Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Today . . .

I am in seminar right now. Things are going well. I only worked half the day yesterday. I had a meeting at the middle school during the morning. It was nice to sleep in till 8 am. I know does not sound like sleeping in, but it was still nice. I was up late last night talking with a friend and being an ear for them. Life. It is amazing the twists and turns it takes along the way. The phrase - never a dull moment - applies fully. When life is good, it is good, I mean really good. How do we develop an attitude that all of life is good. The high points and the low points. Is it possible? Are there parts of life that are to be endured, and the only positive is the lessons that are learned? How about the great depression?? I know that was not a fun time to live through for many people. But was life not good then? Is the absence of good, only connected to the means you have at the time? Mainly Money?? I do not believe that things make me happy, but I am happy when I get things, does that make sense?? I do not want anything, actually I want to get rid of some things. By things I mean physical possessions. I do want things that are not measured by money. I want the peace that comes from being free of financial debt. I want the joy that comes by having great friendships. I want peace in my soul. I want things that are measured by the heart. Does that make sense? I know when the end of life comes, the stuff I had will not matter, but the relationships will be the most valuable. I want the stuff that matters most.

What is it about the power of a hug? See the emotion in that photo. Just two friends embracing. It is an acceptance. A communication without words. It is powerful. Some days we all just need a hug. Even if you are not one who likes to be touched, a hug is nice. Interesting blog I found about hugs . . . http://thebookguardian.blogspot.com/2007/08/hugs.html and in that blog they had a link to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hug . Wow, learn something new every day. A hug is also a sign of trust. Did you know that. I love to hug. It is nice. But as the blogger indicated, hugs from strangers can at times be creepy. I can see that. It was nice, before work this morning, as both my wife and I were tired and not ready to face the day. We just spent a moment to embrace. A Hug. It was a blessing.

I have to get to class now. Have a wonderful today. Enjoy life,hug a friend. Peace.

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