave so many wonderful friends, though I will still see them around. However, I believe great things are coming. Peace

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Days about done . . .

My days as a Busch's employee are coming to an end. I have been there for 15 months. I am amazed at all the things I have learned and all the wonderful people I have meet over these past months. Bottom line, I am tired. My body hurts at the end of each shift, and it is just time to move on. No ill will, and leaving in good terms with a great company. A Michigan Company to boot. This is but a short blog, but I await the wonderful adventure that will begin in the absence of Busch's. Peace