Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Innocent . . .

Why I will not vote for Obama . . .I know it may seem simple, and there may be some arguments against other elected politicians. Here it goes, in Proverbs 6:16-19 says . . . "Here are six things God hates, and one more that he loathes with a passion: eyes that are arrogant, a tongue that lies, hands that murder the innocent, a heart that hatches evil plots, feet that race down a wicked track, a mouth that lies under oath, a troublemaker in the family. " (the Message) The line that causes me the greatest trouble with Obama and our country is our unwillingness to see life for what it is - Valuable to God. We want to save trees, whales, frogs and flies, but when we here of a woman and a man who willingly have sex without the commitment of marriage and the natural result of "LIFE" occurs we say it is the "very Personal choice of the woman". My heart is anguished when a woman is violated and wronged by a man (rape and incest). But look with me at what the verse says - God hates hands that murder the innocent. What did the child ever do? Would you not say that the unborn child is "innocent" ? I also do not want to condemn any woman who has made the "choice" - God is willing to forgive the repentant heart fully. However, as a country we continue down a road that supports the shedding of innocent blood. It is time that we look at this thing for what it is - Murder, nothing short . . . This is one reason I will not be able to support Obama in just a few days. I am not saying that McCain will be the answer. I am just saying he will not go so far as Obama is willing to go in shedding the blood of the innocent . . . Peace


chloe marie said...

Exactly what I think.
That's one of the biggest things about Obama that I can't handle. His pro-abortion at any time along the pregnancy stance. It's not only disgusting, but shows how much he values human life. You do not refer to a child as a 'mass of cells' when you get pregnant, you refer to them as 'I'm pregnant with a child'.
Not only can Abortion be dangerous and traumatizing, but it is murder, and if Obama would be ruthless enough to not care about the unborn future of our country (If our country has a future, seeing as it's going to be taken over by either terrorism or China) then what makes him care about the present?

I'll start saving trees when they start saving babies.

-Chloe K.

Tree said...

I hear you there. How can we be about trees, whales, mice, birds, and cast off our offspring as a nation. This does not make sense. Unborn childern need to be placed on the endangered species act. Peace