Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The things we want . . .

Why is it the things that we do not have and yet want - creates some of our greatest struggles? Now, the thing does not have to be a physical tangible thing . . . It could be an Idea, or a desire as well. Here you go - the modern advertisement industry is out to make us completely miserable with what we currently have. Yes, take the cell phone industry. Today's new model is tomorrows ghetto trash (no disrespect to the ghetto). Or at least that is what I am told when I pull my phone out and use it. Guess what it still works good, however I can not connect to the net, and no I do not have the ability to have an app for that. But I do have the nations largest network standing with me. What happens when there is a goal you want to attain, lets say, a weight goal that continues to allude you. Why is it that this thing becomes the one thing that you focus on during the day. I tell you sometimes we can allow the things we do not have, become the main focus of our lives and then we loose sight of all the wonderful things that are around us. Look - when we spend our time focus on what we are lacking, it is taking up all the time we could be using in enjoyment of what we do have. I know this is full, and maybe even confusing. But I know it has happened to me along this road called life. I am such a blessed man, I must find joy in my blessing and not focus on what I feel is lacking . . . Wow, Peace

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