Thursday, December 20, 2007

Snow has beauty . . .

Today, and tomorrow. That is all that is left of the school for this year 2007. After Friday, I will not see my students until next year. That is so strange. Next Year. It seems just so far away. It is not this year, it is NEXT YEAR. The amazing thing is though, only a moment separates this year from next year. Does it happen in a blink, or a tick of the clock. What is it that makes next year seem so, well next year?? Once we are in 2008, will we look back at the near past and call it Last Year. Like Last Year I was so and so, Or last year I did this or that. It is nice to start a year out clean. The entire new years resolutions thing. Where do you go with that?? I work to better myself at each new year. Believe it or not, this will be my 41st celebration of a new year. I always want to be a better person, a better husband, a better dad, a better teacher, a better citizen, a better son, a better brother, a better man, a better human, a better driver, a better follower of Jesus. I always strive to do my best, even at times when I am just sitting around the house doing nothing. I want to be the best nothing doer. Ha-ha. Now that makes me laugh. But I am not always the best. Many times I mess up and give something less than my best. I use to allow those times to really bum me out, but not any more. I was wasting time feeling bad for not doing the best in a certain thing that I would not do my best on the next several things. So I decided that I would do my best, and if it ended up being something not that good, I would get up and learn from my mistake and move forward and do my better best. That is enough on this best thing. I hope to always improve in my life. Improvement to me is learning and growing from each step or mistake. Sometimes I am flying forward at an incredible rate, and at other times I am getting up over and over again.

I love snow, You know it happens. I know that it doesn't just happen. I know that there are certain requirements in order for snow to happen, but when it happens it is awesome. You know how snow covers everything and makes it look beautiful?? I love the picture that we are given in Isaiah 1:18 - 20 where it says: 18 "Come now, let us reason together," says the LORD. "Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red as crimson, they shall be like wool. 19 If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the best from the land; 20 but if you resist and rebel, you will be devoured by the sword." For the mouth of the LORD has spoken. (NIV) Now you may say, that is harsh. Think about it for a moment. anything that is first covered by snow looks beautiful. Many, very ugly things are beautiful with a blanket of white covering them. The questions comes in when we begin to wonder what it means to be willing and obedient?? I love the fact that God offers Grace and Mercy. He knows we will not always be the BEST. He knows that we will not be able to be perfect, we can not always be the best. I challenge me to think about what it means to obey God, to follow him in willing obedience. and know Snow is beautiful.


Anonymous said...

What a touching post, and everything that I needed to hear right now. It can be so hard to remember that good things will come, that God wants us to prosper and do well, especially when things seem so bad right now. Well, I have been using some uglier words to describe things lately (haha)! I am so glad I chanced upon your blog this year. It is one of the gifts that have come my way in 2007.

Tree said...

Krista, Just keep walking and growing each day. I am praying for you today. Take your break, and rest. Enjoy your famil this Christmas. Have fun, relax and enjoy the moments. Peace. Thanks for your posts as well.