Saturday, October 18, 2008

Today is wedding day . . .

Wow, it is already October 18th. In just a few hours I will be conducting a wedding for a couple of students who were in my youth group. I am very excited to be a part of their special day. I have the entire wedding all planned, at least the part that is my responsibility. Marriage, what do you think about it? It is the most wonderful and at time the most challenging thing I have ever been a part of in my life. Look, whenever you put two different people into one box on some street and they begin to live together, it is going to be quite interesting. Is it possible to actually know someone before you get married to them - by married I mean committed and possessed by the other partner. That sounds a little strange, I know, but there is something that happens when two people get married that is never able to be replicated in any other fashion before marriage. I do not know how to fully explain it, but it is real. I am excited about today, and I pray for this young couple as they start off this journey of their life. Got to go to a soccer game. Peace

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