Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Clutter Kills . . .

Today . . . I was encouraged by my pastor - just a real man struggling to make it today - Chris and this weekends message Clarifying our Values. I am learning so much about my daily walk with Jesus, among my family, friends and the world. God spoke to me this weekend about my need to be faithful with the things that are in my life and in my control today. If you have time, I encourage you to give Chris a listen. May your heart be encouraged.

I am tired of all the stuff, just stuff that is crowding my life. What is it about stuff, and not being able to let go of stuff you have not moved in years. I am going through my library. I have many, many books. They looked good on my shelf at home, but now they are in boxes in my basement. I am going to donate many of them to a local Biblical Seminary. It is my hope that others will be encouraged by the books I have been hoarding in boxes in my basement. It just does not make sense. I have stuff that has been sitting in my office for over a year. I need to use prudence and purge some of the stuff that is choking my life. I want to embrace a simpler life or way of living. How much stuff can I accumulate until I just have too much stuff. Have you ever heard of Madam Blueberry - she is a veggie tail. Here you go: she ended up having so much stuff that her house collapsed. Clutter Kills is a mantra that I will embrace in this new year of FITNESS. We are just a few days into this year and the daily struggle is on full blast. You know, most of this FITNESS thing is really just mind and decision driven. I have to make a choice to do something different. I have to embrace the choice of movement. It is a mental challenge. I always feel better after I make a decision to be proactive.

I know I am rambling. Have a wonderful day. Peace


Samantha said...

Good luck. Those are things that we all struggle with.

Tree said...

I have heard that, but mine shows . . . You seen me lately? Peace