Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Well, it happens . . .

I wonder at times why some things happen. This morning one of my students did not ride the bus. When this student is absent, it is my job to inform one of his teachers. I found this information out in an unfortunate email as a "reminder" sent to many folks including our supervisor. What made this email unfortunate is the teacher never minded to inform us in the first place. This email frustrated me, I will not lie. I was a touch hot. Justified in my own eyes or not, I hate this feeling. Well, as the days progress the student was again absent. I went to inform his teacher, following the "reminder", to which she replied she already knew. So I went on with my day. So, again today the student is not here. I was talking to some folks I work closely with about my frustration at following through and not receiving any thanks or any acknowledgment of doing right. No simple thank you for the information. This feeling of a lack of common respect is frustrating. Well, as I was sharing my frustration, I happened to see the teacher I was frustrated with come out of the room down the hallway from where I was. Now, I must tell you that I am loud and my voice carries. So. I am somewhat positive she may have heard me. I will also admit this teacher is difficult for me to talk to. Her personality to me is condescending and dismissive. I know this is my issue and I have to learn to live with these feelings in a positive way. Scripture tells me first off consider my own offensiveness or plank in the eye before I try to help or fix someone else. Also, it teaches me to forgive others their offenses as I would want forgiveness. It also teaches me to pray for those that appear to be doing me wrong. What about the teachers feelings? Maybe she is praying for me because I have done her wrong. Maybe she is praying that I would not be so self centered and see the bigger picture. I have so much to learn about walking Godly in this present age. I live my life with the false belief that I am never wrong. Now that is some of the most faulty thinking I have ever heard. I desire to live Godly today, this moment and among all men. I have so much to learn. I now stop and ask the Holy Spirit to turn my self-righteousness into God honoring holiness. Thank you for allowing me to use this blog as a confessional booth. It is my prayer that my foolishness will be an opportunity for others as well as myself to learn and grow. Peace

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