Monday, January 11, 2010

It is cold outside . . .

It has been cold out here in the mitten state . . . I know it is colder other places around the world, but I do not live other places . . . I live here. How do you learn to see things from someone else's perspective, when you life in your body? It seems like I can only see things from my perspective. It appears selfish as I type this though out into words. I am not saying I can not place myself into someone else's shoes, but I still see what ever the situation is from my perspective and life experiences . . . I come preloaded with my own set of ideas about life and views of how things are, that is what I mean by my perspective. I have a desire to become a better listener. There is a discipline for you. I have heard it said we have been given two ears and one mouth, so we should learn to listen twice as much as we speak. I want to be an active listener . . . I seek to understand what is being said. Now on to more fun . . . Marriage is like no other relationship in the world. First for me it starts with the Commitment for life, no not a life sentence, but a relationship that last a lifetime. That is where I hope to be. It is a relationship of exclusion or it should be none the less, hence the rise of Cheaters on the TV. There is no other relationship quite like it, unless you practice in polygamy, then that is a totally different blog. But really, what other relationship is bound by so many energies that press in on it? Think of it like this . . . when you go to work, there may be people you do not like or want to be with, but it is only for a few hours a week. And yes, you keep your cool even when you may want to punch them out. But look at this, when you are in a life long relationship, things have a tendency to build up, carry over and become part of everything. So when you may be talking, there is all this history that is always there. Thing said or done in the past that may or may not really relate to what is going on today. They may be past hurts, resentments, angers or what ever. Marriage is work. Listening is work. Listening without carrying any thing from the past takes work. I want to work to become a better man, husband, dad, employee, or what ever I do . . . OK, I am thankful for your time. Have a wonderful day. Peace . . .

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