Friday, October 31, 2008

Nanowrimo . . . I take the challenge

Well, here we go. I do not know how my idea will fit into the Novel Idea, I will have to create a fictional character, that will be me. I am going to write on a challenge that I never followed through on, which is to write about 1000 things I am thankful for. So here we go. And yes, Sam, you can say you talked me into taking the challenge. You know for only knowing you for a year, you have encouraged me to try some new things. Thank you for your encouragement. I look forward to the next month. Peace

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Less than a week, and no worries . . .

That is right, the American political election is only days away, and there is no reason to worry. It is not about what political party is in control. Is there actually any political party that is ever in control. Civilizations come and go, just look at history. Are we left without hope in this world. Will America be here forever, just like the Greeks and the Romans? We are in this time, right now. America has been an ongoing experiment. We have learned something new each step of the way.

What does it mean to embrace Change? I believe we must change or die. We must be ever growing and expanding or we cease to exist. However, there are many sides to change. There are changes for the better, and then there are changes for the sake of change, not taking into account the consequences of that change. I believe we as individuals must count the cost of the change before we embrace the "Change". Change will come, but are we ready for that change, time will tell.

There is no need to worry, why? Because God is in control. I know you may not buy the entire God thing, then I encourage you to go ahead an worry, and enjoy your panic and ulcers. The Bible tells me to rest in God. To seek him. Look at the lords Prayer. I mean really look at it. What kind of World would we have if we followed Jesus example in real life. Peace

OK, now on to the worries part. We are a society that is driven by fear, or worry, or at least that is what is portrayed on the national news media. There is no need to fret or worry, regardless of what political wind blows through next weeks elections. What causes you to fear? I will have to think about the things that cause me fear as well.

Monday, October 27, 2008

On my mind . . .

Many things are on my mind at this time, but the Election is at the forefront of many thoughts. I have not struggled internally with my choice as it comes to the vote as I have with this election. In some ways, I know I only have one voice out of maybe 180,000,000 people who are registered to vote in America. I wish I could say that McCain/Palin are the ones, but I am not strong on them. I do however feel that Obama/Biden are not the ones for America. So, what are my options. I could write myself in as a candidate. I could also vote for Chuck Baldwin form the Constitution Party, of Bob Barr from the Libertarian Party, or Cynthia McKinney from the Green party, or for Ralph Nader of the Independent Party. However, I feel a vote for anyone other than McCain would be a vote for Obama. Do not get me wrong, I think Obama is a smart individual, who is well educated. I like the fact that he seems to be a strong family man as well. I can understand why many people are drawn to his Charisma. I like Obama as an individual, I just do not feel his plan is the best for America. I still do not know who he is really. His associates have said more about who he really is than what I have seen of him. You know, birds of a feather flock together. I am in much prayer for myself, and our country. Peace

Friday, October 24, 2008

Who is Barak Obama ? ? ?

Here is an interesting article by Cal Thomas I am challenged to think about who we will have in the house and the idology that will prevail. I am looking forward to the election. It is my prayer that people get out of their houses and go vote. Peace

PrO-bama ? ? ?

I stumbled across this link . It was a worthy read. In an earlier post I talked about the pro -abortion stance of Obama. In this article the author, Frank Shaffer, son of philosopher Francis Shaffer, writes about Obama's desire to raise the value of all life. I agree with Frank that there is a need to raise the overall value of Life in America. Just look at all the killing that is going on daily. I also agree that we are not only consumers in this world. However, I do not agree with the socialist views of spreading the wealth. We do need to recreate a culture of Life that is good, but we can not do it while we are in the closet destroying life, even in a partial birth abortion setting.

I am challenged to think outside the box . . . Peace

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

What matters most ? ? ?

OK, maybe it is just me, but today I am deeply introspective. What matters? actually What matters Most? I love life, and I love my life. But I feel lost many times. Lost in the way of life if you will. Am I doing what I am suppose to be doing? Am I being who I am suppose to be? I just want to be. Is it possible that "to be" is a goal? So what matters most?

Family. Love. Peace. Love. God. Me on the inside. They all matter immensely.

Support . . .

Proverbs 16:33 says "Make your motions and cast your votes, but God has the final say." My earlier post talked about my vote, but not my support. If Obama becomes president, I will support him in Prayer and as a citizen of America support my country knowing that God is in charge.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Innocent . . .

Why I will not vote for Obama . . .I know it may seem simple, and there may be some arguments against other elected politicians. Here it goes, in Proverbs 6:16-19 says . . . "Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion: eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family. " (the Message) The line that causes me the greatest trouble with Obama and our country is our unwillingness to see life for what it is - Valuable to God. We want to save trees, whales, frogs and flies, but when we here of a woman and a man who willingly have sex without the commitment of marriage and the natural result of "LIFE" occurs we say it is the "very Personal choice of the woman". My heart is anguished when a woman is violated and wronged by a man (rape and incest). But look with me at what the verse says - God hates hands that murder the innocent. What did the child ever do? Would you not say that the unborn child is "innocent" ? I also do not want to condemn any woman who has made the "choice" - God is willing to forgive the repentant heart fully. However, as a country we continue down a road that supports the shedding of innocent blood. It is time that we look at this thing for what it is - Murder, nothing short . . . This is one reason I will not be able to support Obama in just a few days. I am not saying that McCain will be the answer. I am just saying he will not go so far as Obama is willing to go in shedding the blood of the innocent . . . Peace

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Today is wedding day . . .

Wow, it is already October 18th. In just a few hours I will be conducting a wedding for a couple of students who were in my youth group. I am very excited to be a part of their special day. I have the entire wedding all planned, at least the part that is my responsibility. Marriage, what do you think about it? It is the most wonderful and at time the most challenging thing I have ever been a part of in my life. Look, whenever you put two different people into one box on some street and they begin to live together, it is going to be quite interesting. Is it possible to actually know someone before you get married to them - by married I mean committed and possessed by the other partner. That sounds a little strange, I know, but there is something that happens when two people get married that is never able to be replicated in any other fashion before marriage. I do not know how to fully explain it, but it is real. I am excited about today, and I pray for this young couple as they start off this journey of their life. Got to go to a soccer game. Peace

Thursday, October 9, 2008

What do you think . . .

You know, I believe religion has given Jesus a bad name. Religion, the way I see it, seeks to chang a person on the outside, and Jesus seeks to transform a person from the inside out. It is sad that many religions say they support and want to point people to the Savior of the world tends to alienate those who need to hear the Truth of the Gospel. The gospel is good news. Jesus is the way for man to come to God and gain a right relationship with the Creator. It is all good. The bad news is that many people are blinded by religion or their frustration with religion to see the Goodness of Gods gift of Jesus. God does care what you believe, he does care what you do, to put it on the bottom line, God cares about you, warts and all. Not only does he care about you. He loves you regardless of weather you love him back. The bible in Romans 5 tells us this truth. I do not know where you are. I want you to know the truth, The truth is - God loves you. The bible is his letter to you. It is for you to learn the best possible way to live. I encourage you to read Proverbs and to read James. I am thinking about you all today. Peace

Monday, October 6, 2008

Just ordinary . . .

I am just a simple man. I am ordinary. What is so special about being ordinary? I often wonder will I ever be extraordinary, or as one person put it "top drawer". I love the people that are top drawer don't get me wrong. But why do we place so much emphasis on the top drawer. I see myself as another drawer. Lets say there is an entire chest of drawers. I am like the third or fourth drawer. I am just average. I am OK with average. I have no problem with who I am. OK, well maybe I have not made full peace with being average. I am a deep person, with many thoughts and concerns. I see value in being the best average person I can be. I want to be extraordinarily average. Would that make me something different? I do not know how to resolve these thoughts in my head. I know "welcome to my head" . I am 42 years old. I am in a tight place in life, but I am at peace. I am thankful to be learning and growing even in this new place. Married 20 years, kids, house, dog, cars. I just do not know. What am I? Who am I? Am I who I am suppose to be? Why am I? I know, too many questions. I am not in a mode of pity or "oh me", I am just - I do not know - not lost but not sure. Does that make sense? The possibility of Peace in the midst of, I just do not know. I long to belong. I long to know why I am me. It is odd. Well, how do you end this type of thing? I love me, I love life, I love God and am thankful that He loves me. I am loved by others. I am blessed. Wow, who knew this is in me? Peace

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Connection . . .

You know it is amazing. Really, I mean it. The connection that humans have. The power of words and thoughts that are shared between us. They can build us and make us able to take on the challenges that lie ahead. I am thankful for all my connections to folks around this world and in my world. I love you all. Thank you. Peace

Pressed is good . . .

Life has a way of teaching us things we may not want to learn. I am in one of those times. To be disciplined is a great thing, but the life of non discipline has proven to place me where I am presently. To move from here to there, there will have to be a plan in place, and it will have to be followed. I heard yesterday that "Failing to plan, is planning to fail" . I do not want to continue in the way that I have been. W. L. Bateman said "If you keep on doing what you've always done, you'll keep on getting what you've always got." I have got to embrace discipline in my life. Peace (Photo from )