Monday, October 29, 2012

Living with assumed thankfulness . . .

Learning in life is a wonderful joy. I am blessed by being in the world - Parent - and now being taught about teenagers. When my kids were first born I did everything for them. I worked and lived to care for every need they had. I even cleaned their nasty dirty diapers. I did all these things never once needing the "thank you". However, now, I desire appreciation. I want an acknowledgement of thanks. When I do not feel as if I am appreciated for going out of my way to make my teenagers lives better, I feel angry. I am frustrated by this disrespect. Wait one moment here, when I was feeding, caring and cleaning this child, I assumed they were thankful and that was good enough. Now, today, I desire a word to express thanks or I see this absence as disrespect. Today, I need to embrace assumed thankfulness on the part of my teenage children at time and allow them to continue to grow. I do believe my kids are thankful. It is time for me to get over some stupid stuff that I struggle with and let my kids continue to grow. I am a blessed and thankful parent. I must allow KINDNESS rule! Peace!

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