Monday, May 7, 2012

Shallow Thoughts . . .

My mind is a whirl wind today. I am not sure what has created this mental dust bowl, I only know it is here. Just as the world experiences weather patterns that vary from day to day. I experience similar things inside my heart and soul.
Things currently on my mind:
My daughter is graduating from high school in less than a month. This reality does not even seem to be in the realm of possibility, but here we are only moments away from another major life event. My head has been all over the map with this event.
My debt has been on my mind. I must learn to live within my means. When I was young and foolish, I chose immediate gratification instead of wait earn and the buy. I have made my own bed and it is difficult finding rest in this mess. Yes, I must admit, we still have a major student loan debt that continues to grow. I must do something different. I have tools and knowledge but lack motivation and discipline. That is just lame. And I am ready for a change. I will say this to all who will listen. Do not choose the way of debt. It only leads to slavery.
I desire to be Godly in this age. I want to walk with God each day and make the truth of the Gospel real in my world. I begin in my own house. I have not always been a good example before my wife and children. For this at times I feel pain and remorse. I must find myself before the throne of God resting in His grace, mercy and forgiveness. I am blessed by God and I am thankful.
Well, there you go, a few raw thoughts on this rainy day!

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