Friday, November 2, 2007

The Blood Blog . . .

Today . . . I did something I thought I would not be able to do again. I gave blood to the Red Cross. It was not as bad as I thought. Well, let me share my story with you. Once upon a time, long long ago - I gave blood on a regular basis to the Red Cross in Virginia. It was no big deal, about every eight weeks or so I would stop by and make a pint donation. Then one time, while I was making a deposit, I passed out and a 90 year old lady caught me and rushed me over to a cot and brought me back to life. I was a little embarrassed. A big strapping guy like myself passing out on an old lady. I have used that experience as a lame excuse to keep me from giving blood for the past 10 years. So today, I faced my fears head on. I gave a pint, and I feel good. I like to help others, even when I may never know who I help. What have you done today to help out your fellow man? Keep your eyes open for ways you can help, and remember your nearest neighbor is your Family.


Samantha said...

That takes guts. Whenever I get blood drawn, they take it from my left arm, and i'm left handed, which makes things a little annoying. Maybe the emergency lockdown is because of some dude who put a Saw 3 picture on his blog.

DragonustX said...

OKAY?? LOL?? ROFL?? IDK its kinda a creepy pic but funny all the same. I haven't seen the movie either but i heard it was gross. and congrat s on getting blod drawn. i've never had blood drawn before so congrats to u TIMMY.